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Town of Clark's Harbour : Town Minutes - August, 2017Below you will find this year's Town Minutes. Please note that the most recent is at the top and the oldest one at the bottom. Each set of minutes are separated by a horiztonal line. 2034 Regular Session Town Council August 02, 2017 The Regular Session of Town Council was called to order by Mayor Leigh Stoddart at 7pm with Councillors Irene Baker, Russell Atkinson, Cara Ross, Trudy Quinlan, Louann Link and Rex Stoddard present. ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA: None APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA: It was moved by Councillor Stoddard and seconded by Councillor Quinlan to approve the agenda as circulated. Motion carried. APPROVAL OF THE PREVIOUS MINUTES: It was moved by Councillor Atkinson and seconded by Councillor Ross to approve the previous minutes. Motion carried. APPOINTMENTS: None MATTERS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES: a) Tenders/Janitorial Position: At this time Councillor Quinlan excused herself from the meeting due to conflict of interest. Five tenders were received regarding the janitorial position available beginning the first of September, Jordan Penney, $400, Charlene Nickerson, $400, Enslow’s Maintenance, $365 + HST, Courtney LeBlanc, $450 and Rose Nickerson, $520; these amounts are based on a monthly basis. The tender was awarded to Charlene Nickerson, done by secret ballot, with Rose Nickerson receiving one vote and Charlene Nickerson receiving five. 2035 b) Recreational Shellfish Harvesting: A letter was received from the Honorable Bernadette Jordan regarding the unwarranted ‘no shellfish harvesting’ signs in many areas of Sou’West Nova Scotia due to lack of regular monitoring of these areas. She states that there are many partners in the decision-making, mainly the Canadian Shellfish Sanitation Program (CSSP). She also states “questions concerning the monitoring, or lack thereof, for the harmful bio toxins by CFIA (Canadian Food Inspection Agency) or harmful bacteria by ECCC (Environment and Climate Change Canada) should be directed to those respective CSSP partners”. Councillor Quinlan motioned, seconded by Councillor Atkinson, that a letter be written to the ECCC and the CFIA requesting a record of frequency of testing of the areas between Wood’s Harbour, NS and Shelburne, NS and everything in between. Motion carried. c) Ballfield: After looking into the ballfield situation, it was discovered that there was no “quick fix”. K. Anthony’s Landscaping & Snow Removal was contacted and they provided a quote of $10 420 + HST to supply and place approximately 108 cubic yards of crusher dust for the infield, and rid the infield of the grass that is growing; includes dump trucks, excavator, roller, labour and travel, with no hidden costs. Councillor Atkinson motioned, seconded by Councillor Link, that K. Anthony’s Landscaping and Snow Removal be offered the contract, motion carried. REPORTS Streets, Sewers and Unsightly Premises: The report was read and discussed. Recreation: No report available for this period. Building Inspectors Report: There were three (3) permits issued for the month of July, with a total value of $15 000. Fire: No report available for this period. Police: No police report available at this time. Mayor/Councillors: No reports from Mayor and Council. 2036 CORRESPONDENCE: a) Dylan Nickerson/Hockey Sponsorship: A request was received from the parents of Dylan Nickerson, a local young hockey play, who has Type 1 diabetes, and was invited to play hockey with a division of the Nova Scotia Young Guns. This hockey team travels to Portland, Maine for a tournament in August, and Dylan’s parents asked for a monetary donation to help with the expenses. Councillor Baker motioned, seconded by Councillor Ross that we grant $100 towards his travel costs, motion carried. b) Red Bear Healing Home Society: A request of $200 of assistance was requested by the Red Bear Healing Home Society. This society provides access to a free voicemail for clients that are essentially living in poverty and without a phone readily at hand. Most of the individuals who use this service reside in Halifax. This Society is based out of Shubenacadie East, NS. Councillor Quinlan motioned, seconded by Councillor Stoddard, to deny this request because of financial constraints, motion carried. c) Municipality of Yarmouth: The Municipality of Yarmouth is seeking support in the form of a letter to our MP and MLA to request a Doppler radar system in Yarmouth to cover Southwest Nova Scotia. Councillor Baker motioned, seconded by Councillor Quinlan, to write a letter in support of the Municipality of Yarmouth’s endeavor to obtain a Doppler radar system in the Yarmouth area, motion carried. NEW BUSINESS a) GIC Purchase: The Clerk asked permission to purchase a GIC with the reserve funds in the amount of $170,000 for twelve (12) months. Councillor Baker motioned, seconded by Councillor Quinlan, to allow the Clerk to purchase the GIC in the amount of $170,000 for twelve (12) months, motion carried. b) Chairs for the Legion: Mayor Stoddart shared with Council his plans to purchase 10 to 20 more chairs for the legion, these would be the more comfortable ones with cushioned seats. c) Shelburne County Tourism Proposal: The Clerk presented to Council the Shelburne County Travelling Tourist Bureau proposal that was derived from a succession of meetings between staff of the five municipal units in Shelburne County. The proposal is to hire two seasonal employees that would travel throughout NS to entice travellers and other NS residents to visit Shelburne County. This is a three year plan, with the travelling tourist bureau being year one, a Shelburne County public art 2037 tour in year two and a signage strategy in year three. All five units would have to agree for this proposal to work. The financial contribution from the Town of Clark’s Harbour would be $3133. Council discussed this proposal in length, but no motions were made. d) Fisherman’s Memorial: The Fisherman’s Memorial is scheduled to take place at 2pm Sunday, September 24th, at the fisherman’s memorial next to the gazebo, in case of inclement weather, it will be held in the Town Hall. As there was no other business to discuss, at 8:50pm Councillor Baker motioned that the meeting be adjourned. Next regular meeting of Council will be Wednesday September 6th. _____________________________ ___________________________ Mayor Town Clerk 2028 Regular Session Town Council July 12, 2017 The Regular Session of Town Council was called to order by Mayor Leigh Stoddart at 7pm with Councillors Irene Baker, Russell Atkinson, Cara Ross, Trudy Quinlan, Louann Link and Rex Stoddard present. ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA: PVSC – Datazone MOB – ‘Paint the Town Red’ Laurie Smith Ballfield Shannon O’Sullivan Patricia Atwood Keith Nickerson Seal Island Church Committee APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA: It was moved by Councillor Stoddard and seconded by Councillor Quinlan to approve the agenda, as well as the additions, as circulated. Motion carried. APPROVAL OF THE PREVIOUS MINUTES: It was moved by Councillor Atkinson and seconded by Councillor Quinlan to approve the previous minutes. Motion carried. 