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Town of Clark's Harbour : Town Minutes - June, 2019Below you will find this year's Town Minutes. Please note that the most recent is at the top and the oldest one at the bottom. Each set of minutes are separated by a horiztonal line. 2157 Special Council June 28, 2019 A Special Council meeting was called to order by Mayor Leigh Stoddart at 9am with Councillors Rex Stoddard, Cara Newell, Trudy Quinlan, Louann Link and Russell Atkinson present. Councillor Baker was unable to attend. New Business: A special Council meeting was called to discuss Jason Kings employment with the Town of Clark’s Harbour. A lengthy discussion was held amongst council considering all the factors dealing with the situations brought to the table. It was moved by Councillor Stoddard and seconded by Councillor Atkinson to rescind a motion made at the previous meeting of Council on June 24 2019, to Terminate Jason King’s Employment with the Town of Clark’s Harbour. Motion carried. A motion was made by Councillor Newell and Seconded by Councillor Quinlan that Jason King remains employed at The Town of Clark’s Harbour as Public Works Employee. It was also requested that some Human Resource Courses be made available for Jason to take to avoid any future occurrences. Motion Carried. It was moved by Councillor Stoddard and Seconded by Councillor Atkinson that Jason’s probation period is extended for 1 year commencing from Today’s date June 28 2019. Motion carried. It was moved by Councillor Newell and seconded by Councillor Quinlan that it be communicated to Jason immediately any future communication between himself and his employer will be conducted by himself and no third party involvement be tolerated. Motion carried. It was moved by Councillor Atkinson and seconded by Councillor Quinlan that Council is requesting Jason give his co-worker Paul an apology for sending a unprofessional text to his Co-Worker. Motion carried. 2158 At 10:30 am the meeting was adjourned. ________________________________ _____________________ Town Clerk Mayor Special Council Meeting - June 24th, 2019 Absent from meeting: Councillor Quinlan and Councillor Baker Minutes: Pipe: A request from Andrew Newell to install a pipe line across Boundary Street was discussed. Moved by Russel and seconded by Louanne to grant permission. Motion passed. It was noted, and part of the motion, that pipe line not go through any of our colverts and replacement of pavement and all expenses would be covered by Mr. Newell. Public Works: After some discussion on Jason Kings employment with the town, it was moved by Rex and seconded by Cara that his position with the town be terminated. Motion passed. It was moved by Rex that the meeting be adjourned. 2151 Regular Session Town Council June 5, 2019 The Regular Session of Town Council was called to order by Mayor Leigh Stoddart at 6:55 pm with Councillor Stoddard Councillor Baker Councillor Link Councillor Atkinson and Councillor Newell in attendance. Councillor Quinlan was unable to attend. ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA: a) Public Works Roles b) 2019 100th Anniversary planner c) Boat for playground (recreation) d) New Playground Equipment (recreation) APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA: It was moved by Councillor Stoddard, seconded by Councillor Link to approve the agenda as circulated. Motion carried. APPROVAL OF THE PREVIOUS MINUTES: It was moved by Councillor Stoddard and seconded by Councillor Newell to approve the previous minutes. Motion Carried APPOINTMENTS: Doug Drane: Doug Drane CA – Doug Drane, the Town of Clark’s Harbour’s financial auditor, presented the draft financial statements of the fiscal year 2018/2019 to Council. The Town is reporting a consolidated deficit of $57,072 and a non-consolidated deficit of $36,287. Councillor Baker motioned that the 2018/2019 draft financial statements be accepted as presented, Councillor Link seconded this motion. Motion carried. 2152 MATTERS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES: There were no Matters arising from the previous minutes REPORTS Streets, Sewers and Unsightly Premises: Report was presented to Council and discussed. Recreation: There is a boat to be placed at the playground for the Kids to play with, Council members will decide the placement in the coming days. The Town of Clark’s Harbour applied for a grant under the Community Recreation Capital Grant Program and was approved for a maximum amount of $4000.00. This amount will be paid in full to the Town of Clarks as a third of the Expense for new playground equipment, assuming the total cost will be $12,000. If the total cost is less, the money received will be adjusted accordingly. Building Inspectors Report: There were 4 permits issued