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Town of Clark's Harbour : Town Minutes - February, 2021Below you will find this year's Town Minutes. Please note that the most recent is at the top and the oldest one at the bottom. Each set of minutes are separated by a horiztonal line. 2248 Regular Session Town Council February 03, 2021 The regular session of Town Council was called to order by Mayor Stoddart at 7 pm with Councillor Quinlan, Councillor Link, Councillor Baker, and Councillor Atkinson in attendance. ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA: Irene- use of Legion- Gwen Blades Mayor Stoddard - Sewer System APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA: It was moved by Councillor Link, seconded by Councillor Atkinson to approve the agenda as circulated. Motion carried unanimously. APPROVAL OF THE PREVIOUS MINUTES: It was moved by Councillor Quinlan and seconded by Councillor Link to approve the previous minutes. Motion Carried unanimously. APPOINTMENTS: None 2249 MATTERS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES: Heritage Hall Roof – NS power Bill: After receiving and reviewing copies of the invoices, and speaking with a representative from NS Power, Mayor Stoddard reported to council that the charges were legitimate and not a mistake. The contractor had asked for some help from the town to cover the unexpected cost for the protective coverings installation of the power lines at the Heritage Hall while installing the metal roofing. It was moved by Councillor Quinlan and Seconded by Councillor Baker that the Town pay half of the charges from N.S power. Motion carried, unanimously. REPORTS Streets, Sewers and Unsightly Premises: Public Works Report was presented to Council. Recreation: Building Inspectors Report: N\A Mayor/Councillors: Councillor Quinlan, Councillor Baker, Councillor Link and the Clerk gave reports of recent meeting they attended. CORRESPONDENCE: Thank You Letter- A thank you letter was read to Council that was received from the Barrington Municipal Agricultural Exhibition Association regarding the recent Donation from The Town of Clark’s Harbour. Grant request- A grant request for $500 from South West Biosphere Reserve Association was presented to Council. It was moved by Councillor Quinlan and seconded by Councillor Atkinson that due to budgetary restraints we are unable to donate at this time. Motion carried, unanimously. 2250 Census- A letter was received from Stats Canada, asking for Town of Clarks harbour Council to make a motion supporting the 2021 Census. It was moved by Councillor Baker and seconded by Councillor Quinlan that the motion be supported. Motion carried, unanimously NEW BUSINESS: Legion rental for Art Show- An application to rent the legion was given to the town by Joanna Hyde to possibly rent the legion for an Art show at the end of March. It was moved by Councillor Baker and seconded by Councillor Quinlan that the application be approved. Motion carried, unanimously. New Software: The current financing software that is currently running at the Town is dated. The Clerk discussed with council the possibility of upgrading. Council asked what upgrading and contract would cost. The Clerk is getting proposal information in the near future from TownSuite and will update Council at the Next meeting if proposal is ready. Volunteers National Volunteering week is April 18/21-April 24/21. The Mayor asked Councillors if they wished to go forward with this event this year, last year with COVID upon us there were not many events for folks to volunteer for. Council’s wishes were to go forward this year as in the past. Beautification: Mayor Stoddard asked Council how they would like to use the remaining funding form the Beautification and Streetscaping grant. Some options were discussed. It was moved by Councillor Quinlan and Seconded by Councillor Atkinson that the remaining funds be used to purchase the netting for the community garden and to put up local artwork on banners to be put up along Main Street and some along the Boardwalk. Motion carried, unanimously. Ball park lights The ball field is in need of new lights if the children age 13 & up wish to play at night. The current lighting situation is still ok for children under the age of 12 to currently be able to play under the lights. Mayor Stoddard got some pricing on LED lights. This business will be tabled for Aprils meeting for Mayor Stoddard to gather more information on the lights. 2251 Security for Playground: A brief discussion was held regarding the possibility of having security at the playground this spring\summer seasons. Council wished to table the discussion until later in the spring. Additions to the Agenda: Use of legion: A resident asked Councillor Baker if the the Town would consider the Legion to be used in the winter time for indoor walking. It was asked for the person to call the Town Hall for further details about this. Sewer System: The municipality of Barrington and the Town of Clark’s Harbour have been talking about the possibility of expanding the number of hook-ups to the Town sewer treatment plant. Mayor Stoddard asked Council if they were in agreement of such proceedings. Council said they were not against talking about it. In camera Session: At 8:46 it was moved by Councillor Quinlan and seconded by Councillor Baker that Council enter in to closed Chambers session to discuss 2 matters; personnel and leasing of office space. Motion carried, unanimously. At 9:05pm it was moved by Councillor Baker and seconded by Councillor Quinlan to adjourn from the in camera session. Motion Carried, unanimously. It was moved by Councillor Quinlan and seconded by Councillor Baker that the Tax clerk be given a raise. Motion carried, unanimously. It was moved by Councillor Baker and seconded by Councillor Quinlan that the office space in the town hall not to be rented at this time. Motion carried, unanimously. 2252 As there was no further business at 9:15 pm it was moved by Councillor Baker the meeting be adjourned. _______________________________ __________________________ Mayor Town Clerk 2254 Regular Session Town Council March 03, 2021 The regular session of Town Council was called to order by Mayor Stoddart at 6:58 pm with Councillor Quinlan, Councillor Link, Councillor Baker, and Councillor Atkinson in attendance. ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA: Garbage in ditches APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA: It was moved by Councillor Quinlan, seconded by Councillor Atkinson to approve the agenda as circulated. Motion carried unanimously. APPROVAL OF THE PREVIOUS MINUTES: It was moved by Councillor Atkinson and seconded by Councillor Link to approve the previous minutes. Motion Carried unanimously. APPOINTMENTS: None 2255 MATTERS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES: None REPORTS Streets, Sewers and Unsightly Premises: Public Works Report was presented to Council. Barrington Municipality is exploring the possibility of hooking into the Town sewer system, Mayor Stoddard asked each councillor to write up what they would like to see in the agreement and bring back to him next Council meeting so he may put something together . Recreation: Building Inspectors Report: 0 permits for January and February 2021 Mayor/Councillors: Councillor Quinlan, and Mayor and Clerk gave reports of recent meeting they attended. CORRESPONDENCE: Healthy Communities Grant Application: A grant application was sent in for funding of ballpark lighting. The request was for $10,000 to install 10 lights. The Town’s portion will be $5400 for a total project cost of $15400. International Students: The International Student organization reached out to see if Council would like a presentation about the Student Program. Since a presentation was given to Councillors not too long ago they felt they still had a good understanding of the program. It was communicated to the organization that The Town would circulate any forms or posters on their Facebook Page and Web Site to help provide the information to its residents. 2256 NEW BUSINESS: 2020 GMC Truck Funding- The clerk presented the options to council on repayment for the purchase of the GMC truck Purchased in June of 2020. It was moved by Councillor Baker and seconded by Councillor Link that the town pay back the funds of $51,918.50 to the Capital reserves over a five year term with annual payments at the interest rate of 2.52%. Motion carried, unanimously Grants to Organizations The current 2020-2021and proposed 2021-2022 Grants to Organizations was presented to Council for approval. It was moved by Councillor Baker and seconded by Councillor Link to approve the grants to organizations 2021-2022 fiscal year budget as presented. Motion carried, unanimously Darlene Smith Café It was asked when she would be able to open the café in the Heritage Hall and if the town would pay for the purchase of a countertop and sink unit she purchased for the café. It was moved by Councillor Atkinson and seconded by Councillor Quinlan that the Town pay $75 for the sink and countertop unit and the hall is able to open after the 15th of April 2021. Motion carried, unanimously. Fundy inshore Building: Mayor Stoddard informed Council that the Building that was being rented to Fundy Inshore was very expensive to heat, after doing some investigating it was discovered that there was a great need for insulation. The estimated cost would be around $600.and public works employees could do the work. It was moved by Councillor Atkinson and seconded by Councillor Baker that the building be insulated. Motion carried, unanimously. Christmas Decorating: Judith Maxwell asked one of the Councillors if the Town would be willing to let her decorate at the Town Hall and heritage hall at Christmas time and the Town pay for the supplies. It was agreed by Council that she could do the decorating and will be asked to go to the Clerk and discuss the finances for the project at the time. 2257 Property Tax & Sewer Rates A discussion was held around the Town sewer rate and property Tax amounts. It was moved by Councillor Quinlan and Seconded by Councillor Atkinson that the Sewer tax Rate be increased from $188 to $208. The Residential & Resource Tax Rate of $1.68 per $100 of assessment and the Commercial Tax Rate of $5.58 per $100 of assessment will remain unchanged. Motion carried, unanimously. Recreation: The Town of Clark’s Harbour and The Municipality of Barrington have several agreements in place for shared services such as Building Inspector services, EMO services and The Municipal landfill site. The Town and Municipality are working together to combine the agreements to one. Barrington has offered recreation to be included in the shared service agreement. Council wanted time to plan and see if recreation is a necessary option. It was tabled for decision at next meeting in April. Additions to the Agenda: Litter in Ditches: Councillor Quinlan has had many comments made to her about the amount of litter in the ditches throughout the Town. In past years there was a litter clean-up program put on by the Town of Clark’s harbour inviting Individuals or Groups to sign up for the clean-up. An ad will be posted for people to sign up this spring for the clean-up. Town tartan Tie: Dr. Strang, the Chief Medical Official of Health for Nova Scotia always wears a tie when giving the COVID updates weekly. The Town of Clark’s Harbour are going to send him a tie made from our Town Tartan design for his collection and to hopefully wear at one of his briefings. As there was no further business at 9:.27 pm it was moved by Councillor Baker the meeting be Adjourned. ____________________________ _____________________ Mayor Town Clerk 2253 Special Council February 11, 2021 A Special Council meeting was called to order by Mayor Rex Stoddard at 6:00pm with Councillors, Irene Baker, Russell Atkinson, Trudy Quinlan, and Louann Link present. Additions to the Agenda : None New Business: Volunteers: Councillors brought names forward for nominations of Volunteers for the year 2020. Seven names were brought forward. The Volunteers will be named at next meeting publicly when all have been contacted. The nominations were voted on by Council for someone to be chosen to represent Clark’s Harbour at the provincial award ceremony. It was moved by Councillor Baker and seconded by Councillor Link that Marlene Atkinson be the chosen volunteer for Clark’s Harbour. Motion carried, unanimously. As there was no further business Councillor Quinlan moved the meeting be adjourned at 7:10 pm. _______________________________ __________________________ Mayor Town Clerk |
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