2029 APPOINTMENTS: Lauren Pace – NS Works: Lauren Pace with Southwest Employment Services (NS Works) was present to discuss the different services NS Works Employment Centre offers to both employees and employers. They have offices located in Shelburne, Barrington and Yarmouth, they provide career advice and information to employment seekers and they assist employers to find the employee who best fits their criteria for employment. Minnie Atkinson – Legion Rental Fee: Minnie did not attend this meeting. MATTERS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES: Financial Statements: The final financial statements were presented to Council for approval. There were no changes from the draft financial statements. Councillor Quinlan motioned that the financial statements be accepted as presented, Councillor Baker seconded this motion, motion carried. REPORTS Streets, Sewers and Unsightly Premises: The report was read and discussed. Recreation: No report available for this period. Building Inspectors Report: There were no permits issued for the month of June. Fire: No report available for this period. Police: No police report available at this time. Mayor/Councillors: Councillor Quinlan gave reports of her various events and activities she had attended since the last regular meeting of Council. 2030 CORRESPONDENCE: a) Anna Kenney – NS Marathon/Half Marathon: Ms Kenney of the Barrington Municipal Recreation Department asked permission to use the Town’s Main Street for the full Marathon, taking place on July 23rd, and also to spray paint 2km marks on Main Street. Council gave permission to do so. b) National Drowning Prevention Week Proclamation: Correspondence was received from Klara Needler, Public Relations Officer with NS lifeguard Service asking that the Town proclaim July 16-22 as National Drowning Prevention Week. Councillor Baker motioned that the Town proclaim July 16-22 as National Drowning Prevention Week, Councillor Ross seconded this motion, motion carried. c) International Right to Know Week: Julie Young, on behalf of Catherine Tully, Information and Privacy Commissioner for Nova Scotia, wrote, asking the Town of Clark’s Harbour to proclaim the week of September 25th to October 1st as ‘Right to Know Week’, and that we publicize any events relating to this matter that may be taking place near us. Councillor Stoddard motioned that the Town proclaim September 25 to October 01 as Right to Know Week and that any events taking place regarding this near the Town will be publicized, Councillor Quinlan seconded this motion, motion carried. d) Letter of Support/Cancer Support Network: Nicole Atwood wrote a letter requesting support from the Town in the form of a letter to be written supporting the idea of the Yarmouth Regional Hospital have a full Cancer Unit that offers radiation treatments along with the chemotherapy treatments that is already offered. Councillor Baker motioned that the Town write a letter in support of having a Radiation unit at the Yarmouth Regional Hospital, Councillor Atkinson seconded this motion, motion carried. e) Royal Bank of Canada – 100th Birthday: During the week of July 17th to the 21st, the Royal Bank of Canada, Clark’s Harbour branch will be celebrating their 100th anniversary. Mayor Stoddart requested that a congratulatory letter be written to them congratulating them on their 100 years of successful business. 2031 NEW BUSINESS a) Canada Day Results: Canada Day week started off with the ‘Sherry Show’ on the 23rd and 24th of June, both shows sold out well before performance dates. The show depicted famous musicians all across Canada, and despite the weather, there was an excellent participation turnout for the parade which initiated Canada Day itself. Through donations of various participants there was $287 raised for the Seal Island Church Group, $191 for the Clark’s Harbour Elementary School breakfast program and $776 for the Roselin Nickerson Care Fund. Great fun was had by all. ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA: a) PVSC DatazONE: Trudy LeBlanc of Property Valuation Services Corporation presented to the Clerk datazONE which is an open data portal for municipalities, PVSC, and the public to access information, such as finances, services, economic development, and culture. This site allows towns and municipalities to become more transparent and the public to access this information. Upon using the site, the Clerk found it difficult to navigate, it was felt that it was a bit too technical if you were not a computer ‘whiz’. A pilot project with NSCC has been launched in which data entry students would gain knowledge and experience through entering data from participating towns and municipalities, Ms Leblanc had asked if the Town was interested in this service. Council felt that if the website could be made more user friendly, then this would be a good asset in getting public information on the Web, the Clerk will contact Ms LeBlanc on this issue. b) Municipality of Barrington/Paint the Town Red: Councillor Atkinson brought information forward regarding a Canada 150 project that the Municipality of Barrington was initiating, in which they were seeking sponsorships of $500 from businesses/organizations (or a combination thereof) to help toward the production and the painting of 10 6’ sculptured lobsters. They are also seeking artists to submit an artistic design for selection for the painting of these lobsters. Councillor Quinlan motioned that they grant them $500 on the stipulation that one of the lobsters was placed within Town limits, Councillor Atkinson seconded this motion, motion carried. 2032 c) Laurie Smith: Laurie Smith of 21 North Street had approached several Councillors with a few complaints. One of them being that the ditch along North Street needed to be addressed as there was water backing up into basements on that street, and another being that of unsightly premises. He indicated that the properties along Main Street across from North Street were in need of a tidy up. Lastly, he wanted a paper copy of the Town’s budget. To address these issues, ditching would be done along North Street and other streets that require the same attention. A letter will be sent out to all property owners, stressing that there had been comments from citizens that many properties within the Town need some tending to and that it would be appreciated if the property owners would comply. The budget is always available for the public to see. Councillor Quinlan motioned, seconded by Councillor Link that a letter be sent to all property owners stating that there had been comments regarding the stature of some properties within Town, and that it would be greatly appreciated if the property owners would comply with some home/property improvements. Motion carried. d) Ballfield: Council had received complaints that the ballfield needed attention, the infield is full of rocks, and the bathroom lights