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Town of Clark's Harbour : Town Minutes - July, 2017Below you will find this year's Town Minutes. Please note that the most recent is at the top and the oldest one at the bottom. Each set of minutes are separated by a horiztonal line. 2028 Regular Session Town Council July 12, 2017 The Regular Session of Town Council was called to order by Mayor Leigh Stoddart at 7pm with Councillors Irene Baker, Russell Atkinson, Cara Ross, Trudy Quinlan, Louann Link and Rex Stoddard present. ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA: PVSC – Datazone MOB – ‘Paint the Town Red’ Laurie Smith Ballfield Shannon O’Sullivan Patricia Atwood Keith Nickerson Seal Island Church Committee APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA: It was moved by Councillor Stoddard and seconded by Councillor Quinlan to approve the agenda, as well as the additions, as circulated. Motion carried. APPROVAL OF THE PREVIOUS MINUTES: It was moved by Councillor Atkinson and seconded by Councillor Quinlan to approve the previous minutes. Motion carried. 2029 APPOINTMENTS: Lauren Pace – NS Works: Lauren Pace with Southwest Employment Services (NS Works) was present to discuss the different services NS Works Employment Centre offers to both employees and employers. They have offices located in Shelburne, Barrington and Yarmouth, they provide career advice and information to employment seekers and they assist employers to find the employee who best fits their criteria for employment. Minnie Atkinson – Legion Rental Fee: Minnie did not attend this meeting. MATTERS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES: Financial Statements: The final financial statements were presented to Council for approval. There were no changes from the draft financial statements. Councillor Quinlan motioned that the financial statements be accepted as presented, Councillor Baker seconded this motion, motion carried. REPORTS Streets, Sewers and Unsightly Premises: The report was read and discussed. Recreation: No report available for this period. Building Inspectors Report: There were no permits issued for the month of June. Fire: No report available for this period. Police: No police report available at this time. Mayor/Councillors: Councillor Quinlan gave reports of her various events and activities she had attended since the last regular meeting of Council. 2030 CORRESPONDENCE: a) Anna Kenney – NS Marathon/Half Marathon: Ms Kenney of the Barrington Municipal Recreation Department asked permission to use the Town’s Main Street for the full Marathon, taking place on July 23rd, and also to spray paint 2km marks on Main Street. Council gave permission to do so. b) National Drowning Prevention Week Proclamation: Correspondence was received from Klara Needler, Public Relations Officer with NS lifeguard Service asking that the Town proclaim July 16-22 as National Drowning Prevention Week. Councillor Baker motioned that the Town proclaim July 16-22 as National Drowning Prevention Week, Councillor Ross seconded this motion, motion carried. c) International Right to Know Week: Julie Young, on behalf of Catherine Tully, Information and Privacy Commissioner for Nova Scotia, wrote, asking the Town of Clark’s Harbour to proclaim the week of September 25th to October 1st as ‘Right to Know Week’, and that we publicize any events relating to this matter that may be taking place near us. Councillor Stoddard motioned that the Town proclaim September 25 to October 01 as Right to Know Week and that any events taking place regarding this near the Town will be publicized, Councillor Quinlan seconded this motion, motion carried. d) Letter of Support/Cancer Support Network: Nicole Atwood wrote a letter requesting support from the Town in the form of a letter to be written supporting the idea of the Yarmouth Regional Hospital have a full Cancer Unit that offers radiation treatments along with the chemotherapy treatments that is already offered. Councillor Baker motioned that the Town write a letter in support of having a Radiation unit at the Yarmouth Regional Hospital, Councillor Atkinson seconded this motion, motion carried. e) Royal Bank of Canada – 100th Birthday: During the week of July 17th to the 21st, the Royal Bank of Canada, Clark’s Harbour branch will be celebrating their 100th anniversary. Mayor Stoddart requested that a congratulatory letter be written to them congratulating them on their 100 years of successful business. 2031 NEW BUSINESS a) Canada Day Results: Canada Day week started off with the ‘Sherry Show’ on the 23rd and 24th of June, both shows sold out well before performance dates. The show depicted famous musicians all across Canada, and despite the weather, there was an excellent participation turnout for the parade which initiated Canada Day itself. Through donations of various participants there was $287 raised for the Seal Island Church Group, $191 for the Clark’s Harbour Elementary School breakfast program and $776 for the Roselin Nickerson Care Fund. Great fun was had by all. ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA: a) PVSC DatazONE: Trudy LeBlanc of Property Valuation Services Corporation presented to the Clerk datazONE which is an open data portal for municipalities, PVSC, and the public to access information, such as finances, services, economic development, and culture. This site allows towns and municipalities to become more transparent and the public to access this information. Upon using the site, the Clerk found it difficult to navigate, it was felt that it was a bit too technical if you were not a computer ‘whiz’. A pilot project with NSCC has been launched in which data entry students would gain knowledge and experience through entering data from participating towns and municipalities, Ms Leblanc had asked if the Town was interested in this service. Council felt that if the website could be made more user friendly, then this would be a good asset in getting public information on the Web, the Clerk will contact Ms LeBlanc on this issue. b) Municipality of Barrington/Paint the Town Red: Councillor Atkinson brought information forward regarding a Canada 150 project that the Municipality of Barrington was initiating, in which they were seeking sponsorships of $500 from businesses/organizations (or a combination thereof) to help toward the production and the painting of 10 6’ sculptured lobsters. They are also seeking artists to submit an artistic design for selection for the painting of these lobsters. Councillor Quinlan motioned that they grant them $500 on the stipulation that one of the lobsters was placed within Town limits, Councillor Atkinson seconded this motion, motion carried. 2032 c) Laurie Smith: Laurie Smith of 21 North Street had approached several Councillors with a few complaints. One of them being that the ditch along North Street needed to be addressed as there was water backing up into basements on that street, and another being that of unsightly premises. He indicated that the properties along Main Street across from North Street were in need of a tidy up. Lastly, he wanted a paper copy of the Town’s budget. To address these issues, ditching would be done along North Street and other streets that require the same attention. A letter will be sent out to all property owners, stressing that there had been comments from citizens that many properties within the Town need some tending to and that it would be appreciated if the property owners would comply. The budget is always available for the public to see. Councillor Quinlan motioned, seconded by Councillor Link that a letter be sent to all property owners stating that there had been comments regarding the stature of some properties within Town, and that it would be greatly appreciated if the property owners would comply with some home/property improvements. Motion carried. d) Ballfield: Council had received complaints that the ballfield needed attention, the infield is full of rocks, and the bathroom lights were not working. Since it is too late in the season now to do the proper fix of the field, it was decided that a temporary fix be put in place until the new year. As for the bathroom lights, public works will be contacted about this. e) Shannon O’Sullivan: Ms O’Sullivan approached a Councillor inquiring if the Home and School could hold a trivia night at the legion. Councillor Ross was to tell her to call and book the legion for the night she wanted. f) Patricia Atwood: Ms Atwood inquired if there was a possibility of putting a basketball hoop up behind the Town Hall as the one at the school playground was too low for her son to play comfortable. Councillor Ross was to inform her that there had been one behind the Town Hall at one time, but had to be removed as the older children were bothering the younger children at the playground there. It was moved to the tennis court, which now has been replace with the school playground. g) Keith Nickerson: Mr Nickerson of the Island Trap Schooners approached Councillor Ross to inquire if the Town would be willing to sponsor them for the Provincials, which are being held in Clark’s Harbour in September. Councillor Baker motioned that the Town donate $200 to the Schooners, Councillor Atkinson seconded this motion, motion carried. 2033 e) Seal Island Church Group: Councillor Baker motioned that the Town donate $200 towards the restoration of the Seal Island Church, Councillor Link seconded this motion, motion defeated, three for and four opposed. Councillor Ross mentioned that the Terry Fox Run is always held on the third Sunday in September and that is also when the Fisherman’s Memorial is also held. She wondered if the Town would hold this on a different date, maybe on Mariner’s Day in August. As there was no other business to discuss, Councillor Stoddard motioned that the meeting be adjourned. The time was 10:05pm. |
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