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Town of Clark's Harbour : Town Minutes - May, 2024Below you will find this year's Town Minutes. Please note that the most recent is at the top and the oldest one at the bottom. Each set of minutes are separated by a horiztonal line. 2410
Regular Session
Town Council
May 07, 2024
The Regular Session was called to order by Mayor Stoddard at 7pm with Councillors Louann Link, Irene Baker, Trudy Quinlan and Russell Atkinson present.
It was moved by Councillor Baker and seconded by Councillor Link that the agenda as well as the additions be approved as circulated. Motion carried unanimously.
It was moved by Councillor Link and seconded by Councillor Quinlan that the minutes from the previous meeting be approved as circulated. Motion carried unanimously.
The capital budget was passed by Council with no changes as presented.
Councillor Baker motioned to approve the capital budget as presented, Councillor Quinlan seconded the motion, motion carried.
Streets, Sewers and Unsightly Premises:
The Public Work’s Report was presented to Council and discussed. No major issues indicated at this time.
A meeting will be held on May 21st to discuss the upcoming Canada Day events and the Seniors Garden Party is slated to be held on August 7th.
Building Inspector Report:
One permit was issued for the Town of Clark’s Harbour.
Mayor and Councillors shared their activities and meetings attended since the last regular meeting of Council.
All relevant correspondence was shared with Council via email and only that that required action is listed below.
At a previous Council meeting it was discussed that the commercial dishwasher at the Community Centre was not working properly. After many attempts to determine the cause of the problem and to have it repaired, it was deemed that there wasn’t enough expertise in the area to figure out the cause of the problem, and the repair was dropped. Councillor Link felt that a working dishwasher would entice more events to happen at the Community Centre, so it should be considered to purchase a new one. Councillor Link motioned to purchase a new dishwasher for the Community Centre, Councillor Baker seconded the motion, motion was defeated, with two (2) for 2412
(Councillors Link and Baker) and three (3) against (Councillors Atkinson, Quinlan and Mayor Stoddard).
Council was presented, prior to the meeting, a copy of the balanced draft operating budget. There were no suggestions of any changes. Councillor Baker motioned to accept the draft operating budget as presented, Councillor Quinlan seconded the motion, motion carried.
Council was asked to revisit policy # nine (9) Low Income Property Tax Exemption and to consider upping the amount of the exemption from one hundred thirty dollars ($130) to a higher amount and also that of the household income from twenty two thousand dollars ($22 000) to a higher amount.
Councillor Atkinson motioned to increase the yearly household income to twenty seven thousand ($27,000) from twenty two thousand ($22,000) and to increase the annual rebate from one hundred thirty dollars ($130) to that of three hundred dollars ($300) with an increase of two percent (2%) annually for both until revisited by Council, Councillor Link seconded the motion, motion carried.
Council was also asked to consider removing the CSI New Horizons and the Seabreeze Rebekah Lodge from policy # six (6), Annual Grants to Non-Profit Organizations to that of the Low Income Property Tax Exemption as the grant of seventy percent (70%) is pertained to their property taxes and fits better under this policy than that of the other.
Councillor Baker motioned to include the CSI New Horizons and the Seabreeze Rebekah Lodge in the Low Income Property Tax Exemption policy instead of the Annual Grants to Non-Profit Organizations policy, Councillor Link seconded the motion, motion carried.
Councillor Atkinson motioned to donate two hundred dollar ($200) for cancer research, Councillor Baker seconded the motion, motion carried.
Further to the motion Councillor Atkinson made on March 05/24, to make a pathway to the beach/ocean, Councillor Atkinson asked that the Street/property be surveyed to determine where the boundaries are and that a bench and picnic table be added at the end of the street/highwater mark.
Councillor Atkinson motioned to hire a surveyor to determine the boundaries of the area, Councillor Quinlan seconded the motion, motion carried. As there was no further business to discuss, Councillor Atkinson motioned to adjourn the meeting at 8:40pm. _______________________ _____________________ Mayor Town Clerk |
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