were not working. Since it is too late in the season now to do the proper fix of the field, it was decided that a temporary fix be put in place until the new year. As for the bathroom lights, public works will be contacted about this. e) Shannon O’Sullivan: Ms O’Sullivan approached a Councillor inquiring if the Home and School could hold a trivia night at the legion. Councillor Ross was to tell her to call and book the legion for the night she wanted. f) Patricia Atwood: Ms Atwood inquired if there was a possibility of putting a basketball hoop up behind the Town Hall as the one at the school playground was too low for her son to play comfortable. Councillor Ross was to inform her that there had been one behind the Town Hall at one time, but had to be removed as the older children were bothering the younger children at the playground there. It was moved to the tennis court, which now has been replace with the school playground. g) Keith Nickerson: Mr Nickerson of the Island Trap Schooners approached Councillor Ross to inquire if the Town would be willing to sponsor them for the Provincials, which are being held in Clark’s Harbour in September. Councillor Baker motioned that the Town donate $200 to the Schooners, Councillor Atkinson seconded this motion, motion carried. 2033 e) Seal Island Church Group: Councillor Baker motioned that the Town donate $200 towards the restoration of the Seal Island Church, Councillor Link seconded this motion, motion defeated, three for and four opposed. Councillor Ross mentioned that the Terry Fox Run is always held on the third Sunday in September and that is also when the Fisherman’s Memorial is also held. She wondered if the Town would hold this on a different date, maybe on Mariner’s Day in August. As there was no other business to discuss, Councillor Stoddard motioned that the meeting be adjourned. The time was 10:05pm. 2022 Regular Session Town Council June 14, 2017 The Regular Session of Town Council was called to order by Mayor Leigh Stoddart at 7pm with Councillors Irene Baker, Russell Atkinson, Cara Ross, Trudy Quinlan, Louann Link and Rex Stoddard present. ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA: Shelburne County Housing Coalition Recreational Clam Harvesting Seal Island Church Committee Thank You Card from Sheldon Bell APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA: It was moved by Councillor Stoddard and seconded by Councillor Quinlan to approve the agenda, as well as the additions, as circulated. Motion carried. APPROVAL OF THE PREVIOUS MINUTES: It was moved by Councillor Quinlan and seconded by Councillor Ross to approve the previous minutes. Motion carried. APPOINTMENTS: Doug Drane/Redding CA – Doug Drane, the Town of Clark’s Harbour’s financial auditor, was present to present the draft financial statements of the fiscal year 2016/2017 to Council. The Town is reporting a consolidated deficit of $43,016 and a non-consolidated surplus of $10,054. Councillor Atkinson motioned that the 2016/2017 draft financial statements be accepted as presented, Councillor Quinlan seconded this motion, motion carried. 2023 Wade Nickerson/Asphalt Repair – Wade Nickerson (Undercut Tree Removal), who has expanded his business to include an asphalt sealing service has gone one step further, and is offering an asphalt infrared repair service, one of its kind in the immediate area. The system works by establishing a thermal bond with the surrounding pavement preventing seams in which water can enter and eventually create cracks within the asphalt. He has offered to do a demonstration when his equipment arrives. Kim Goreham – Kim was present in response to an ad in which the Town was seeking volunteers to run the museum. There were two respondents to the ad, but one had to decline because of health reasons. It was decided that the museum would be open one day a week, the same day every week and if for some reason the volunteer couldn’t be there that day, then the museum would be closed. Kim was unsure at this time what days she would be available, but would let either the Clerk or the Mayor know. Ms Goreham also stated that she had been contacted by someone on behalf of “Haunted Nova Scotia” to do a story on the Heritage Hall building. There have been several stories that the hall may be “haunted”. People from the show will be in the area June 21st, and would like to do the story on the 23rd. Councillor Quinlan motioned that they allow “Haunted Nova Scotia” to do the story, Councillor Ross seconded this motion, motion carried. MATTERS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES: A Volunteer 5 Series Workshop – This was first presented to Council in March of 2017 and again in April of 2017, Dixie Redmond with CBDC Shelburne has initiated a series of workshops for volunteers to be held throughout Shelburne County. She had initially asked that the Town contribute $500 to these workshops. In an email to the Clerk, if Council were willing, the workshop of ‘Financial Sustainability’ would be held in Clark’s Harbour on September 27 2017. Councillor Stoddard motioned that the Town not host a workshop as there wasn’t enough interest in the area for participation, nor contribute any funding because of financial constraints, Councillor Atkinson seconded this motion, motion carried. REPORTS Streets, Sewers and Unsightly Premises: The report was read and discussed. Recreation: No report available for this period. Building Inspectors Report: There were three permits issued for the month of May, with a value of $93 000. 2024 Fire: No report available for this period. Police: No police report available at this time. Mayor/Councillors: Mayor Stoddart and Councillors Quinlan, Baker and Link gave reports of their various events and activities they had attended since the last regular meeting of Council. CORRESPONDENCE: a) Southwest Employment Services: An invitation was received to invite Council and Mayor to the celebration of their 20th anniversary on June 21st, at the Yarmouth Golf and Country Club at 6-7:30pm. b) ‘Walk for a Cause’ (Rosalin Nickerson Care Fund): Karen Goreham has requested an auction item from the Town for the ‘Walk for a Cause’ fundraiser being held on September 16th at the Barrington and Area Curling Club. Councillor Ross motioned that the Town purchase a small wooden chair available at Island Traps for the cause, Councillor Quinlan seconded this motion, motion carried. c) PowerTalk Communications: The Clerk received communication from Meg Devries of PowerTalk Communications which specializes in leadership development, communication training and coaching programs within Atlantic Canada. They had asked to arrange a meeting or a phone consultation to learn about what they had to offer. Councillor Quinlan motioned that at this time, Council decline the invitation, Councillor Atkinson seconded this motion, motion carried. NEW BUSINESS a) BMHS Graduation Ceremonies: Councillor Ross will be attending the graduation ceremonies for Barrington Municipal High School on June 29th. b) Janitor: Wanda Atkinson, the current Janitor for the Town of Clark’s Harbour, will be resigning of her duties as of August 31 2017. Councillor Atkinson motioned that the Town tender out the position, Councillor Stoddard seconded this motion, motion carried. 