for the month of May approximate value of $10,400 Mayor/Councillors: Councillor Link will be attending at the Library meetings this week. CORRESPONDENCE: a) Shelburne County Lobster Festival: An invitation was received from Anna Kenney Barrington Recreation Director for a member from The Town of Clarks Council to attend the Opening Ceremonies. Councillor Link will be attending on behalf of the Town of Clark’s Harbour 2153 b) NSCC : Two thank you letters were read to council from NSCC for the use of the council chambers for the Adult Learning Classes for the year 2018\2109. A request for continued use of the Council Chambers for the Adult learning classes for another Academic Year (2019/2020) was also presented to Council. It was moved by Councillor Newell and Seconded by Councillor Link that NSCC be granted use of the Council Chambers for the 2019/2020 Academic Year. Motion carried. c) Sea Me Run: A thank you letter was read to Council from The Sea Me Run Barrington NS Marathon Committee for a Donation of $500 to the Marathon from the Town Of Clarks Harbour. d) Richard Crowell: A letter from Richard Crowell, the Municipal Representative on The joint Police Advisory Board, was read to Council Members notifying them of his resignation from the board. e) Volunteer Income Tax Program: A Thank You letter and a Certificate of appreciation were sent to the Town of Clark’s Harbour recognizing and thanking for the support of the Volunteer Income Tax Program. It was moved by Councillor Baker and Seconded by Councillor Link that a Thank You Card and $25 Gift card of appreciation be given to Julianne for going over and above her normal daily duties to ensure this program is a success. Motion carried. NEW BUSINESS a) Draft Operating Budget : A 2019/2020 draft Operating budget was presented to council by the Clerk. It was moved by Councillor Stoddard and Seconded by Councillor Newell that the Draft 2019-2020 budget be accepted. Motion Carried. 2154 b) Honorary Citizens: Mayor Stoddart requested permission from Council for him to make a presentation at the Clark’s Harbour School Reunion to a Couple that will be attending the Reunion to make them Honorary Citizens. It was moved by Councillor Atkinson and Seconded by Councillor Link that Bonnie and Dave Hart, be commissioned Honorary Citizens, being given free access to all Town sponsored events in Clark’s Harbour . Motion carried. c) Donation for RCNF: A request was presented to Council asking for a monetary donation or an item for auction to Walk For A Cause to Support The Roslin Nickerson Care fund being held on Sept 14th. It was moved by Councillor Stoddard and seconded by Councillor Atkinson that a $300 monetary donation be made. Also an Item for the Dutch Auction be given. Motion Carried. d) BMHS Graduation: The BMHS Graduation Ceremonies will take place on June 27th at the Barrington Arena. Each Year The Town of Clark’s Harbour Presents a bursary to each Graduating student that resides in the Town. This year there are 6 students expected to graduate. Councillor Newell will be present to hand out the Bursaries. It was moved by Councillor Baker and seconded by Councillor Atkinson that bursaries in the amount of $200 be given to each Graduate. Motion carried. e) Transfer of Funds: Permission was asked of Councillors by the Clerk to transfer funds from the General operating Fund to Special Reserves as a result of a surplus from 2018-2019 fiscal. It was moved by Councillor Atkinson and Seconded by Councillor Newell that the Clerk transfer $5155.00 from the general operating fund to the special reserve fund. Motion carried. Additions to the Agenda a) 2019,100th Anniversary Event Planner: Mayor Stoddart is in the process of getting a schedule of events ready to send out to residents and be posted on the Town Web Page and Facebook page for 2019 100th Anniversary events happening for the rest of the Calendar Year in Clark’s Harbour. 2155 b) Public Works Roles of Responsibility: Council briefly discussed this matter and will make a decision at next regular meeting of Council on July 3rd 2019. c) Paving of Boundary Street: It was decided that Boundary Street was going to be one of the Capital projects for the Fiscal 2019-2020. Half of the street is owned and serviced by the Town of Clark’s Harbour and the other half is by the Province of NS and serviced by The Dept of Transportation. To date the Province of N.S has not agreed to do their half of the Street. A decision will be held until next meeting of Council if the Town will proceed with their half. As there was no further business it was moved by Councillor Stoddard the meeting be adjourned at 9:15 pm. Motion carried. _____________________________ ______________________________ Mayor Town Clerk |
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