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Town of Clark's Harbour : Town Minutes - March, 2017Below you will find this year's Town Minutes. Please note that the most recent is at the top and the oldest one at the bottom. Each set of minutes are separated by a horiztonal line. 2004 Regular Session Town Council March 08, 2017 The Regular Session of Town Council was called to order by Mayor Leigh Stoddart at 7pm with Councillors Irene Baker, Russell Atkinson, Louann Link, Cara Ross and Rex Stoddard present. Councillor Trudy Quinlan was absent. ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA: Old Tourist Bureau Compassion Clubs New Horizons Wage Increase APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA: It was moved by Councillor Atkinson and seconded by Councillor Stoddard to approve the agenda, as well as the additions, as circulated. Motion carried. APPROVAL OF THE PREVIOUS MINUTES: It was moved by Councillor Stoddard and seconded by Councillor Atkinson to approve the previous minutes. Motion carried. APPOINTMENTS: No appointments MATTERS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES: Councillor Baker gave an update regarding the children’s Halloween parade and Tae Kwon Do classes. She stated that she had contacted persons regarding the above and that they were to get back to her. 2005 REPORTS Streets, Sewers and Unsightly Premises: The monthly report was read and discussed. The incident in which a homeowner’s window was taken out by snow as a result of plowing was also discussed. In consultation with the homeowner, it was stated that if the Town replaced the broken window, the homeowner would install it himself. Councillor Atkinson motioned that the Town purchase the window and that the homeowner installs it, Councillor Baker seconded this motion. Motion carried. Recreation: No report available for this period. Building Inspectors Report: There was one permit issued for the month of February, with a value of $96 000. Fire: It was noted that the Shelburne County Firefighters Mutual Aid Association was holding their annual banquet on March 18, 2017. Mayor Stoddart indicated that he would attend. Police: No police report available at this time. Mayor/Councillors: No report of any activities since the last regular meeting of Council. CORRESPONDENCE: a) Shelburne County 50+ Expo/Shawna Symonds: An invitation was received from Shawna Symonds, via email, for someone to join a committee meeting being held on Thursday, March 9th 2017, regarding the Shelburne County 50+ Expo. Unfortunately, there was no one able to attend. b) Shelburne County Housing Coalition: Sheila Bird, on behalf of Shelburne County Housing Coalition, asked that a representative from Town, either staff or Council member, be part of their coalition. Former Councillor, Sherry Atkinson represented the Town’s interest in the past. At this point, there is no one available that can attend morning or afternoon meetings because of job commitments. The clerk was asked to contact them and keep up-to-date on upcoming meetings, as there may be attendance on the Town’s behalf in the future. 2006 c) Shelburne County Tourism Association: (i) Membership: Councillor Baker motioned that the Town become a member of this association for a fee of $100 as we had in the past, Councillor Atkinson seconded this motion, motion carried. (ii) Annual General Meeting: Councillor Cara Ross will be attending the annual general meeting of the Shelburne County Tourism Association being held on March 20th, 2017 at the InnerHarbour Inn State Room, Dock Street, Shelburne. (iii) Warden Penny Smith: An email was received from Warden Penny Smith, Municipality of Shelburne, to confirm that a Tourism meeting to discuss the tourism industry of Shelburne County will be held on Tuesday, March 14th at 6pm at the Barrington Municipal Building. Mayor Stoddart and Councillor Ross will be attending this meeting. (iv) Saltscape 2017 : Charlene Harris, president, Shelburne County Tourism Association, inquired if the Town would be interested in participating in Saltscape 2017 being held April 21st, 22nd, and 23rd at the Exhibition Park in Halifax. After some discussion, Council felt that they were unable to participate at this time. d) Workshops for Volunteers: Dixie Redmond with CBDC Shelburne invited municipal units in Shelburne County to cosponsor a series of workshops for Volunteers. The proposed workshops are: Mental Health 1st Aid, Volunteer Recruitment and Development, Community Engagement, Financial Sustainability, and Board Governance. Council felt that more information was needed before a decision could be made regarding this. The Clerk was instructed to contact Dixie to see if more information is available at this time. e) Communities in Bloom Program: Tanice Mundle, on behalf of Tourism Industry Association of Nova Scotia and the Nova Scotia Communities in Bloom Program, inquired if the Town would be willing to participate in the 2017 program. Council declined to participate at this time. f) VON A thank you note was received from VON for the Town’s donation of $100. 2007 NEW BUSINESS a) Capital Borrowing/Gas Tax Fund 16/17 Fiscal Year: It was moved by Councillor Atkinson and seconded by Councillor Ross that the clerk writes a cheque in the amount of $56 841.00 from the Gas Tax holding account to the operating account to cover the gas tax projects that were performed during the 2016/2017 fiscal year. Motion carried. There was no other significant capital projects carried out that warranted a borrowing resolution from the Town. b) Barrington Ground Search and Rescue 2017/2018 Budget: The 2017/2018 budget for the Barrington Ground Search and Rescue was presented to Council for their approval. The requested amount from The Town of Clarks Harbour was $894, a slight increase than in previous years. It was motioned by Councillor Atkinson and seconded by Councillor Ross to approve the requested amount as well as their budget. Motion carried. ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA: a) Compassion Clubs: Councillor Stoddard was approached by a resident who asked him to take to Council the idea of a ‘Compassion Club’. (Which are non-profit organizations that dispense medical marijuana and are illegal in Canada at this time) The resident stated that he was in the process of getting all legal paperwork in order. Council, as a whole, had no opinion on this, one way or another at this time. b) Old Tourist Bureau/Extra Space: There was an inquiry as to whether the Town would lease out the unused space located next to the Scotia Fundy Inshore Association. During the summer months, local citizens wanted to display and sell their art work. There was consensus that the space could be utilized, but there was much debate over the rental fee. Councillor Atkinson motioned that we charge $150 per month from mid-June to mid-September, Councillor Baker seconded this motion. Motion defeated with a tie vote. Councillor Ross motioned to charge of percentage of 15 of their sales per month, and all extraordinary expenses incurred would be the responsibility of the renter, Councillor Stoddard seconded this motion. Motion carried, with Councillor Baker against. 2008 c) CSI New Horizons: A member of the CSI New Horizons Club approached Mayor Stoddart and inquired if the Town would be willing to purchase 80lb of lobster to contribute to their lobster chowder dinner for July 1st, or some other monetary donation. Councillor Stoddard motioned that the Town waive the legion rental fee, as this is where they had planned on providing their dinner from, as a donation from the Town, Councillor Ross seconded this motion. Motion carried. d) Staff Wages and Council Honorarium: Wages for 2017 were discussed and it was moved by Councillor Stoddard and seconded by Councillor Atkinson that a 2% increase in both staff and Council Honorarium be instated, effective April 1st, 2017. Motion carried. As it was 9:05pm and with no more business to discuss, Councillor Baker motioned that the meeting be closed. ______________________________ ________________________ Mayor Town Clerk |
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