2025 c) Capital Investment Plan: The five (5) Capital Investment Plan was presented to Council and discussed. Councillor Stoddard motioned that the plan be accepted as presented, Councillor Baker seconded this motion, motion carried. d) 2017/2018 Budget: The 2017/2018 budget was presented to Council and discussed, it was a balanced budget. Councillor Link motioned that the budget be accepted as presented, Councillor Quinlan seconded this motion, motion carried. e) Radar Speed Signs: Information had been received regarding radar speed signs, the cost to purchase ranged from $2609 to $3417 and the rental costs per month were $699 plus applicable taxes. There was also an option to rent, then to purchase and they would deduct the rental from the cost. Council opted to neither rent nor purchase at this time. f) Paving Projects: Mayor Stoddart had received quotes from Town & Country Property Improvements Limited for 2017/2018 paving projects. The projects were Courtney Street; and Boundary Street, of which the Town owns half. The price of paving for Courtney St. was $65 791.73 and the price for Boundary St. was $66 574.50 (half of which would be Town responsibility). Council opted not to do any projects this 2017/2018 fiscal year, but wait until the next fiscal year. g) NSCC Shelburne September Courses: The Shelburne branch of the NSCC held courses (grade 12) at the Town Hall during the winter of 2017 and they proved successful, therefore they are asking Council to consider allowing them to do the same in the fall of 2017. These courses are held Tuesday and Thursday evenings, and because of this, the regular meetings of Council were being held on the first Wednesday of the month instead of the first Tuesday. Councillor Quinlan motioned that the NSCC Shelburne be allowed to hold their fall classes at the Town Hall and that the regular meeting of Council be held on the first Wednesday of the month, Councillor Atkinson seconded this motion, motion carried. NOTE: Because of other obligations of Council members, the July meeting will be held on Wednesday the 12th of July, instead of the 5th. h) Senior’s Tea: The Town’s Senior’s Tea will be held on Wednesday August 2nd, at the Legion from 1pm to 4pm. 2026 i) Signage: A recent visitor to the Town Hall indicated that signage for the various different sites of interest were lacking, not only in the Town but in all of Nova Scotia. Council agreed with this, so intends to put up proper signage indicators for the points of interest within the Town. ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA: a) Shelburne County Housing Coalition: The Shelburne County Housing Coalition has asked that the Town of Clark’s Harbour, as well as other municipalities and towns in the valley and southwest regions, to provide financial support for data collection and analysis to determine affordable housing needs in those areas. Council decided not to contribute at this time. Councillor Stoddard motioned that the Town not support this request at this time, Councillor Atkinson seconded this motion, motion carried. . b) Recreational Clam Harvesting: Councillor Quinlan brought to Councillors attention that there was no recreational clam harvesting allowed in many areas. She stated that there are ‘no shellfish harvesting’ signs being left posted whether there has been testing done or not to determine if the area in question is contaminated. She also stated, although not confirmed, that these signs were being left there as a precautionary measure ‘in case there was contamination’, but testing was not being done because there was no ‘money’ for it in the Department of Fisheries and Oceans budget. She asked that a letter be written to our MP, MLA, and the Minister of Fisheries and Oceans regarding this matter. Councillor Quinlan motioned that a letter be written to Member of Parliament, Bernadette Jordan; with copies to Chris D’Entremont, MLA and Dominic LeBlanc, Minister of Fisheries and Oceans , Councillor Baker seconded this motion, motion carried. c) Seal Island Church Group: Councillor Baker inquired, on behalf of Lynne Jones of the Seal Island Church Group, if the ballgame discussed at April’s meeting was taking place and if there would be donations going toward the Church Group. Councillor Ross verified that this would be so. d) Sheldon Bell: The Town received a thank you card from Shelly Bell thanking the Town for his nomination for Volunteer of the Year and the chance to go to the banquet in Halifax to represent the Town. 2027 As it was 11pm and with no more business to discuss, Councillor Quinlan motioned that the meeting be closed. ____________________________ ______________________________ Mayor Town Clerk 2020 Special Council May 15, 2017 A Special Meeting of Council was called to order by Mayor Leigh Stoddart at 6:30 pm with Councillors Rex Stoddard, Louann Link, Cara Newell, and Irene Baker present. Absent was Councillors Quinlan and Atkinson. Additions to Agenda: none Councillor Baker motioned that the agenda be approved as circulated, Councillor Stoddard seconded this motion, motion carried. New Business: Student Interviews: Council members present interviewed Connor Bower, Daniel Comley and Jaedan Link. Drew Amirault, Kelsey Smith and Emily Atkinson were either already employed or were seeking employment elsewhere. After the interviews were complete, Council voted, by secret ballet, to hire Daniel Comley, with 5 votes and Jaedan Link, who had 3 votes. Connor Bower received 2 votes. The Clerk will contact all interviewees with Council’s decision on Tuesday. Heritage Hall: There was discussion among present Council members as to what to do with the Heritage Hall now that the Visitor Information Centre would no longer be located there. Two different ideas were passed around; to inquire if there was any person(s) interested in opening the museum on a volunteer basis or if there was any interest in someone operating a business there. Councillor Stoddard motioned, seconded by Councillor Link, that they advertise for volunteers to operate the museum for the summer months during tourist season and if no one shows any interest, then at the next regular meeting of Council, there be more discussion on what or how to advertise the space as a business interest, motion carried. Councillor Baker motioned, seconded by Councillor Ross, that they purchase a $50 Home Hardware gift card as well as a thank you card for Bonnie Symonds for her service in operating the Visitor Information Centre in the past. Motion carried. 