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Town of Clark's Harbour : Town Minutes - May, 2023Below you will find this year's Town Minutes. Please note that the most recent is at the top and the oldest one at the bottom. Each set of minutes are separated by a horiztonal line. 2361 Regular Session Town Council May 03, 2023 The Regular Session was called to order by Mayor Stoddard at 7pm with Councillors Russell Atkinson, Trudy Quinlan and Louann Link present. Regrets from Councillor Baker, absent due to family emergency. ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA: None APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA: It was moved by Councillor Quinlan and seconded by Councillor Link that the agenda be approved as circulated. Motion carried unanimously. APPROVAL OF THE PREVIOUS MINUTES: It was moved by Councillor Atkinson and seconded by Councillor Quinlan that the minutes from the previous meeting be approved as circulated. Motion carried unanimously. APPOINTMENTS: None MATTERS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES: a) Dog By Law – Second Reading As there were no objections to the Town’s decision to repeal the existing Dog By Law, Councillor Link motioned to move forward with the new Dog By Law, Councillor Atkinson seconded the motion, motion carried. A copy of the new by law can be seen at the Town Hall. b) Variance – 3011111 Nova Scotia Limited Councillor Atkinson motioned to grant 3011111 Nova Scotia Limited a variance to construct an addition to the existing structure which would otherwise conflict with the yardage of the rear yard Land Use By Law, Councillor Link seconded the motion, motion carried. 2362 REPORTS: Streets, Sewers and Unsightly Premises: The Public Works Report was presented to Council and discussed. Public Works employees has asked Council to consider purchasing a “thumb” for the backhoe, this would enable easier ability to lift such things as rocks, seaweed, and other debris from blocked ditches, etc. They also asked to consider purchasing convex mirrors and having them installed near streets with blind approaches. After some discussion it was decided to say nay to the convex mirrors and to get a quote on the cost of a mechanical “thumb” for the backhoe. Councillor Quinlan motioned to obtain a quote for the mechanical “thumb” for the backhoe, Councillor Link seconded the motion, motion carried. Recreation: Canada Day activities was discussed. The Clerk informed Council that four thousand dollars (4,000) was granted for this event from the Canadian Heritage Program as well as one thousand dollars ($1,000) from the Municipality of Barrington. Building Inspector Report: There was one permit issued for the month of April with an approximate value of eight thousand dollars ($8,000). Mayor/Councillors: Mayor and Councillors shared their activities and meetings attending since the last regular meeting of Council. CORRESPONDENCE: All relevant correspondence was shared with Council via email and only that that required action is listed below. a) AMANS – Contribution to the Fall Convention A request was received from the Association of Municipal Administrators Nova Scotia to contribute to the Fall Convention being held at Digby Pines Golf Resort and Spa in Digby, NS. Councillor Atkinson motioned to contribute the asking amount of four hundred, fifty-eight dollars and thirty seven cents ($458.37), Councillor Link seconded the motion, motion carried. 2363 b) Municipal Affairs and Housing - Grant -FYI It was shared with Council that the Town received a one-time grant from Municipal Affairs and Housing in the amount of two hundred thirty-seven thousand, one hundred and twelve dollars ($237,112) under the new Sustainability Services Growth Fund (SSGF) to be used for municipal/town infrastructure needed to serve a growing population, improve sustainability and provide increased resiliency. NEW BUSINESS: a) Deed Transfer Tax The deed transfer tax for the month of March was in the amount of eight hundred dollars ($800). One percent of property sales is allocated to the Town of Clark’s Harbour as per policy/by-law. b) Transfer of Funds Councillor Link motioned to allow the Clerk to transfer the above-mentioned funds to the Capital Reserve, Councillor Quinlan seconded the motion, motion carried. Councillor Quinlan motioned that a one-year cashable GIC be purchased with said funds, Councillor Link seconded the motion, motion carried. Councillor Atkinson motioned that the Clerk transfer eighteen thousand and sixteen dollars ($18,016) from the Canada Community Building Fund to cover paving projects carried out in 2022, Councillor Quinlan seconded the motion, motion carried. c) Reserve Funds Policy – Draft As per Section 99 of the Municipal Government Act (MGA) the Town of Clark’s Harbour is required to establish a Capital Reserve Fund policy. A draft Capital Reserve Fund Policy was presented to Council prior to the meeting for their perusal. Councillor Atkinson motioned to accept the draft Capital Reserve Policy with no recommended changes, Councillor Quinlan seconded the motion, motion carried. As there were no recommended changes, this draft is now considered the final. A copy of the reserve policy can be found on our website. d) Expense Policy – Draft To be compliant with Sections 65D and 423A of the Municipal Government Act (MGA), the Town of Clark’s Harbour established a Travel and Expense Policy. This policy was presented to Council prior to the meeting for their perusal. Councillor Link motioned to accept the draft Travel and Expense Policy with no recommended changes, Councillor Atkinson seconded the motion, motion carried. 2364 As there were no recommended changes, this draft is now considered final. A copy of the policy can be found on the Town’s website. e) Summer Students Through Canada Summer Jobs, the Town was approved for two (2) employees, one to assist with grounds maintenance and one for tourist information, eight (8) and nine (9) weeks respectively. Councillor Quinlan motioned to advertise for the two (2) positions through our website, face book and on our community bulletin board, Councillor Link seconded the motion, motion carried. f) Beautification Ideas Council was instructed by Mayor Stoddard to consider various ways in which they would like to beautify the Town. Funding is available for such projects. g) Operating Budget – Draft A balanced draft budget was presented to Council prior to the meeting. The tax rates were set in February of this year, (there was no change) and the new sewer rate of two hundred and thirty-eight dollars ($238) was set at the June 1st meeting of 2022. As there were no recommended additions or deletions, this budget will be considered final. Councillor Atkinson motioned to approve the budget as presented, Councillor Link seconded the motion, motion carried. h) Capital Budget – Draft At a recommendation of the Auditors at Belliveau Veinotte, a Capital Budget was prepared and presented to Council members prior to the meeting. The Capital projects included the replacement of the boardwalk with added accessibility access at an estimated cost of three hundred and sixty eight thousand dollars ($368,000) in which only a portion would be completed this fiscal year, that of a new Wastewater Treatment Facility at a estimated cost of six million ($6,000,000), the repaving of Church Street at an estimated cost of thirty thousand dollars ($30,000) and the purchase of two (2) new lift station pumps. The Street Committee had completed an assessment of all streets, and it was determined that no paving projects would be required this fiscal year, so the repaving of Church Street was the recommended deletion. Councillor Link motioned to accept the Capital Budget with the deletion of the repaving project, Councillor Quinlan seconded the motion, motion carried. 2365 i) 5 Year Capital Plan – Draft As required, a five-year capital plan was presented to Council, it consisted of the above-mentioned projects as well as the Town Hall roof upgrade from asphalt shingles to metal, ballpark bleacher replacement, additional pumps for the lift stations, and the repaving of various streets throughout Town. It was recommended that there be some changes to the project’s estimated costs. The Plan will be presented again in June for approval. As there was no further business to discuss, Councillor Atkinson motioned to adjourn the meeting, the time being 8:35pm. _________________________ ________________________ Mayor Town Clerk |
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