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Town of Clark's Harbour : Town Minutes - April, 2023Below you will find this year's Town Minutes. Please note that the most recent is at the top and the oldest one at the bottom. Each set of minutes are separated by a horiztonal line. 2360 Special Council April 24, 2023 A Special Council meeting was called to order by Mayor Rex Stoddard at 7:00pm with Councillors Russell Atkinson, and Trudy Quinlan present. Councillor Louann Link absent due to previous obligations. Councillor Baker absent due to medical reasons. Additions to the Agenda: None New Business: a) Vacant Office At 7:05pm, Councillor Atkinson motioned to go in camera to discuss a sensitive nature, Councillor Quinlan seconded the motion, motion carried. At 7:20pm, Councillor Atkinson motioned to come out of camera, Councillor Quinlan seconded the motion, motion carried. Councillor Quinlan motioned to carry out the activities discussed in camera on a six-month basis and then review, Councillor Atkinson seconded the motion, motion carried. As there was no further business Councillor Quinlan moved the meeting be adjourned at 7:25 pm. _____________________________ ___________________________ Mayor Town Clerk 2354 Regular Session Town Council April 05, 2023 The Regular Session was called to order by Mayor Stoddard at 6:50 pm with Councillors Russell Atkinson, Irene Baker and Louann Link present. Regrets from Councillor Quinlan, absent due illness. ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA: a) Repaving of the Causeway Mayor Stoddard shared with Council that a resident of Cape Sable Island had asked for a meeting with the Mayor and Warden Eddie Nickerson of the Municipality of Barrington regarding repaving the causeway prior to the seventy fifth (75th) anniversary, which is August of 2024. Many avenues of action were discussed, but nothing definitive was decided on. Warden Nickerson was taking the matter to his Council to obtain direction, if any. APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA: It was moved by Councillor Atkinson and seconded by Councillor Baker that the agenda as well as the additions be approved as circulated. Motion carried unanimously. APPROVAL OF THE PREVIOUS MINUTES: It was moved by Councillor Atkinson and seconded by Councillor Link that the minutes from the previous meeting be approved as circulated. Motion carried unanimously. APPOINTMENTS: a) Mandy Symonds Mandy Symonds, a volunteer advocate for seasonal workers was present to discuss with Council the concerns of seasonal workers and the number of hours needed to qualify for Employment Insurance. At present, six hundred and sixty five (665) hours are required to qualify for Employment Insurance benefits. Seasonal workers are finding this very difficult to achieve, the lobster industry provides a good portion of seasonal work, and catches were down considerably this season, which runs from the end of November to the end of May (weather permitting). 2355 Ms Symonds asked Council to consider a letter of support to be written on their behalf to the Premier as well as Members of Parliament. It was motioned by Councillor Atkinson to write a letter in support of the seasonal workers to the above-mentioned persons, seconded by Councillor Baker, motion carried. MATTERS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES: a) Dog By Law – First Reading Councillor Link motioned to approve the first reading of the new dog by law as well as to repeal the existing one, Councillor Atkinson seconded the motion, motion carried. REPORTS: Streets, Sewers and Unsightly Premises: The Public Works Report was presented to Council and discussed. Recreation: a) July 1st Committee Meeting May 4th, 2023 was set as the first July 1st meeting to commence at 7pm. There has been no word regarding any funding that was applied for prior to this regular meeting of Council. Grants were discussed regarding other areas of recreation, such as the pickle ball preposed court and the extension of the boardwalk. (Please see below under boardwalk) Building Inspector Report: There were no permits issued for the months of February and March of 2023. For the fiscal year of 2022/2023, there was a total residential value of forty-three thousand dollars ($43,000) and a commercial value of nine hundred and fifty nine thousand dollars ($959,000). Mayor/Councillors: Mayor and Councillors shared information on the various activities and meetings which took place since the last regular meeting of Council 2356 CORRESPONDENCE: All relevant correspondence was shared with Council via email and only that that required action is listed below. a) Communities in Bloom Communities in Bloom in conjunction with Tourism Nova Scotia and Landscape Nova Scotia inquired if the Town would like to participate in the 2023 program. Council declined to make a commitment at this time. b) Tri County Pregnancy Care – Donation Request It was requested from Carol Spinney, Executive Director of Tri-County Pregnancy Care Centre, to provide a donation to help cover the costs of operating and programming for the centre. Councillor Baker motioned to donate one hundred dollars ($100) to the centre, Councillor Link seconded the motion, motion carried. NEW BUSINESS: a) Deed Transfer Tax The deed transfer tax for the month of February was in the amount of four thousand, two hundred and ninety four dollars ($4,294.70). One percent of property sales is allocated to the Town of Clark’s Harbour as per policy/by-law. b) July 1st Committee Meeting Date Please see Recreation for information. c) NS Walk Day – May 10th, 2023 The Clerk inquired of Council if they wished to participate/host in Nova Scotia Walk Day being held on May 10th. It is a day in which people of the community can get out to participate in a short or long walk, whichever is preferred by the individual, to exercise and to socialize. Council was in favor of this event. Promotional material is available through Hike Nova Scotia. 