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Town of Clark's Harbour : Town Minutes - July, 2024Below you will find this year's Town Minutes. Please note that the most recent is at the top and the oldest one at the bottom. Each set of minutes are separated by a horiztonal line. 2422
Special Meeting
Town Council
July 29, 2024
The Special Meeting Session was called to order by Mayor Stoddard at 6:32pm with Councillors Trudy Quinlan and Russell Atkinson present. Councillor Louann Link arrived at 6:34 and Councillor Irene Baker was absent due to work obligations.
It was moved by Councillor Quinlan and seconded by Councillor Atkinson that the agenda be approved as circulated. Motion carried unanimously.
Council received one tender for the construction of an additional office area in what is referred to as the Doctors Office. That tender was from Daniel Comley in the amount of thirty-five hundred dollars ($3500) for labor only, the Town will be responsible for materials.
Councillor Atkinson motioned to accept the tender in the amount of thirty-five hundred dollars from Daniel Comley, Councillor Link seconded the motion, motion carried.
As there was no further business to discuss, Councillor Quinlan motioned to adjourn the meeting at 6:45pm. ___________________ ______________________ Mayor Town Clerk 2418
Regular Session
Town Council
July 02, 2024
The Regular Session was called to order by Mayor Stoddard at 7pm with Councillors Louann Link, Irene Baker, Trudy Quinlan and Russell Atkinson present.
It was moved by Councillor Atkinson and seconded by Councillor Quinlan that the agenda be approved as circulated. Motion carried unanimously.
It was moved by Councillor Baker and seconded by Councillor Atkinson that the minutes from the previous meeting be approved as circulated. Motion carried unanimously.
Mrs. Atkinson was present on behalf of the Seabreeze Rebekah Lodge, located at 2822 Main Street, Clark’s Harbour. She gave a brief history of the lodge from its beginning to present. As with most nonprofit organizations, including that of the CSI New Horizons, the volunteers are finding it harder and harder to recruit new members and the cash flow is no longer there to pay the bills, including property taxes. Mrs. Atkinson asked of the town to exempt them from property taxes and to reimburse that that had already been for the 24/25 fiscal year.
Pursuant to section 71 of the Municipal Government Act, the town may exempt nonprofit organizations from property taxes.
Councillor Quinlan motioned to exempt the property taxes of the Seabreeze Rebekah Lodge and that of the CSI New Horizons commencing in the 2025/2026 fiscal year, Councillor Atkinson seconded the motion, motion carried.
The second and final reading of Policy # 6 was presented, Councillor Baker motioned to accept the policy as presented, Councillor Quinlan seconded the motion, motion carried.
Due to the motion arising from the above appointment, this policy needs to be rewritten.
At last month’s meeting, the deadline for street paving tenders was delayed in order to allow another company to bid on the project
The Town received two (2) bids for paving/repairing streets:
Councillor Quinlan motioned that they accept the bid from Town and Country in the amount of $32,187.40, Councillor Link seconded the motion, motion carried.
Streets, Sewers and Unsightly Premises:
There was no report available at the time of the meeting.
Recreation: . Canada Day activities that took place on July 1st was discussed as well as those activities that are to take place on the 3rd.
Building Inspector Report:
No report available at the time of meeting.
Mayor and Councillors shared their activities and meetings attended since the last regular meeting of Council.
All relevant correspondence was shared with Council via email and only that that required action is listed below.
The area to which the washing machine is located will be accessible from 8am – 5pm Monday to Friday. Due to the nature of the quality of water, Councillor Link motioned to purchase a water conditioner, Councillor Baker seconded the motion, motion carried.
Councillor Atkinson motioned to add another wall to the playground area, Councillor Quinlan seconded the motion, motion carried.
Councillor Baker motioned for the Clerk to seek additional funding for the new wastewater treatment facility, Councillor Atkinson seconded the motion, motion carried.
Councillor Atkinson motioned to tender out for the construction of an extra office within the space of the current doctors/nurses/mental health office, Councillor Link seconded the motion, motion carried.
2421 As there was no further business to discuss, Councillor Baker motioned to adjourn the meeting at 8:35pm. ______________________ _________________________ Mayor Town Clerk
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