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Town of Clark's Harbour : Town Minutes - May, 2018Below you will find this year's Town Minutes. Please note that the most recent is at the top and the oldest one at the bottom. Each set of minutes are separated by a horiztonal line. 2078 Regular Session Town Council May 03, 2018 The Regular Session of Town Council was called to order by Mayor Leigh Stoddart at 6:50pm with Councillors Louann Link, Trudy Quinlan and Rex Stoddard, Irene Barker and Cara Newell present. Councillor Atkinson was absent due to work obligations. ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA: a) Tourist Bureau b) Property at 8 Knowles St c) Property AAN 10366216 APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA: It was moved by Councillor Stoddard and seconded by Councillor Newell to approve the agenda, as well as the additions, as circulated. Motion carried. APPROVAL OF THE PREVIOUS MINUTES: It was moved by Councillor Newell and seconded by Councillor Quinlan to approve the previous minutes. Motion carried. APPOINTMENTS: Shelly Smith – Former Western Counties Regional Library Clark’s Harbour Branch Manager: Shelly Smith, after 33 years of service with the Western Counties Regional Library, has retired her position. As an appreciation of her service the Town presented her with a plaque thanking her as well as a gift certificate for an overnights stay at White Point Beach Lodge. 2079 MATTERS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES: Property at 2793 Main Street: As a result of a registered letter to the property owners at 2793 Main Street, stipulating that the property needed repairs and/or demolition because it was causing a potential dangerous situation when there was excessive wind, a reply was received stating that the property would be demolished by the end of July 2018. REPORTS Streets, Sewers and Unsightly Premises: Public Works trucks and related equipment were all in good working order. The sewer lines are slated to be flushed this month. The wasting off pump has stopped working and needs replacement, L&B Electric has one available for $2390. The gas powered pressure washer is getting old and a replacement has been requested. Potholes along Main St needed to be filled. Re-topping of the seawall along the boardwalk needs attention as well as the stonework along the cenotaph and posts need to be cemented into the ground. Spring cleanup was completed during the week of April 16th. Council discussed purchasing a new gas powered pressure washer and that of re-topping the seawall along the boardwalk. Mayor Stoddart was asked if he would look into the cost of re-topping the seawall. Councillor Baker motioned to purchase a gas powered pressure washer similar to what was already owned, at a price of $1450, Councillor Quinlan seconded this motion, motion carried. Recreation: No report available for this period. Building Inspectors Report: There as one (1) permit issued in April with an estimated value of $8000. Fire: No fire report available at this time. Police: No police report available at this time. 2080 Mayor/Councillors: Councillors Quinlan, Baker and Newell reported on their activities on behalf of the Town since the last regular meeting of Council. CORRESPONDENCE: a) Minister of Health and Wellness: Correspondence was received from the office of the Minister of Health and Wellness in response to a letter written to them regarding respite beds as Bay Side Home. It states that they are monitoring the utilization of respite beds to make sure that an appropriate number of them are available across the province. b) UNSM Initiatives Report: The UNSM Initiatives Report was read and discussed amongst the Council members present. c) Samantha Brannen – Barrington Museum Complex: An invitation was received for an event taking place at the site of Fort St. Louis in Port La Tour. Dr Katie Cottreau-Robins, Curator of Archaeology for the Nova Scotia Museum will be presenting finds from digs past and present. The date of this event is May 19th 2018. d) Municipal World Magazine: An inquiry was made regarding Council’s interest in subscribing to the Municipal World magazine. Council declined at this time. . e) Linda Surette, Town of Yarmouth: The Canada-Nova Scotia Offshore Petroleum Board (CNSOPB) will be hosting a meeting on Tuesday May 22 from 3 to 5 pm at the Rodd Grand Hotel. This is a follow up meeting of March 16 2018 on information sharing on concerns related to the Scotian Basin Exploration Drilling Project. . 