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Town of Clark's Harbour : Town Minutes - February, 2018Below you will find this year's Town Minutes. Please note that the most recent is at the top and the oldest one at the bottom. Each set of minutes are separated by a horiztonal line. 2062 Regular Session Town Council February 07, 2018 The Regular Session of Town Council was called to order by Mayor Leigh Stoddart at 6:55pm with Councillors Trudy Quinlan, Irene Baker, Louann Link, Cara Ross, Russell Atkinson and Rex Stoddard present. ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA: Gary Sears – Boat Tours Tartan for Town of Clark’s Harbour APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA: It was moved by Councillor Stoddard and seconded by Councillor Quinlan to approve the agenda, as well as the additions, as circulated. Motion carried. APPROVAL OF THE PREVIOUS MINUTES: It was moved by Councillor Quinlan and seconded by Councillor Stoddard to approve the previous minutes. Motion carried. APPOINTMENTS: No Appointments MATTERS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES: a) Volunteer Nominations: The Town received nine (9) single nominations for Volunteer of the Year and one (1) Couple for Volunteer of the Year; they are, David Cleaver, Cindy Ross, Judith Quinlan, Edward Quinlan, Eileen Cunningham, Shannon O’Sullivan, Marlene Atkinson, Sheldon Bell and Ruth Thomas as the singles and LaSalles and Willimae Ross as the couple. Councillor Quinlan motioned that David Cleaver be selected as the one to represent the Town at the Provincial Volunteer Awards dinner being held in Halifax on April 9th, 2018. Councillor seconded this motion, motion carried with Councillor Stoddard voting against. 2063 After more discussion, Councillor Stoddard motioned that Eileen Cunningham be considered an alternate in the case that David Cleaver could not attend, Councillor Atkinson seconded this motion, motion carried. The Mayor and Council felt that Todd Newell should be recognized on a local level for his implementation of the “Live Well Challenge”, which has raised some much needed money for many local charities and organizations in the area. b) Seaside Heritage Hall: As a result of an ad that was placed in the local paper, the Town had two responses regarding the future use of the Seaside Heritage Hall. One from Trudy Atkinson of Newellton who wished to see the hall remain as is and house historical artifacts with a resource/reference room located on the second floor as well as a display/program room to display local artists/artisans works. Another suggestion she had was to use the second floor as a place to hold music entertainment featuring local artists. Ms Atkinson would like to see the building kept as a historical place of information. A proposal from Laura Ross, a local personal trainer and group fitness leader, proposed to use the second floor as a fitness classroom for such classes as strength, cardio, senior, youth, kickboxing, bootcamp, Tabata, off season hockey/soccer and stretch. It was the consensus with Council that although these were both great ideas, but not financially feasible ones. Councillor Baker motioned that Laura Ross be asked if she would be interested in using the legion for her proposed classes and that she come to a meeting to speak with Council. Councillor Link seconded this motion, motion carried. REPORTS Streets, Sewers and Unsightly Premises: The monthly report was read and discussed. Public Works department requested that two (2) additional streetlights be added, one at the end of Prince Street and the other where Main and Water Street meet (the old Town Well). As a result from last months meeting, a quote of $5860.00 was given for a new propane heater for the salt shed; this was supplied by Rhyno’s Ltd. Councillor Quinlan motioned that NS Power be contact for the two additional streetlights, Councillor Atkinson seconded this motion, motion carried. Councillor Stoddard motioned that they accept the quote of $5860.00 from Rhyno’s Ltd and purchase the new propane heater, Councillor Newell seconded this motion, motion carried. Recreation: No report available for this period. 