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Town of Clark's Harbour : Town Minutes - September, 2018Below you will find this year's Town Minutes. Please note that the most recent is at the top and the oldest one at the bottom. Each set of minutes are separated by a horiztonal line. Special Town Council Meeting—Town Clark’s Harbour—Sept 12th 2018-10:00am Meeting was called to order by Mayor Stoddart Present were Councillors—Stoddard---Quinlan—Link—Atkinson Absent were Councillors----Baker----Atkinson (Cara) Moved by Councillor Stoddard and seconded by D. Mayor Quinlan to approve the agenda. Motion approved Mayor Stoddart informed Council that Town Clerk—Jennifer Jones was resigning effective Sept.23rd 2018. After some discussion it was moved by D. Mayor Quinlan and seconded by Councillor Atkinson (Russell) that the mayor place an ad in various papers for the position of Town Clerk. Motioned approved. Minutes—Sept. 10th 2018 Special Council meeting Present----Mayor Stoddart-- Councillors—Quinlan—Stoddard—Link and Atkinson Absent-----Councillors----Irene----Cara Motion made by Councillor Quinlan (Trudy) and seconded by Councillor Atkinson (Russell ) to sell the old photocopier to the Lighthouse Players Group for $100. Motion approved. Motion made by Councillor Link ( Louann) and seconded by Councillor Stoddard (Rex) to place an ad in the local paper as well as on our bulletin board and for a worker to replace Curtis Smith (public works)as he will be done as of November 9th 2018. Curtis hasdecided to go to new employment with a local lobster buyer. Motion approved. There being no further business meeting was adjourned at 8:00pm The regular session of Town Council was called to order by Mayor Leigh Stoddart at 645PM, with Councillors Louann Link, Rex Stoddard, Irene Baker, Russell Atkinson & Cara Newell present. Councillor Quinlan absent. Clerk Jennifer Jones absent due to illness. Minutes recorded by Councillor Baker. ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA: a) Fishermen's Memorial Service b) CHAMBA c) Varience Request d) Wellness Expo-We Care group e) Lobster/ Crab dumping f) Pumpkin / Squash Weigh Off g) Personnel Issue It was moved by Councillor Stoddard, seconded by Councillor Atkinson to approve the agenda, as well as the additions circulated. MC It was moved by Councillor Atkinson & seconded by Councillor Stoddard to approve the previous minutes. MC No appointments MATTERS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES: No matters arising. REPORTS: Only reports were from Mayor Stoddart, Councillors Link, & Baker on their various activities since the last meeting. CORRESPONDENCE: a) NSFM- Board Initiatives report, August 24, 2018 Mayor Stoddart shared information to council on this report. b) Municipality Of Barrington- The MOB requested a member from the Town Of Clark's Harbour to be on The Nova Scotia Marathon Committee. It was moved by Councillor Baker & seconded by Councillor Stoddart to appoint Councillor Newell to this committee. MC c) Municipality Of Barrington- The town received a copy of a letter sent to the minister of Fisheries & Oceans by the MOB, in relation to the negative impact of Off Shore Drilling & the MOB opposition to. It was moved by Councillor Link & seconded by Councillor Stoddart that the town of Clark's Harbour also send a letter expressing the same intent as the MOB. MC d) A copy of a letter sent to the Minister of Finance by the NSFM, regarding the new income tax laws for elected officials & a reply was shared with council. Moved by Councillor Baker & seconded by Councillor Newell for the town to write a letter to federal MP Bernadett Jordon, expressing concern & requesting the current 1/3 honorarium Income Tax relief not be changed. MC ( & TO WHOEVER ELSE JENNIFER YOU & LEIGH THINK) NEW BUSINESS: a) Ronald Crowell requested the town pay for the renewal of his Fireworks Operator Certificate. It was moved by Councillor Baker & seconded by Councillor Stoddart to renew the certificate for Mr. Crowell. MC ADDITIONS TO AGENDA: a) Councillor Newell informed council Gary Sears would be willing to speak at the Fisherman's memorial service this September, but Gary thought it would be good practice to ask other ministers on the Island each year, to give everyone an opportunity to be involved. Council asked Mayor Stoddard to look after this & start with Rev. Shaun Hatfield this year. b) CHAMBA FOGGIES 15U REQUEST- Request from Keigan Sears for financial aid, team hosting provincials Sept. 7-9/2018 at Clark's Harbour Ball field. Moved by Councillor Baker & seconded by Councillor Newell to give the team 100.00. MC c) Variance Request - Property *JEN PLEASE FILL IN EXACT NAME* . The new property owners would like a variance to build an outside building. The requested measurements are 10 x 20. Moved by Councillor Atkinson & seconded by Councillor Stoddard to allow the exact variance requested. MC d) We Care Fund Request- Request from Juliann Link. There will be a wellness expo in Barrington Sept 22/18 at the Arena. Mental Health issues, Drug Abuse & awareness & other health related topics will be discussed. Speaker Michael Bull Roberts will be attending. Moved by Councillor Baker & seconded by Councillor Rex Stoddard that 200.00 be given to the We Care Fund for this event. MC e) Dumping of Lobsters- Councillor Newell brought fourth a complaint of dumping of lobsters over the shore, by a Lobster company in the area, near the home of Gary & Lana Sears. This has happened twice over the last few months & has created a bad smell in the area. Mr. sears had contacted The Department Of Enviroment & they suggested he contact council & inform council to also report the dumping to the DOE. Moved by Councillor Stoddard & seconded by councillor Atkinson that Mayor Stoddart contact the company in regards to this dumping. f) Pumpkin / Squash weigh off- Councillor Baker informed council the weigh off would be Sunday October 7, 2PM behind the town Hall. Councillor Baker is organizing this event. g) Personell Matter IN CAMERA SESSION: Moved by Councillor Atkinson & seconded by Councillor Stoddart that council go in camera. Mayor Stoddard informed council he had been approached by Curtis Smith of Public works. Mr. Smith had concerns about his job in relation to being able to take more initiative & work indepenitly on a daily basis with projects he feels needs to be done. There is some possible communication & work issues between Mr. Smith & his supervisor, Mr. Newell. Motioned by Councillor Baker & seconded by Councillor Stoddart that council leave the In camera session. MC Motioned by Councillor Atkinson & seconded by Councillor Link that Mayor Stoddart meet with the two public works employees to gather more information & bring some resolution to this matter. At aprox. 8:30 PM. there being no further business, Councillor Link motioned to adjourn. The next regular meeting of Council will be held October 3, 2018 in Council Chambers of the Town Hall, commencing at 7PM. Minutes Respectfully submitted by Councillor Baker. |
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