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Town of Clark's Harbour : Town Minutes - July, 2023Below you will find this year's Town Minutes. Please note that the most recent is at the top and the oldest one at the bottom. Each set of minutes are separated by a horiztonal line. 2370 Regular Session Town Council July 05, 2023 The Regular Session was called to order by Mayor Stoddard at 7pm with Councillors Trudy Quinlan, Louann Link, and Russell Atkinson present. Regrets from Councillor Baker due to bereavement. ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA: a) Legion Hall/Community Centre b) July 1st Pageant c) Yarmouth Big Bounce Deposit APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA: It was moved by Councillor Atkinson and seconded by Councillor Quinlan that the agenda as well as the additions be approved as circulated. Motion carried unanimously. APPROVAL OF THE PREVIOUS MINUTES: It was moved by Councillor Quinlan and seconded by Councillor Link that the minutes from the previous meeting be approved as circulated. Motion carried unanimously. APPOINTMENTS: None MATTERS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES: a) Wastewater Treatment Facility update: Mayor Stoddard related to Council the status of the Wastewater Treatment Facility. Within the next two (2) weeks the feasibility study should be completed. b) Summer Employment: Councillor Link motioned to accept Cole Stoddart for the position of Grounds Maintenance in accordance with the Canada Summer Jobs program, Councillor Quinlan seconded the motion, motion carried. c) Boardwalk Extension: discussed later in an in-camera meeting. 2371 REPORTS: Streets, Sewers and Unsightly Premises: The Public Works Report was presented to Council and discussed. Recreation: a) July 1st Pageant (from additions above) Roselie Holmes has approached Mayor Stoddard regarding the July 1st Little Miss pageants. She felt that they could be improved upon and offered her assistance in any future pageants. Councillor Quinlan motioned to accept the assistance of Ms Holmes for future pageant events, Councillor Atkinson seconded the motion, motion carried. b) Yarmouth Big Bounce Deposit (from additions above) Yarmouth Big Bounce was given a deposit of twelve hundred eighty six dollars ($1,286) to book for the Canada Day activities. Because of the impending forecast for Canada Day, they were forced to cancel. Mayor Stoddard asked if Council wanted the deposit returned or should it be kept for next years events. Councillor Quinlan motioned to let the deposit remain with Yarmouth Big Bounce for next year’s activities, Councillor Link seconded the motion, motion carried. c) Legion Hall/Community Centre (from additions above) Councillor Link inquired about the washer and shower at the Community Centre and if they were running, Mayor Stoddard assured her that they were ready to be used. He also stated that when needed the hall would be open 8am – 5pm Monday to Friday. Building Inspector Report: There was one permit issued for the month of June with an approximate value of seven thousand dollars ($7,000). Mayor/Councillors: Mayor and Councillors shared their activities and meetings attending since the last regular meeting of Council. 2372 There was three thousand dollars ($3,000) raised from the second annual Let Your Light Shine Jevon Link Society 5K run held on Canada Day. The proceeds will be going to the late William “Bill” Baker family. CORRESPONDENCE: All relevant correspondence was shared with Council via email and only that that required action is listed below. a) An email from a Concerned Citizen (discussed in an in-camera session) At 7:55pm Councillor Atkinson motioned, seconded by Councillor Quinlan to move in-camera to discuss two items of a delicate nature, motion carried. At 8:07pm Councillor Atkinson, seconded by Councillor Link, to move out of in-camera, motion carried. Councillor Quinlan motioned to not proceed with the boardwalk extension, Councillor Atkinson seconded the motion, motion carried. NEW BUSINESS: no new business to discuss As there was no further business to discuss, Councillor Atkinson motioned to adjourn the meeting, the time being 8:10pm. ________________ ______________________________ Mayor Town Clerk |
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