2021 At 8:00pm, as there were no other issues to discuss, it was moved by Councillor Baker that the meeting be adjourned. ________________________ ________________________ Mayor Town Clerk 2013 Special Council May 10, 2017 A Special Council meeting was called to order by Mayor Leigh Stoddart at 6:40 pm with Councillors Rex Stoddard, Louann Link, Cara Newell, Trudy Quinlan, Irene Baker and Russell Atkinson present. Additions to Agenda: none Councillor Stoddard motioned that the agenda be approved as circulated, Councillor Quinlan seconded this motion, motion carried. New Business: Student Applications: Of the twelve (12) applicants for summer employment, it was short listed by Council to six (6) applicants for two (2) positions within the Town. The possible applicants are Connor Bower, Jaedan Link, Drew Amirault, Kelsey Smith, Daniel Comley and Emily Atkinson. Interviews will take place Monday May 15th commencing at 6:30pm. Property Tax Rate et al: Residential and Commercial: Councillor Quinlan motioned that the residential tax rate of $1.65 per $100 of assessment and that the commercial tax rate of $5.58 per $100 of assessment remain unchanged, Councillor Atkinson seconded this motion, motion carried. Sewer Rate: Councillor Atkinson motioned that the sewer rate of $158.00 per one full unit per year be increased to $188.00 per one full unit per year, Councillor Stoddard seconded this motion, motion carried. 2014 Visitor Information Centre: Council discussed at length at restructuring the visitor information centre, which is, in part, under the Tourism Industry of Nova Scotia rules and regulations. Councillor Stoddard indicated that the two ladies that are utilizing the empty space next to the Scotia Fundy Inshore Fisherman’s Association would be willing to answer any tourism questions from persons visiting the area. One of those persons, Cal Brown, has significant tourism related experience from all over the country. It was decided that the Visitor Information centre be relocated next to the Scotia Fundy Inshore Fisherman’s Association and that it be totally supported by the Town of Clark’s Harbour. Councillor Atkinson motioned, seconded by Councillor Ross, that the Visitor Information Centre be totally supported by the Town of Clark’s Harbour and that it be relocated next to the Scotia Fundy Inshore Fisherman’s Association, motion carried. And since the two ladies utilizing this space is willing to do this on a voluntary basis, Councillor Atkinson motioned, seconded by Councillor Quinlan, to not charge them the rent that was originally agreed upon (15% of sales), motion carried. Reduction of Council: Council discussed the pros and cons of reducing Council down to four (4) Council members and one (1) mayor. When discussions came to an end, Councillor Quinlan motioned that, at the next municipal election, they reduce the size of Council down to four (4) council members and one (1) mayor, Councillor Baker seconded this motion. Motion carried with a four to three vote, Mayor Stoddart, Councillor Stoddard and Councillor Atkinson were against. At 9:00pm, as there were no other issues to discuss, it was moved by Councillor Atkinson that the meeting be adjourned. _____________________________ _________________________ Town Clerk Mayor 2014 Regular Session Town Council May 03, 2017 The Regular Session of Town Council was called to order by Mayor Leigh Stoddart at 7pm with Councillors Irene Baker, Russell Atkinson, Cara Ross, and Rex Stoddard present. Deputy Mayor Trudy Quinlan and Councillor Louann Link were absent. ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA: Shelburne County Lobster Fest Opening Ceremonies Shelburne County Mutual Aid and Firefighters Assoc. Legion Rental for Non Profit Organizations Crosswalk at Bruce Street APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA: It was moved by Councillor Stoddard and seconded by Councillor Atkinson to approve the agenda, as well as the additions, as circulated. Motion carried. APPROVAL OF THE PREVIOUS MINUTES: It was moved by Councillor Atkinson and seconded by Councillor Ross to approve the previous minutes. Motion carried. APPOINTMENTS: Shelburne County Housing Coalition/Sheila Bird and Shawna Symonds – Sheila Bird and Shawna Symonds were present and gave a presentation of the Shelburne County Housing Coalition, their purpose, their mission and their outlook for 2017/2018. There are many throughout Shelburne County that does not have affordable housing and the waitlists are long in many areas. 2015 MATTERS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES: EMO Planning 2017/2018 Budget: At the last regular meeting of Council, Council had asked that a revised budget be presented before they make a final decision to accept. This budget was once again presented to Council, with no revisions, but with explanations. Councillor Stoddard motioned that the EMO Planning Budget for 2017/2018 be accepted as presented, Councillor Atkinson seconded this motion, motion carried. Sou’West Nova Transit: At the last regular meeting of Council, Council had asked the Clerk to inquire as to how many residents of the Town of Clark’s Harbour use this service. The reply was that this service was used 150 times from resident(s) of the Town for the 2016/2017 period. Councillor Baker motioned that the Town commit to $900 for the Sou’West Nova Transit, Councillor Stoddard seconded this motion, motion carried. REPORTS Streets, Sewers and Unsightly Premises: The report was read and discussed. Recreation: No report available for this period. Building Inspectors Report: There was one permit issued for the month of April, with a value of $40 000. Fire: No report available for this period. Police: No police report available at this time. Mayor/Councillors: Mayor Stoddart and Councillors Quinlan, Baker and Stoddard attended the volunteer supper held on April 27th at the Lion’s Hall in Barrington. CORRESPONDENCE: a) UNSM Correspondence was received from the Union of Nova Scotia Municipalities stipulating that as a result of consultations from the Joint Municipal Accountability and Transparency Committee, it is recommended that all municipal council and staff travel expenses be reported on line for public access. 2016 b) Juniper House: A letter of thanks was received from Juniper House for the generous contribution that the Town of Clark’s Harbour pledged. NEW BUSINESS a) Island and Barrington Passage Fire Dept Budget 2017/2018: The Town of Clark’s Harbour share of the Island and Barrington Passage Fire Department Budget for 2017/2018 is $33, 780, up slightly from the previous year. Councillor Baker motioned that the budget be accepted as presented, Councillor Ross seconded this motion, motion carried. b) Student Applications: There were a total of 12 applicants for a possible three student positions with the Town of Clark’s Harbour. These applicants will be looked at in more detail on the 10th of May 2017. c) Date for Finance Meeting: May 10th at 6:30pm has been set for a Finance Meeting for the Town of Clark’s Harbour. d) Canada Day Events Meeting: The meeting that was originally set for May 10th has now been moved forward to May 17th at 6:30pm in council chambers. ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA: a) Shelburne County Lobster Festival Opening Ceremonies: The committee of the Shelburne County Lobster Festival invited Mayor and/or Council to say a few words at their opening ceremonies being held on June 2nd at the Guild Hall, 20 Maiden Lane, Shelburne at 7pm. b) Shelburne County Mutual Aid Firefighters Association: A letter from Darrell Locke, Secretary for the Shelb Co Mutual Aid Firefighters Asso, was received, once again reminding the Town to ensure that residents have their civic numbers properly displayed in order for emergency personnel to find them if need be. The Clerk emailed Darrell, pointing out that someone from NSCAF was in Town in the not so distant past and that all civic numbers were in place except for a few discrepancies, which were taken care of at that time. 2017 c) Animals/Cats/Minnie Atkinson: Councillor Baker brought up the fact that there was some displeasure in charging $75 rent to a group who held a fundraiser in April in order to spay, neuter, deworm, etc cats that had been left behind by previous homeowners in and around the surrounding communities of the Town of Clark’s Harbour and the Municipality of Barrington. It was stated to Councillor Baker that the charge was substantiated since the group used the rental hall the 5 days previous the fundraiser, and based on policy could have been charged $75 per day. d) Crosswalk: Councillor Atkinson inquired of the crosswalk that is to be placed at the end of Bruce Street and across Main Street. Councillor Atkinson was informed that the crosswalk will be put in place by July 1st of this year. As it was 9:30pm and with no more business to discuss, Councillor Baker motioned that the meeting be closed. ________________________ _______________________ Mayor Town Clerk 2013 Special Council April 13 2017 A Special Council meeting was called to order by Mayor Leigh Stoddart at 6:30 pm with Councillors Rex Stoddard, Louann Link, Cara Newell, Trudy Quinlan, and Russell Atkinson present. Councillor Irene Baker was absent. New Business: Proposal from Laura Ross: Laura Ross, a personal certified trainer, made a proposal to the Town to provide extracurricular activities for children in the area, at no cost to them, for an eight week program beginning May 1st. In this proposal, she had asked for $1 400 to cover the cost of equipment, rental of the school gym and the cost of specialized coaches as well as herself. Councillor Stoddard motioned that the Town acquire the equipment needed, to be held by the Town when program ends, and the rental of the school gym provided that there is a minimum of eight (8) participants per night. Councillor Ross seconded this motion, motion carried. At 7:00pm it was moved by Councillor Quinlan that the meeting be adjourned. __________________________ __________________________ Town Clerk Mayor 2004 Regular Session Town Council March 08, 2017 The Regular Session of Town Council was called to order by Mayor Leigh Stoddart at 7pm with Councillors Irene Baker, Russell Atkinson, Louann Link, Cara Ross and Rex Stoddard present. Councillor Trudy Quinlan was absent. ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA: Old Tourist Bureau Compassion Clubs New Horizons Wage Increase APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA: It was moved by Councillor Atkinson and seconded by Councillor Stoddard to approve the agenda, as well as the additions, as circulated. Motion carried. APPROVAL OF THE PREVIOUS MINUTES: It was moved by Councillor Stoddard and seconded by Councillor Atkinson to approve the previous minutes. Motion carried. APPOINTMENTS: No appointments MATTERS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES: Councillor Baker gave an update regarding the children’s Halloween parade and Tae Kwon Do classes. She stated that she had contacted persons regarding the above and that they were to get back to her. 2005 REPORTS Streets, Sewers and Unsightly Premises: The monthly report was read and discussed. The incident in which a homeowner’s window was taken out by snow as a result of plowing was also discussed. In consultation with the homeowner, it was stated that if the Town replaced the broken window, the homeowner would install it himself. Councillor Atkinson motioned that the Town purchase the window and that the homeowner installs it, Councillor Baker seconded this motion. Motion carried. Recreation: No report available for this period. Building Inspectors Report: There was one permit issued for the month of February, with a value of $96 000. Fire: It was noted that the Shelburne County Firefighters Mutual Aid Association was holding their annual banquet on March 18, 2017. Mayor Stoddart indicated that he would attend. Police: No police report available at this time. Mayor/Councillors: No report of any activities since the last regular meeting of Council. CORRESPONDENCE: a) Shelburne County 50+ Expo/Shawna Symonds: An invitation was received from Shawna Symonds, via email, for someone to join a committee meeting being held on Thursday, March 9th 2017, regarding the Shelburne County 50+ Expo. Unfortunately, there was no one able to attend. b) Shelburne County Housing Coalition: Sheila Bird, on behalf of Shelburne County Housing Coalition, asked that a representative from Town, either staff or Council member, be part of their coalition. Former Councillor, Sherry Atkinson represented the Town’s interest in the past. At this point, there is no one available that can attend morning or afternoon meetings because of job commitments. The clerk was asked to contact them and keep up-to-date on upcoming meetings, as there may be attendance on the Town’s behalf in the future. 2006 c) Shelburne County Tourism Association: (i) Membership: Councillor Baker motioned that the Town become a member of this association for a fee of $100 as we had in the past, Councillor Atkinson seconded this motion, motion carried. (ii) Annual General Meeting: Councillor Cara Ross will be attending the annual general meeting of the Shelburne County Tourism Association being held on March 20th, 2017 at the InnerHarbour Inn State Room, Dock Street, Shelburne. (iii) Warden Penny Smith: An email was received from Warden Penny Smith, Municipality of Shelburne, to confirm that a Tourism meeting to discuss the tourism industry of Shelburne County will be held on Tuesday, March 14th at 6pm at the Barrington Municipal Building. Mayor Stoddart and Councillor Ross will be attending this meeting. (iv) Saltscape 2017 : Charlene Harris, president, Shelburne County Tourism Association, inquired if the Town would be interested in participating in Saltscape 2017 being held April 21st, 22nd, and 23rd at the Exhibition Park in Halifax. After some discussion, Council felt that they were unable to participate at this time. d) Workshops for Volunteers: Dixie Redmond with CBDC Shelburne invited municipal units in Shelburne County to cosponsor a series of workshops for Volunteers. The proposed workshops are: Mental Health 1st Aid, Volunteer Recruitment and Development, Community Engagement, Financial Sustainability, and Board Governance. Council felt that more information was needed before a decision could be made regarding this. The Clerk was instructed to contact Dixie to see if more information is available at this time. e) Communities in Bloom Program: Tanice Mundle, on behalf of Tourism Industry Association of Nova Scotia and the Nova Scotia Communities in Bloom Program, inquired if the Town would be willing to participate in the 2017 program. Council declined to participate at this time. f) VON A thank you note was received from VON for the Town’s donation of $100. 