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Town of Clark's Harbour : Town Minutes - September, 2016Below you will find this year's Town Minutes. Please note that the most recent is at the top and the oldest one at the bottom. Each set of minutes are separated by a horiztonal line. 1978 Regular Session Town Council September 06, 2016 The Regular Session of Town Council was called to order by Mayor Leigh Stoddart at 7 pm with Councillors Rex Stoddard, Sherry Atkinson, Trudy Quinlan, Irene Baker, Cecil Brannen, and Russell Atkinson present. ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA : Dr. Blair – 35 years of Service Shelb Co Mutual Aid Firefighters Asso Water Issues APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA: It was moved by Councillor Brannen and seconded by Councillor S Atkinson to approve the agenda, as well as the additions, as circulated. Motion carried. APPROVAL OF THE PREVIOUS MINUTES: It was moved by Councillor R Atkinson and seconded by Councillor Brannen to approve the previous minutes. Motion carried. APPOINTMENTS: Georgeann MacDonald – Nurse Practioner: Nurse Practioner, Georgeann MacDonald was present to share her idea with Council of a Town Wide Quit Smoking campaign that she plans on spear heading. In a study she had conducted, this end of the province showed that there was an increase in smokers instead of a decrease and she felt that the programs that are available are obviously not working for this area, so her idea is to do a challenge of sorts. MATTERS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES: a) Refreshment Table/Bluenose II/Date: September 08 2016 at 1pm-7pm 1979 REPORTS Streets, Sewers and Unsightly Premises: The monthly report was read and discussed. Recreation: Councillor Baker reported that the pumpkin weigh off would take place on October 2 2016 commencing at 2pm, behind the Town hall. Building Inspectors Report: The builder’s inspectors report for July and August was presented. There were 4 permits issued in July for a total value of $140 000 and 6 permits issued in August with a value of $77 000. Fire: No fire report available at this time. Police: No police report available at this time. Mayor/Councillors: Mayor Stoddart reported on the Barrington Exhibition that he attended on behalf of the Town of Clarks Harbour. Councillor Quinlan reported on a SASI committee meeting she attended on behalf of the Town of Clarks Harbour. CORRESPONDENCE: a) NS Police Long Service Awards Invitation: An invitation was received from the Honourable Diana Whalen to attend the NS Police Long Service Awards being held on October 11 2016 at the Westin in Halifax. Neither the Mayor nor Councillors would be available on that date to attend. b) UNSM Long Service Awards: The Town will be recommending 4 Councillors for the UNSM Long Service Awards: Councillor Cecil Brannen – 16+ years, Councillor Sherry Atkinson – 14 years, Councillor Irene Baker – 12 years, and Mayor Leigh Stoddart – 25 years. c) “Right to Know Week”: A letter from the Office of the Information & Privacy Commissioner for Nova Scotia regarding an invitation to proclaim Right to Know Week was read and discussed. 1980 d) UNSM Resolution Process: A letter from UNSM requesting that Municipal units not submit resolutions this year was read and discussed, along with a letter from the Municipality of Barrington and East Hants regarding same. e) Cleveland Swim – Land: A letter was received from Cleveland Swim asking if the Town was interested in either selling a parcel of property adjacent to him, or purchasing a parcel of his property that is adjacent to the Town. Councillor Brannen made a motion that the Town is not interested in either proposal, Councillor Quinlan seconded this motion. Motion carried unanimously. NEW BUSINESS a) Notice of Polling Day: As per Section 50(2) of the Municipal Government Act, the Town Council must approve another method of advertising the election besides an ad in the local newspaper. Alternative methods could be flyers, cards or some other method. It was moved by Councillor S Atkinson and seconded by Councillor Brannen that the Polling Notice be advertised with flyers be distributed to the residents of the Town during the week of September 26th. Motion carried. b) Shelburne County Business Awards Nominations: Councillor nominated the following businesses for various awards: Sea Star Seafoods, Island Traps Ltd, Mama’s By the Sea, Doug and Daughter Welding Ltd, and the Light House Players Theatre Group to be represented at the Shelburne County Community and Business Excellence Awards being held on October 20th at the Clarks Harbour legion. c) East Bay Realty/Purchase Agreement: An offer of $30 000.00 was presented to purchase Town owned property, formerly known as Island Lanes. Councillor Quinlan motioned that they accept this offer; Councillor S Atkinson seconded this motion. Motion carried unanimously. 1981 d) Sea Star Seafoods Ltd/Labour Board Requests: After a visit from the Labour Board of NS to Sea Star Seafoods, a couple of safety issues were raised. Sea Star Seafoods requested that two crosswalks and signs indicating these be erected by the Town. Councillor R Atkinson motioned that the Town do as requested, Councillor Baker seconded this motion. Motion carried unanimously. ADDITIONS TO AGENDA: a) Dr Blair – 35 years of Service: Councillor S Atkinson motioned that the Town recognize Dr. Blair’s 35 years of service by purchasing a plaque indicating such, Councillor Quinlan seconded this motion. Motion carried unanimously. b) Shelb Co Mutual Aid Firefighters Association: A letter from the Shelburne County Mutual Aid Firefighters Association was received, asking that we ensure that all our residents and buildings are equipped with proper civic numbering, as this makes their job much easier. c) Water Issues: Council discussed the various households that have or nearly have wells that have run dry due to the lack of precipitation. The Clerk received an email from CAO, Rob Frost, of the Municipality of Barrington, stating that they, the Municipality of Barrington, were doing the same for the residents of Clarks Harbour as they are their own in regards to water. At 9:40pm, and there being no other business to discuss, Councillor Baker motioned to adjourn. ___________________________ ________________________ Mayor Town Clerk |
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