2357 d) Local Art Mayor Stoddard inquired of Council if they wished him to purchase some artwork from local artisans to display on the inside of the Town Hall office space. Councillor Atkinson motioned that five hundred dollars ($500) be allocated to this purchase(s), seconded by Councillor Baker, motion carried. e) Legion Rental (Community Centre) Nicole Jones Hurlburt asked if their church group could rent the legion on Sundays for the weekly meetings. The regular rent for this as well as birthday parties and other recognition events is seventy five dollars. Councillor Baker motioned to allow the group to occupy the community centre for the above mentioned rent, Councillor Atkinson seconded the motion, motion carried. f) Boardwalk Several attempts were made to secure contractors to construct a proper accessibility ramp for the boardwalk as well to install safety railings where required. The Town received no replies. Councillor Atkinson motioned that Rex Stoddard (Mayor), who has his own carpentry business along with Public Works personnel carry out the project, which consists of rebuilding the entire boardwalk as well as installing the accessibility proponents where applicable. The Town would pay Mr Stoddard the same rate as if he were doing the job for someone else. Councillor Baker seconded the motion, motion carried. Further discussion was had regarding the extension of the boardwalk west to Oscar Street. The Clerk was directed to write a letter to the property owners in which the proposed extension would cover to obtain their permission. g) Wellness Fund/NS Health Council discussed the many opportunities to obtain funding through the Wellness Fund and Nova Scotia Health. There were many options listed and the Clerk and Mayor was directed to see which of the funding grants would apply to the Town. There were grants for community based support projects, community access-ability programs and community recreation capital grants. h) Variance – 3011111 Nova Scotia Limited Tabled for a future meeting of Council as there wasn’t enough information to move forward. 2358 i) Volunteers The Town received three nominations to be considered for the “Representative Volunteer”. Since there were two adults and one youth the Town was able to select one for the youth category as well as one for the single volunteer category. Jovan (pronounced JoVaughn) Knight of Clark’s Harbour, attending BMHS, was selected as the youth volunteer and Joseph Penney was selected for the other category. Both will have the opportunity to be recognized at a ceremony to be held in Halifax later. All volunteers from 2022 and those from 2023 will be recognized at a local function, details had not been finalized at the time of this meeting. As there was no further business to discuss, Councillor Atkinson motioned to adjourn the meeting, the time being 9:05pm. ___________________________ __________________________ Mayor Town Clerk 2359 Special Council April 20, 2023 A Special Council meeting was called to order by Mayor Rex Stoddard at 7:00pm with Councillors Russell Atkinson, Trudy Quinlan, and Louann Link present. Councillor Irene Baker absent due to employment obligations. Additions to the Agenda: None New Business: a) Grounds Maintenance Personnel Two applications were received for the position of Grounds Maintenance. Councillor Quinlan motioned to hire Peter Atkinson, Councillor Atkinson seconded the motion, motion carried. As there was no further business Councillor Quinlan moved the meeting be adjourned at 7:30 pm. ________________________________ _________________________ Mayor Town Clerk 2354 Regular Session Town Council April 05, 2023 The Regular Session was called to order by Mayor Stoddard at 6:50 pm with Councillors Russell Atkinson, Irene Baker and Louann Link present. Regrets from Councillor Quinlan, absent due illness. ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA: a) Repaving of the Causeway Mayor Stoddard shared with Council that a resident of Cape Sable Island had asked for a meeting with the Mayor and Warden Eddie Nickerson of the Municipality of Barrington regarding repaving the causeway prior to the seventy fifth (75th) anniversary, which is August of 2024. Many avenues of action were discussed, but nothing definitive was decided on. Warden Nickerson was taking the matter to his Council to obtain direction, if any. APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA: It was moved by Councillor Atkinson and seconded by Councillor Baker that the agenda as well as the additions be approved as circulated. Motion carried unanimously. APPROVAL OF THE PREVIOUS MINUTES: It was moved by Councillor Atkinson and seconded by Councillor Link that the minutes from the previous meeting be approved as circulated. Motion carried unanimously. APPOINTMENTS: a) Mandy Symonds Mandy Symonds, a volunteer advocate for seasonal workers was present to discuss with Council the concerns of seasonal workers and the number of hours needed to qualify for Employment Insurance. At present, six hundred and sixty five (665) hours are required to qualify for Employment Insurance benefits. Seasonal workers are finding this very difficult to achieve, the lobster industry provides a good portion of seasonal work, and catches were down considerably this season, which runs from the end of November to the end of May (weather permitting). 