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Town of Clark's Harbour : Town Minutes - February, 2023Below you will find this year's Town Minutes. Please note that the most recent is at the top and the oldest one at the bottom. Each set of minutes are separated by a horiztonal line. 2345 Regular Session Town Council February 1, 2023 The Regular Session was called to order by Mayor Stoddard at 7:00 pm with Councillors Trudy Quinlan, Russell Atkinson, and Louann Link present. Regrets from Councillor Baker due to family medical emergency. ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA: a) Southwest Nova Biosphere Reserve Association – Grant Request Due to budgetary restraints, Councillor Atkinson motioned to decline this request, seconded by Councillor Quinlan, motion carried. b) Duck’s Unlimited – Grant Request Due to budgetary restraints, Councillor Atkinson motioned to decline this request, seconded by Councillor Quinlan, motion carried. c) Boardwalk Bench in Memory of Cecil Brannen Council received a request from a family member of former Councillor Cecil Brannen, to put a bench along the shoreline of the Boardwalk in memory of Mr Brannen. Councillor Quinlan motioned to allow this, seconded by Councillor Atkinson, motion carried. d) Property at 25 Kenney Street Councillor Atkinson brought a concern to Council regarding the falling of a cinder block from the building owned by ProNova, and striking a passing vehicle. Since the information came third hand, the Clerk asked if she could check the validity of the story before taking further action. If it turns out that this happened, Councillor Atkinson motioned that a letter be written to the property owner regarding the condition of the building, Councillor Link seconded the motion, motion carried. e) July 1st Fun Run Councillor Link stated that she was asked if the 5K Fun Run would take place on July 1st, she was assured that it would be. 2346 APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA: It was moved by Councillor Quinlan and seconded by Councillor Atkinson that the agenda as well as the additions be approved as circulated. Motion carried unanimously. APPROVAL OF THE PREVIOUS MINUTES: It was moved by Councillor Atkinson and seconded by Councillor Quinlan that the Minutes from the previous meeting be approved as circulated. Motion carried unanimously. APPOINTMENTS: a) Leigh Stoddart (former mayor) Mr Stoddart was approached by a family member of another former mayor, Mrs Augusta Nickerson, who was mayor from 1974 to 1977, to ask Council if they would consider displaying some sort of item (to be donated by family member) that would honor Mrs Nickerson, whom, in a society mainly dominated by men, was very successful in her endeavors to become a school teacher with no formal education and to become that of Mayor for the Town of Clark’s Harbour. Mayor Stoddard assured him that Council would consider this, and get back to him in the near future. MATTERS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES: Nothing to report. REPORTS: Streets, Sewers and Unsightly Premises: The Public Works Report was presented to Council and discussed. Recreation: Mayor Stoddard was approached by someone inquiring if the Town would consider if the fenced in paved area behind the playground could be used as a Pickle Ball court once the schools closed for the summer. Council thought this a great idea, and the Mayor would check specs regarding the game to determine if it would be a suitable area. 2347 Building Inspector Report: The building inspectors report for the month of January was shared with Council. One (1) permit was issued with a commercial value of four hundred thousand dollars. ($400 000). Mayor/Councillors: Mayor Stoddard and Councillors reported to Council on meetings that they attended since the last regular meeting of Council. Mayor and Council would like to congratulate the following people on their recent achievements. Bruce Atkinson and Terry Zinck for being inducted into the Atlantic Canada Marine Industries Hall of Fame. Jessica MacKinnon and Cohen Stoddard for being chosen to represent Nova Scotia in hockey at the Canada Games. CORRESPONDENCE: a) Jennifer Thomas – BVCA – Roseway Hospital Xray Unit Grant At the August 2020 regular meeting, Council motioned to donate seven thousand dollars ($7000) towards the purchase of a digital xray unit for Roseway Hospital, with the stipulation that they would not receive the money until it was ready to be installed. In January of 2023, the Clerk received a letter from the Roseway Hospital Foundation stating that the unit had been purchased and was ready for installation, and would the Town kindly send the promised funds. Upon an investigation it was discovered that the promised funds had never been budgeted for, the Clerk then reached out to the Auditors and asked if a portion of the funds could be used in the 2022/2023 fiscal year and the balance be budgeted for in the 2023/2024 fiscal year. The Auditor replied, that as long as it was discussed with Council and recorded in the minutes that this is honoring a previous commitment then all should be fine. Five thousand, two hundred and seventy eight dollars ($5 278) was allocated to the 2022/2023 grant budget of fifteen thousand ($15 000) and one thousand seven hundred and twenty two dollars ($1 722) was allocated to the 2023/2024 grant budget of fifteen thousand ($15 000) (see below for further info). b) Warden Penny Smith – Municipal Modernization The eastern Shelburne County municipal units of the Town of Shelburne, Town of Lockeport and the Municipality of Shelburne are exploring the idea of consolidating the three units and was asked by the province to reach out to the Town of Clark’s Harbour and the Municipality of Barrington to determine if this might be something of interest to them. 2348 Councillor Atkinson motioned not to explore the option of consolidation, Councillor Link seconded the motion, motion carried. c) Property Valuation Services – property inquiry The Clerk had inquired of Property Valuation Services if perhaps a certain commercial property in town was assessed correctly. In an email from them, she was assured that the property in question was on par with similar buildings of this size and utility. d) Sou’West Nova Transit – Grant Request Sou’West Nova Transit, a non-profit organization, that provides transportation services to the residents of Shelburne County, has requested a grant of fifteen hundred dollars ($1 500) for the 23/24 fiscal year, up from the twelve hundred and ninety three dollars ($1 293) in previous years. Councillor Atkinson motioned to honor their request, Councillor Link seconded the motion, motion carried. e) Yarmouth Hospital Foundation The Yarmouth Hospital Foundation is having their annual fundraiser to raise funds for a portable ultrasound, a bladder scanner and an electrocardiogram unit for the emergency department. Councillor Quinlan, seconded by Councillor Link, motion to grant them two hundred dollars ($200), motion carried. f) Barrington Ground Search and Rescue – Grant Request The Barrington Ground Search and Rescue was seeking two (2) grants. The yearly operational grant of eight hundred and forty dollars ($840) and that of eighteen hundred dollars ($1 800) towards the purchase of a new truck in which to tow their command trailer. Councillor Link, seconded by Councillor Atkinson, motioned to honor their requests for both grants, motion carried. NEW BUSINESS: a) 2023/2024 Fiscal Year Grant Budget Councillor Quinlan motioned to set the grant budget to fifteen thousand dollars ($15 000) as in the previous year, Councillor Link seconded the motion, motion carried. 2349 b) 2023/2024 Property Tax Rates/Sewer Service Rate Councillor Quinlan motioned to keep the current rate of $1.68 per one hundred dollars of assessment for residential properties and the rate of $5.58 per one hundred dollars of assessment for the commercial properties and two hundred and thirty eight dollars ($238) per year for the sewer service fee, Councillor Atkinson seconded the motion, motion carried. As there was no further business to discuss, Councillor Quinlan motioned to adjourn the meeting, the time being 9:10pm. ___________________________ _____________________ Mayor Town Clerk |
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