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Town of Clark's Harbour : Town Minutes - June, 2015Below you will find this year's Town Minutes. Please note that the most recent is at the top and the oldest one at the bottom. Each set of minutes are separated by a horiztonal line.Special Meeting Town Council June 03 2015 A Special Meeting of Town Council was called to order by Mayor Leigh Stoddart at 8:05 pm with Councillors Cecil Brannen, Trudy Quinlan, Rex Stoddard, Sherry Atkinson, Russell Atkinson and Irene Baker present. Additions to the Agenda: No additions were added to the agenda. Approval of the Agenda: It was moved by Councillor Brannen and seconded by Councillor R Atkinson that the agenda be approved as presented. Motion carried. Personnel Committee Recommendations: It was motioned by Councillor Brannen and seconded by Councillor Quinlan to accept the recommendation from the Personnel Committee to hire Brianna Swim as CAP employee and Hunter Atkinson and Dawson Atkinson for parks. Motion carried. It was motioned by Councillor R Atkinson and seconded by Councillor Stoddard to accept the recommendation from Personnel Committee to hire Kimberly Goreham as VIC Manager. Motion carried. At 8:30pm it was moved by Councillor Brannen and seconded by Councillor Quinlan that the meeting be adjourned. Motion carried. ____________________________ ___________________________ Town Clerk Mayor 1918 Regular Session Town Council June 02, 2015 The Regular Session of Town Council was called to order by Mayor Leigh Stoddart at 7:00pm with Councillors Rex Stoddard, Cecil Brannen, Russell Atkinson, and Sherry Atkinson, and Trudy Quinlan present. Absent, Councillor Baker. Additions to the Agenda: There were no additions to the agenda. Approval of the Agenda: It was moved by Councillor Brannen and seconded by Councillor S. Atkinson that the Agenda be approved as circulated. Motion carried. Approval of Previous Minutes: It was moved by Councillor R. Atkinson and seconded by Councillor Quinlan that the Minutes from the previous meeting be approved as circulated. Motion carried. APPOINTMENTS Redding CA/Doug Drane – Doug Drane of Redding CA was present to present to Council the Draft Financial Statements for the 2014/2015 fiscal year. It was moved by Councillor Brannen and seconded by Councillor Quinlan that the draft statements be accepted as presented. Motion carried. Events Coordinator/Parnell Walker – Parnell Walker, Events Coordinator for the Town of Clarks Harbour was present to put forth to Council the idea of a street dance, with alcoholic beverages being served, to be held at the ball field as part of July 1st activities. After discussing the costs involved, with her, Council decided to forgo a decision at that time, and to bring it back to the table later in the meeting. MATTERS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES a) VIC Hours of Operation: The hours of operation for the Visitor Information Centre will remain the same as last year; for the months of June and September, it will be open Monday to Friday only, and for the months of July and August, seven days a week. b) Summer Students: Council was informed that following the meeting of May 26, 2015, the students selected to be interviewed with the exception of one, when contacted, had already obtained employment. Council then selected three more applicants to be interviewed on June 3 2015. 1919 REPORTS Streets, Sewers and Unsightly Premises: The Public Works Report was presented to Council and discussed; the Seaside Heritage Hall is ready for opening for the season as well as the ball park. Council pointed out potholes on Main Street, Courtney Street, and Woodland Street that need attention. Recreation: No recreation report was presented. Building Inspectors Report: No report available for the month of May. Fire: There was no Fire Report for May. Police: There was no Police Report for May. Mayor/Councillors: Councillor S. Atkinson reported on an Inter-Municipal Region 6 Solid Waste meeting she had attended on May 29, 2015. Councillor S. Atkinson then requested that the stipend she received for attending Western Counties Regional Library meetings on behalf of the Town be reduced from $50 per meeting to $0. It was moved by Councillor R. Atkinson and seconded by Councillor Stoddard that they accept this request. Motion carried. CORRESPONDENCE a) Shelb. Co. Health Care Professional Recruitment and Retention Committee: A request was received from the Shelburne County Health Care Professional Recruitment and Retention Committee for a donation towards their relocation allowance for RNs. It was moved by Councillor Stoddard and seconded by Councillor Brannen to deny this request. Motion carried. b) Barrington Municipal Recreation Department: Anna Kenney asked permission to use the Town’s Main Street for part of the full marathon route on July 26 2015 as well as to spray paint kilometer marks on the street. It was moved by Councillor Brannen and seconded by Councillor S. Atkinson that Ms. Kenney be allowed to do so. Motion carried. c) Shelburne Historical Society: A request for monetary assistance from the Shelburne Historical Society was denied by a motion made by Councillor Stoddard, seconded by Councillor R. Atkinson. Motion carried. d) Yarmouth Hospital Foundation: A letter of thanks was received from the Yarmouth Hospital Foundation for Council’s donation of $1119.00. 1920 e) Shelb. Co. Early Childhood Development Association: A letter of thanks was received from the Shelburne County Early Childhood Development Association for Council’s donation of $100.00. f) Barrington Municipal Exhibition/Opening Ceremonies: Mayor Stoddart expressed regrets that he would be unable to attend the 2015 opening ceremonies of the Barrington Municipal Agricultural Exhibition. Deputy Mayor, Cecil Brannen, stated that he would attend in the Mayor’s place. g) Canadian Postmasters and Assistants Association: It was moved by Councillor Brannen and seconded by Councillor R. Atkinson to write a letter of support for the Canadian Postmasters and Assistants Association. Motion carried. e) Black Loyalist Centre: An invitation was received for the opening of the Black Loyalist Centre on June 6, 2015. As Mayor Stoddart is unable to make this, Councillor S. Atkinson stated she would go in his place. NEW BUSINESS a) Barrington Municipal High School: Councillor Baker will represent the Town of Clarks Harbour at the Barrington Municipal High School graduation ceremonies. b) NSCC Shelburne Campus: Mayor Stoddart will be representing the Town of Clarks Harbour at the NSCC Shelburne Campus closing ceremonies. Events Coordinator/Parnell Walker: (revisited) It was moved by Councillor Quinlan and seconded by Councillor Brannen to allow Events Coordinator Parnell Walker to hold a street dance with a beer tent at the ball field. Motion was defeated, with Councillors Brannen, Quinlan and R. Atkinson for and Councillors Stoddard, S. Atkinson along with Mayor Stoddart against. Councillor S. Atkinson motioned to adjourn the meeting at 9:30pm, seconded by Councillor R Atkinson. ___________________________ ______________________________ Town Clerk Mayor |
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