2081 NEW BUSINESS a) Island Traps Limited – Development Agreement: On a recommendation from the Planning Committee, Council Baker motioned that the Town move forward with a Public Hearing regarding the proposed development agreement with Island Traps Limited, Councillor Stoddard seconded this motion, motion carried. b) Island and Barrington Fire Department 2018/2019 Budget: The Town’s contribution to the Island and Barrington Passage Fire Department is $41,933.00 for the fiscal year of 2018/2019. c) EMO Planning 2018/2019 Budget: The Town’s contribution to the Joint EMO Planning budget for the fiscal year 2018/2019 is $2,400, the same as in previous years d) Lobster Sculpture: The Town was asked by the Municipality of Barrington if they would like to exhibit one of their Lobster Sculptures that was done as part of the Canada 150 celebrations by a local artist, who happens to be from the Town of Clark’s Harbour. The sculpture is painted as a replica of a Foggies ball player. Council accepted, and decided to place the sculpture at the head of Bruce St, which is the entrance to the F.A. Brannen Memorial ballfield, the home of the Foggies. e) Municipality of Barrington and Sewer: There have been several discussions regarding the Municipality of Barrington hooking up some of their residents, bordering the Town on the South and North West, to the Town Sewer system. To date, no conclusions have been made. f) Keith Nickerson – Field Bricks for Ballfield: Keith Nickerson, a member of the Schooners baseball team, expressed interest in restoring the pitcher’s mound and the batter boxes at the F.A. Brannen Memorial Ballfield as they will be using this field as their home base this year. He was willing to do the labour if the 2082 Town would buy the supplies needed. After some discussion it was decided that Mayor Stoddart would speak with Keith as they were unfamiliar with the technique he was proposing and that was the use of field bricks. His estimated costs of the bricks and clay were $1,000 for the mound and $1,500 for the batter’s box. Keith indicated that he had done this sort of work at the Sherose Island ballfield, Mayor Stoddart would look into this. g) Car Show and Proposed Ball Game for Canada Day: Keith Nickerson expressed interest in holding a double hitter ballgame on the day of the July 1st activities (June 30th), but that would interfere with the annual car show that Councillor Atkinson is head of. It was decided that the car show could be held in the parking lot of the old Bowling Alley, with permission from Robert Hurlbrt (which was given) who owns the building and that the ballgames could take place as long as the field was vacant by 5pm in order to set up for the Gold Rush band, that is playing that evening. h) July 1st Activities Meeting: There will be a meeting Monday May 7th 2018 to continue discussions on the Canada Day Activities. ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA: a) Property at 8 Knowles St: Councillor Quinlan expressed concern about an oil barrel that is severely rusted on the property located at 8 Knowles St. Her concern was, if there was oil in the barrel; it could potentially cause an environmental issue if it should leak out. Councillor Link is familiar with the property owners and would speak to them about this issue. b) Tourist Bureau 2018: The opening of a Tourist Bureau in the Town was discussed with no permanent decision being made at this time. c) Property AAN 10366216: At a suggestion from our Municipal Auditor, a small piece of property that has been outstanding in property taxes was written off the books. The owners are undetermined. At one point it was foreclosed upon, along with an adjacent piece, and this piece has since been 2083 sold. The property in question is not large enough to erect a residential or commercial building on to. Councillor Stoddard motioned to write off the property for 2018/2019, Councillor Quinlan seconded this motion, motion carried. At 9:30pm, and there being no other business to discuss, Councillor Newell motioned to adjourn. The next regular meeting of Council will be held June 13 2018 in Council Chambers of the Town Hall, commencing at 7pm. The finance committee will meet June 13th 2018 at 6:30pm. _______________________________ ___________________________ Mayor Town Clerk The next regular meeting of Council will be held June 13 2018 in Council Chambers of the Town Hall, commencing at 7pm. 2077 Planning Committee May 03, 2018 A meeting of the Planning committee was called to order by Mayor Leigh Stoddart at 6:45 pm with Councillors Rex Stoddard, Irene Baker, Trudy Quinlan, Louann Link and Cara Newell present. Absent, Councillor Russell Atkinson. Additions to the Agenda: No additions were added to the agenda. Approval of the Agenda: It was moved by Councillor Stoddard and seconded by Councillor Quinlan that the agenda be approved as presented. Motion carried. Island Traps Limited – request for development agreement A request was received from Island Traps Limited for a development agreement with the Town in order to construct an extension to the north west side of an existing commercial building on the corner of Main and Woodland St, known as the Hardware Store and connect that building to an existing commercial building on Woodland St, known as the Island Trap shop. This would enable Island Traps Limited to put in washroom facilities at the Hardware Store and enable easier access between the two buildings for business purposes. After some discussion, it was moved by Councillor Baker, seconded by Councillor Stoddard, that the recommendation to Council be; proceed with the development agreement and schedule a public hearing on May 23 2018 at 7:00pm in Council Chambers to gather public opinion on this request. Motion carried. At 6:50pm it was moved by Councillor Quinlan that the meeting be adjourned. Motion carried. _____________________________ ________________________ Town Clerk Mayor |
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