2355 Ms Symonds asked Council to consider a letter of support to be written on their behalf to the Premier as well as Members of Parliament. It was motioned by Councillor Atkinson to write a letter in support of the seasonal workers to the above-mentioned persons, seconded by Councillor Baker, motion carried. MATTERS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES: a) Dog By Law – First Reading Councillor Link motioned to approve the first reading of the new dog by law as well as to repeal the existing one, Councillor Atkinson seconded the motion, motion carried. REPORTS: Streets, Sewers and Unsightly Premises: The Public Works Report was presented to Council and discussed. Recreation: a) July 1st Committee Meeting May 4th, 2023 was set as the first July 1st meeting to commence at 7pm. There has been no word regarding any funding that was applied for prior to this regular meeting of Council. Grants were discussed regarding other areas of recreation, such as the pickle ball preposed court and the extension of the boardwalk. (Please see below under boardwalk) Building Inspector Report: There were no permits issued for the months of February and March of 2023. For the fiscal year of 2022/2023, there was a total residential value of forty-three thousand dollars ($43,000) and a commercial value of nine hundred and fifty nine thousand dollars ($959,000). Mayor/Councillors: Mayor and Councillors shared information on the various activities and meetings which took place since the last regular meeting of Council 2356 CORRESPONDENCE: All relevant correspondence was shared with Council via email and only that that required action is listed below. a) Communities in Bloom Communities in Bloom in conjunction with Tourism Nova Scotia and Landscape Nova Scotia inquired if the Town would like to participate in the 2023 program. Council declined to make a commitment at this time. b) Tri County Pregnancy Care – Donation Request It was requested from Carol Spinney, Executive Director of Tri-County Pregnancy Care Centre, to provide a donation to help cover the costs of operating and programming for the centre. Councillor Baker motioned to donate one hundred dollars ($100) to the centre, Councillor Link seconded the motion, motion carried. NEW BUSINESS: a) Deed Transfer Tax The deed transfer tax for the month of February was in the amount of four thousand, two hundred and ninety four dollars ($4,294.70). One percent of property sales is allocated to the Town of Clark’s Harbour as per policy/by-law. b) July 1st Committee Meeting Date Please see Recreation for information. c) NS Walk Day – May 10th, 2023 The Clerk inquired of Council if they wished to participate/host in Nova Scotia Walk Day being held on May 10th. It is a day in which people of the community can get out to participate in a short or long walk, whichever is preferred by the individual, to exercise and to socialize. Council was in favor of this event. Promotional material is available through Hike Nova Scotia. 2357 d) Local Art Mayor Stoddard inquired of Council if they wished him to purchase some artwork from local artisans to display on the inside of the Town Hall office space. Councillor Atkinson motioned that five hundred dollars ($500) be allocated to this purchase(s), seconded by Councillor Baker, motion carried. e) Legion Rental (Community Centre) Nicole Jones Hurlburt asked if their church group could rent the legion on Sundays for the weekly meetings. The regular rent for this as well as birthday parties and other recognition events is seventy five dollars. Councillor Baker motioned to allow the group to occupy the community centre for the above mentioned rent, Councillor Atkinson seconded the motion, motion carried. f) Boardwalk Several attempts were made to secure contractors to construct a proper accessibility ramp for the boardwalk as well to install safety railings where required. The Town received no replies. Councillor Atkinson motioned that Rex Stoddard (Mayor), who has his own carpentry business along with Public Works personnel carry out the project, which consists of rebuilding the entire boardwalk as well as installing the accessibility proponents where applicable. The Town would pay Mr Stoddard the same rate as if he were doing the job for someone else. Councillor Baker seconded the motion, motion carried. Further discussion was had regarding the extension of the boardwalk west to Oscar Street. The Clerk was directed to write a letter to the property owners in which the proposed extension would cover to obtain their permission. g) Wellness Fund/NS Health Council discussed the many opportunities to obtain funding through the Wellness Fund and Nova Scotia Health. There were many options listed and the Clerk and Mayor was directed to see which of the funding grants would apply to the Town. There were grants for community based support projects, community access-ability programs and community recreation capital grants. h) Variance – 3011111 Nova Scotia Limited Tabled for a future meeting of Council as there wasn’t enough information to move forward. 2358 i) Volunteers The Town received three nominations to be considered for the “Representative Volunteer”. Since there were two adults and one youth the Town was able to select one for the youth category as well as one for the single volunteer category. Jovan (pronounced JoVaughn) Knight of Clark’s Harbour, attending BMHS, was selected as the youth volunteer and Joseph Penney was selected for the other category. Both will have the opportunity to be recognized at a ceremony to be held in Halifax later. All volunteers from 2022 and those from 2023 will be recognized at a local function, details had not been finalized at the time of this meeting. As there was no further business to discuss, Councillor Atkinson motioned to adjourn the meeting, the time being 9:05pm. ______________________________ __________________________ Mayor Town Clerk |
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