2064 Building Inspectors Report: Nothing to report for this period. Fire: No fire report available at this time. Police: No police report available at this time. Mayor/Councillors: Councillors Quinlan and Newell gave a report on the Police Advisory Meeting they had attended on January 25th. Councillor Baker gave her report on a Bayside Home Board meeting as well as a report on Roseway Hospital Charitable Foundation meeting she had attended. Mayor Stoddart and Councillors Stoddard, Atkinson and Link all attended the Black Heritage Centre on February 2nd for the commemoration of Black Heritage month. Councillor Newell attended the unveiling of the Lobster Sculpture paintings held at the Municipal building in Barrington on February 6th. CORRESPONDENCE: a) Region 6 – Note from the Chairman: A memo was received from Chairman Michael Ernst regarding the recent news articles about China’s ban on film plastics. He urges everyone to continue to recycle, as these plastics make up only 5% of what we capture in the blue bag. b) Town of Middleton: A copy of a letter sent to the UNSM president, Geoff Stewart, was received by the Town; regarding the proposed name change for the Union of Nova Scotia Municipalities. The Town of Middleton is suggesting the name of ‘Nova Scotia Federation of Municipalities’ (NSFM) instead of ‘Federation of Nova Scotia Municipalities’ (FNSM). c) Town of Shelburne: An invitation from the Town of Shelburne to participate in a discussion regarding the growing health care situation in rural Nova Scotia was discussed. Depending on the date and time of this discussion would warrant who from Council would be able to participate. Mayor Stoddart and Councillors Link and Baker all expressed interest in participating in this discussion. d) SASI Grand Opening: On February 22nd from 11:30am, with a start at 12pm, SASI will be celebrating their grand opening of their new site at 71 King St, Shelburne. 2065 e) Shelburne County Tourism Association: The Shelburne County Tourism Association is gearing up for the 2018 tourism season and is seeking municipal support to enable them to promote Shelburne County in all its’ entirety for returning and new potential tourists. Council decided to table this item until April, when all grants and requests for the 2018/2019 fiscal year is reviewed. f) Cape View Seniors Home: Concerned citizens, Christine Nickerson, Heather Williams, and Priscilla Messenger has asked if there were some way in which the Town of Clark’s Harbour or individual Councillors could help Lorraine Surette, the owner of Cape View Seniors (Boarding) Home, with some much needed repairs and updates to her home, mainly a wheelchair ramp. They indicate that this is the only such home of its kind between Shelburne and Yarmouth and that the community should be proud of this endeavor. Councillor Stoddard felt that Council should acquire more information regarding what repairs where needed, other than the wheel chair ramp, before proceeding with any ideas of assistance. The Clerk was instructed to contact the above ladies to find out what exactly they looking for in terms of assistance; materials only, labour only, or both, materials and labour. g) UNSM Initiatives Report: The Initiatives Report was circulated amongst Council and discussed. h) Import Replacement: The Centre for Local Prosperity did a study to explore the potential for import replacement in Atlantic Canada, particularly for small, rural and local populations. There will be a meeting taking place on Monday, February 26th at the Shelburne Fire Hall to discuss the findings of this study. Of the four regions that they explored, one of them was Shelburne. i) Municipality of Yarmouth: The Municipality of Yarmouth, who have petitioned for a Doppler Radar, will be hosting a meeting at the Rodd Grand Hotel on February 27th, with members of Environment Climate Change Canada to discuss the importance of reliable and adequate weather forecasting in Shelburne, Yarmouth and Digby Counties. NEW BUSINESS a) Comfort Centres: The opening of Comfort Centres was discussed as a result of the last storms that occurred over Christmas and in January. The rule of thumb, before opening a Comfort Centre, is 72 hours after the storm has passed, and not during the storm itself. (The winter months could dictate a shorter period) Emergency personal does not want people out and about during any kind 2066 of storm. Storm preparedness requires that each household have 3 days’ worth of supplies on hand in the event of a one. ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA: a) Gary Sears and Boat Tours: Councillor Newell related to Council that her step father may be doing boat tours of the harbour and surrounding islands in the near future and was asking the support of Council for this endeavor. Council gave Mr Sears their full support and wished him luck in this venture. b) Tartan for the Town of Clark’s Harbour: Council discussed having a Tartan for the Town. An informal meeting will be held on March 19th to discuss possible colors for this Tartan. They would like to see this in place for the 2019 100th anniversary. At 9:10pm, and there being no other business to discuss, Councillor Baker motioned to adjourn. _________________________ ________________________ Mayor Town Clerk |
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