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Town of Clark's Harbour : Town Minutes - September, 2019Below you will find this year's Town Minutes. Please note that the most recent is at the top and the oldest one at the bottom. Each set of minutes are separated by a horiztonal line. 2175 Special Council September 12, 2019 A Special Council meeting was called to order by Mayor Leigh Stoddart at 10am with Councillors Rex Stoddard, Cara Newell, Trudy Quinlan, and Russell Atkinson present. Councillor Baker and Councillor Link were unable to attend. Additions to the Agenda Veterans Banners Cenotaph Lift Station #5 Approval Of the Agenda: It was moved by Councillor Stoddard and Seconded by Councillor Quinlan that the agenda be approved as circulated. Motion carried. New Business: Ballfield Back Stop: The current backstop at the ballpark is broken and no longer safe so it has been taken down. Discussion was held as to what kind of backstop will be put back to replace the old one and how the base will be made and the distance from home plate the backstop will be placed. Mayor Leigh will meet with CHAMBA and get feedback about what they would like to have for a base and also discuss looking for recreational grants to help fund the project. Doug and Daughter are able to build a new one. It was moved by Councillor Quinlan and Seconded by Councillor Newell that Doug and Daughter Welding Ltd build a new aluminum backstop and Leigh will get prices for walls vs posts for the base of the backstop. Motion carried. Change to EFT and Debit Machine: The Clerk asked permission from council to start to process paycheques by Electronic Funds Transfer and eventually be able to get some local vendors paid that way as well. This will save processing fees and costs of issuing cheques. Also it was requested that a debit machine be installed at the Town Hall for Citizens to be able to pay their taxes by debit. It was moved by Councillor Stoddard and seconded by Councillor Quinlan that the process for issuing paycheques be changed to EFT and that a debit machine be installed to accept tax payments. Motion Carried. 2176 Additions to the Agenda: Veterans Banners: There were some Veterans banners that were destroyed during Hurricane Dorian that were up for The 100 year Anniversary. It was moved by Councillor Atkinson and seconded by Councillor Newell that the Town would pay half of the cost to replace the banners that were up for the 100 year anniversary. Motion carried. Cenotaph Grounds : It was noticed that one of the posts with the stone work has been damaged at the Cenotaph. It was moved by Councillor Atkinson and seconded by Councillor Stoddard that it should be fixed before November 11th Ceremony. The clerk was asked to contact a brick layer to see if he could do the work. Motion carried. Lift Station #5: Lift station #5 is only operating with 1 pump at the present time and Doug and Daughter Welding Ltd are having problems with the toilet flushing. It was moved by Councillor Stoddard and seconded by Councillor Atkinson that a portable toilet be put by the Town for Doug and Daugthers Welding shop to use until the pump station is fully fixed. Motion Carried. As there was no further Business it was moved by Councillor Stoddard at 11 am the meeting be adjourned. ___________________________ ___________________________ Mayor Town Clerk 2171 Regular Session Town Council September 4, 2019 The Regular Session of Town Council was called to order by Deputy Mayor Trudy Quinlan at 6:58 pm with Councillor Stoddard, Councillor Baker, Councillor Link, Councillor Atkinson, and Councillor Newell in attendance. ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA: Dog -Update APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA: It was moved by Councillor Stoddard, seconded by Councillor Baker to approve the agenda as circulated. Motion carried. APPROVAL OF THE PREVIOUS MINUTES: It was moved by Councillor Newell and seconded by Councillor Link to approve the previous minutes. Motion Carried APPOINTMENTS: No Appointments MATTERS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES: There were no matters from the Previous Minutes 2172 REPORTS Streets, Sewers and Unsightly Premises: Report was presented to Council and discussed. One concern from the report was the steel wall separating the Clarifier and the Aerator is in need of repair or replacement. It was moved by Councillor Baker and seconded by Councillor Link that a quote be obtained from the welding shop for coat of the repairs and the Clerk contact Councillors via E-mail about the costs. Motion carried Recreation: Some of the new equipment for the playground has arrived and been placed in the play area. Building Inspectors Report: Two reports were received: July 2019- 3 Permits Issued $30,000 total August 2019- 4 Permits issued $125,350 Total Mayor/Councillors: Councillors Quinlan and Councillor Link reported information on the most recent meetings they attended. CORRESPONDENCE: Accessibility Work Shop: A letter was received AMANS notifying Municipalities and Towns of a training Workshops on Accessibility. Councillor Link confirmed that she is able to attend on behalf of the Town of Clark’s harbour. 2173 Ad in Vanguard: A letter was received from the Tri County Vanguard asking if The Town of Clark’s Harbour wanted to put a page ad about fire prevention week. It was moved by Councillor Stoddard and seconded by Councillor Newell that we follow last year’s Protocol. Motion Carried Thank You Letter: A thank you letter was received and read to Council from The Barrington Exhibition for The Town of Clark’s Harbours Support to this years Exhibition. NEW BUSINESS: Emo Meeting: A reminder was given to Council EMO committee about the Next Meeting on Sept 26 7pm in Barrington Meeting Chambers . RBC Meeting: Permission was asked of Council by the Clerk to have the Accessibility of online Banking payments be broadened to cover more than only RBC Clients. It was moved by Councillor Baker and seconded by Councillor Link that the Clerk be able to look into and change the ability to accept transfers from other financial institutions for paying taxes providing there wasn’t a significant charge to do so. Motion Carried Oil Tank at STP: It was noted by Irving oil that the current oil barrel at the sewer treatment plant was in need of replacement because of rust and not able to be refilled. It was moved by Councillor Baker and seconded by Councillor Newell that Locke Smith be contacted to replace the oil Tank when this one is empty enough to do so. Motion carried 2174 Personnel Issue: It was moved by councillor Stoddard and seconded by Councillor Atkinson that Council enter into an in camera session at 8:05pm. Motion Carried. It was moved by councillor Stoddard and seconded by Councillor Atkinson that Council adjourn from an In Camera session at 8:25pm. Motion Carried. It was moved by councillor Stoddard and Seconded by Councillor Newell that DMA be contacted for a training session. Motion Carried. Additions to the Agenda Mason Landry Dog: An update was given to council by the Clerk on recent communications from the Lawyers in dealing with the Pit- Bull issue. It was moved by Councillor Stoddard and seconded by Councillor Atkinson that a DNA re-test be conducted on Mason’s dog, with a witness from the Town of Clark’s Harbour present and the test be performed by a qualified professional on neutral territory, preferably by a Veterinarian at an animal hospital and result be sent out to both parties simultaneously. Motion Carried. As there was no further business it was moved by Councillor Baker the meeting be adjourned at 8:30 pm. Motion carried. |
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