2007 NEW BUSINESS a) Capital Borrowing/Gas Tax Fund 16/17 Fiscal Year: It was moved by Councillor Atkinson and seconded by Councillor Ross that the clerk writes a cheque in the amount of $56 841.00 from the Gas Tax holding account to the operating account to cover the gas tax projects that were performed during the 2016/2017 fiscal year. Motion carried. There was no other significant capital projects carried out that warranted a borrowing resolution from the Town. b) Barrington Ground Search and Rescue 2017/2018 Budget: The 2017/2018 budget for the Barrington Ground Search and Rescue was presented to Council for their approval. The requested amount from The Town of Clarks Harbour was $894, a slight increase than in previous years. It was motioned by Councillor Atkinson and seconded by Councillor Ross to approve the requested amount as well as their budget. Motion carried. ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA: a) Compassion Clubs: Councillor Stoddard was approached by a resident who asked him to take to Council the idea of a ‘Compassion Club’. (Which are non-profit organizations that dispense medical marijuana and are illegal in Canada at this time) The resident stated that he was in the process of getting all legal paperwork in order. Council, as a whole, had no opinion on this, one way or another at this time. b) Old Tourist Bureau/Extra Space: There was an inquiry as to whether the Town would lease out the unused space located next to the Scotia Fundy Inshore Association. During the summer months, local citizens wanted to display and sell their art work. There was consensus that the space could be utilized, but there was much debate over the rental fee. Councillor Atkinson motioned that we charge $150 per month from mid-June to mid-September, Councillor Baker seconded this motion. Motion defeated with a tie vote. Councillor Ross motioned to charge of percentage of 15 of their sales per month, and all extraordinary expenses incurred would be the responsibility of the renter, Councillor Stoddard seconded this motion. Motion carried, with Councillor Baker against. 2008 c) CSI New Horizons: A member of the CSI New Horizons Club approached Mayor Stoddart and inquired if the Town would be willing to purchase 80lb of lobster to contribute to their lobster chowder dinner for July 1st, or some other monetary donation. Councillor Stoddard motioned that the Town waive the legion rental fee, as this is where they had planned on providing their dinner from, as a donation from the Town, Councillor Ross seconded this motion. Motion carried. d) Staff Wages and Council Honorarium: Wages for 2017 were discussed and it was moved by Councillor Stoddard and seconded by Councillor Atkinson that a 2% increase in both staff and Council Honorarium be instated, effective April 1st, 2017. Motion carried. As it was 9:05pm and with no more business to discuss, Councillor Baker motioned that the meeting be closed. ______________________________ ________________________ Mayor Town Clerk 1999 Regular Session Town Council February 07, 2017 The Regular Session of Town Council was called to order by Mayor Leigh Stoddart at 6:50pm with Councillors Trudy Quinlan, Irene Baker, Russell Atkinson, Louann Link, and Rex Stoddard present. Councillor Cara Ross was absent. ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA: Town of Lockport 110th Birthday Celebrations Region 6 Solid Waste Management Budget Shelly Hipson/Tree Canada Dr Blair Halloween Children’s Parade Karate/Tae Kwon Do APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA: It was moved by Councillor Atkinson and seconded by Councillor Baker to approve the agenda, as well as the additions, as circulated. Motion carried. APPROVAL OF THE PREVIOUS MINUTES: It was moved by Councillor Stoddard and seconded by Councillor Atkinson to approve the previous minutes. Motion carried. APPOINTMENTS: Adam Kenney/Riverhills Golf Club – no show MATTERS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES: Volunteer of the Year Nominations The Town received eleven (11) nominations for recognition of Volunteer of the Year, Bonnie Stoddart, Wanda J Atkinson, Al Blades, Morris Nickerson, Tracy Swim, Sherry Atkinson, Nettie Hopkins, Carla Stewart, Susan Messenger, Sheldon Bell and Marlene Atkinson. Councillor Quinlan motioned that Bonnie Stoddart be selected as the one to represent the Town of Clark’s Harbour at the Provincial Volunteer Ceremonies being held in Halifax on April 2000 18th 2017, with Sheldon Bell as the alternate. Councillor Atkinson seconded this motion, motion carried. REPORTS Streets, Sewers and Unsightly Premises: The monthly report was read and discussed. Recreation: No report available for this period. Building Inspectors Report: There were no permits issued for the month of December, 2016 and one demolition permit issued in January, 2017 for the former Baker’s Irving. Fire: No fire report available at this time. Police: No police report available at this time. Mayor/Councillors: Councillors Quinlan, Link, Baker and Atkinson gave reports on their various meetings/activities since the last regular meeting of Council. CORRESPONDENCE: a) Shelburne County Ducks Unlimited: The committee of the Shelburne County Ducks Unlimited asked for either an item or a monetary donation to assist in their first annual dinner and auction being held on Friday, February 17th at the Lions club in Barrington. Councillor Atkinson motioned that the Town grant them a monetary donation of $50, Councillor Baker seconded this motion, motion carried. 2001 b) Electoral Boundaries – Roy O’Donnell: Roy O’Donnell of Shelburne asked Council to write to Premier McNeil seeking to have the electoral boundaries restored to what they were previously and that this is done before the next provincial election. Councillor Baker motioned that a letter be written to the Premier to this affect, Councillor Quinlan seconded this motion, motion carried. c) Canadian Postmasters and Assistants Association: Correspondence was received from the Canadian Postmasters and Assistants Association expressing the opportunity to possibly provide banking to rural areas that didn’t already have a bank. d) UNSM Regional Meeting: UNSM will be holding a regional meeting on March 10th at 10am, hosted by the Town of Yarmouth. NEW BUSINESS a) Legion Fees/Rent: Following a lengthy discussion regarding the rental fee for the Legion, Councillor Atkinson motioned that the daily rental fee be increased from $50 to $75; to be reviewed on a yearly basis. Councillor Link seconded this motion, motion carried. The fee of $300 for receptions, honorary dinners, etc. remains the same. b) Fisherman’s Memorial Service in Shelburne: Mayor Stoddart was contacted by Mayor Mattatall of the Town of Shelburne to invite the Town to a Regional Fisherman’s Service that she is planning for June 2017. c) Finances, April 2016 to December 31 2016: Finances for the first nine months of the 2016/2017 fiscal year was presented to Council and discussed. d) Date Changes for the Regular Meeting of Council: The next three regular meetings of Council will be held on March 8th 2017, April 5th 2017, and May 3rd 2017. This is due to the pilot project with the NSCC using Council Chambers Tuesday and Thursday evenings on a weekly basis until the 2nd of June. e) Business Navigation Service: Information was shared with Council regarding the Business Navigation Service which is available to those who are interested in starting a new business in Nova Scotia. This information will be available on the Town’s website as well as the facebook page. 2002 f) Town Cryer Outfit: Councillor Quinlan motioned that a town cryer outfit be purchased for not more than $1000. Councillor Atkinson seconded this motion, motion carried. ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA: a) Town of Lockport An invitation was received inviting Mayor and Council to be part of their Canada 150 and their 110th birthday celebrations during 2017, specifically their Flag Day celebrations which are being held on Wednesday, February 15th 2017. b) Region 6 Solid Waste Management Budget: The Region 6 Solid Waste Management Budget was presented to Council for discussion and approval. Councillor Atkinson motioned that the budget be approved as presented. Councillor Quinlan seconded this motion, motion carried. c) Tree Canada/Shelly Hipson: Shelly Hipson inquired if the Town would be interested acquiring a few edible trees if she were successful in getting a grant approved for this purchase. Councillor Atkinson motioned that the Town participate in this program. Councillor Stoddard seconded this motion, motion carried. d) Dr Blair’s Office Hours: Council was informed that there could be an increase in hours of Dr. Blair’s office located next to the Town hall. e) Children’s Halloween Parade: Councillor Baker inquired if the Town would hold a children’s Halloween parade this year as she had had many inquiries to such. If someone could be found to organize this, then this may be accomplished. f) Karate/Tae Kwon Do: Councillor Baker inquired if there was anyone local that could do karate/tae kwon do instruction in the area as she had had inquiries to such. This would be looked into. Councillor Atkinson motioned that a $75 donation be made to the New Horizons in memory of Victor Maxwell, who was the father of a former Councillor. Councillor Link seconded this motion, motion carried. 2003 As it was 10:30pm and with no more business to discuss, Councillor Quinlan motioned that the meeting be closed. _________________________ _________________________ Mayor Town Clerk 1994 Regular Session Town Council January 03, 2017 The Regular Session of Town Council was called to order by Mayor Leigh Stoddart at 6:55pm with Councillors Trudy Quinlan, Irene Baker, Russell Atkinson, Louann Link, Cara Ross and Rex Stoddard present. ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA: 2017 Assessment Roll Report Property at 2743 Main Street Seniors Complex on Manford Street Art Group – Legion Black Heritage Month APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA: It was moved by Councillor Quinlan and seconded by Councillor Stoddard to approve the agenda, as well as the additions, as circulated. Motion carried. APPROVAL OF THE PREVIOUS MINUTES: It was moved by Councillor Atkinson and seconded by Councillor Quinlan to approve the previous minutes. Motion carried. APPOINTMENTS: No Appointments MATTERS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES: none 1995 REPORTS Streets, Sewers and Unsightly Premises: The monthly report was read and discussed. Recreation: No report available for this period. Building Inspectors Report: No report available for this period. Fire: No fire report available at this time. Police: No police report available at this time. Mayor/Councillors: Nothing reported. CORRESPONDENCE: a) Bernadette Jordan – Meeting with Council The Honorable Bernadette Jordan will be visiting the area the week of January 23rd, 2017 and requests a meeting with the Mayor and Council to discuss the Town’s priorities. Council is requesting that they meet with Ms Jordan after lunch on Wednesday January 25th. NEW BUSINESS a) Volunteer of the Year Nominations: Nomination forms were given out to Councillors with a deadline of February 7th, to be returned for the selection of the volunteer to represent the Town of Clark’s Harbour in Halifax on April 18th, 2017. National Volunteer Week will be observed from April 23-29th, 2017. 1996 b) Baker’s Irving: Mayor Stoddart inquired with Irving Oil Limited as to whether they would be willing to sell the old Baker’s Irving garage to the Town. He was told that they do not sell their property, that there was a moratorium put in place that they not sell any of their property. c) Canada Summer Jobs: The Clerk was instructed to apply for three (3) Canada Summer Job positions for the Town. d) Set a Date to Discuss 2017 Events: January 19th, was set aside to discuss the upcoming events within the Town for 2017, mainly July 1st events. e) 2947 Main Street/Interest Charged on Overdue Account: An inquiry was made to Council to waive interest charged on the above property because the owner had not received a tax bill in two years due to an address change. Councillor Stoddard motioned that the Town deny the request of Rebekah Moore to have the interest waived on her property, located at 2947 Main St. Councillor Cara Newel- Ross seconded this motion, all were in favour, motion carried. ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA: a) 2017 Assessment Roll Report: This report was presented to Council and discussed. There was an overall increase in property tax dollars of $23 000 from 2016, mainly because of new construction. b) Property at 2743 Main Street: Public works supervisor, Bryant Newell was asked to look at this property to determine if the Town were at fault because of a constant flooding of the basement. It was determined that it was not the responsibility of the Town, but of the homeowner. 1997 c) Seniors Complex, Manford Street: Councillor Stoddard expressed concerns regarding the condition of the Senior’s Complex parking lot, civic number not being visible, and poor lighting on the property. This property belongs to Western Regional Housing Authority. Councillor Stoddard motioned that the Town’s representative for Western Regional Housing Authority be notified of these areas of concern so that she may take them to the board, Councillor Atkinson seconded this motion. Motion carried. d) Art Group/Legion: Council agreed to allow a local art group use the legion the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month, for 5 – 6 months, for $25 for the first hour and $10 for every hour thereafter. e) Black Heritage Month: Mayor Stoddart will be attending the reading of the Proclamation for Black Heritage month on February 10th. At 9:00pm, and there being no other business to discuss, Councillor Baker motioned to adjourn, seconded by Councillor Quinlan. _________________________ _________________________ Mayor Town Clerk |
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