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Town of Clark's Harbour : Town Minutes - April, 2018Below you will find this year's Town Minutes. Please note that the most recent is at the top and the oldest one at the bottom. Each set of minutes are separated by a horiztonal line. 2071 Regular Session Town Council April 04, 2018 The Regular Session of Town Council was called to order by Mayor Leigh Stoddart at 7pm with Councillors Louann Link, Russell Atkinson, Trudy Quinlan and Rex Stoddard present. Councillors Baker and Newell were absent. ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA: a) Property at 2793 Main Street b) Plastic Bag Ban/Region 6 c) Regional Library Adopt a Book Campaign APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA: It was moved by Councillor Stoddard and seconded by Councillor Atkinson to approve the agenda, as well as the additions, as circulated. Motion carried. APPROVAL OF THE PREVIOUS MINUTES: It was moved by Councillor Quinlan and seconded by Councillor Atkinson to approve the previous minutes. Motion carried. APPOINTMENTS: South West 4H Club: Members of the South West 4H Club were present to seek sponsorship for their upcoming trip to Manitoba. Eight youth and two chaperones will be travelling to Manitoba in July as part of an exchange program and in August, ten youth plus two chaperones from a Manitoba 4H club will be travelling to Nova Scotia. They are looking to purchase t-shirts for themselves as well as for the team from Manitoba, and anyone donating toward the purchase of these shirts will get their logo on the shirt. Councillor Atkinson asked if they would be willing to do a street cleanup as part of any donation that the Town may consider. They replied in the affirmative. It was decided to pay them $600 for the street cleanup and a donation of $300 toward the purchase of their t-shirts. Councillor Stoddard motioned that Council grant them $300 toward the t-shirts and $600 for the street cleanup, Councillor Quinlan seconded this motion, motion carried. 2072 MATTERS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES: None REPORTS Streets, Sewers and Unsightly Premises: The report was read and discussed. Councillor Stoddard stated that the mortar is separating from blocks and that the blocks are crumbling on the outside of the Salt Shed walls, although the inside appears unharmed. They were unsure of the reasoning for this and it would be referred to a specialist. Recreation: No report available for this period. Building Inspectors Report: There as one (1) permit issued in March with an estimated value of $3100. Fire: No fire report available at this time. Police: No police report available at this time. Mayor/Councillors: Councillors Quinlan reported on her activities on behalf of the Town since the last regular meeting of Council. CORRESPONDENCE: a) UNSM Board Report: The UNSM Board Report and Initiatives Report was presented to Council and discussed. i) UNSM Priorities: Council was presented with ten priorities that UNSM is considering for 2018. UNSM would like a response from Council by April 30th as to which of these are the most important to them. ii) NS Budget Highlights: As a result from correspondence from UNSM, Council was presented with the Nova Scotia budget highlights which would pertain to municipalities. 2073 iii) Letter to Minister Mombourquette: Council was presented with a copy of a letter from UNSM to the Honourable Derek Mombourquette. This letter was a result of the introduction of Bill 85, which would enable Cape Breton Regional Municipality to sell/lease municipal owned property at less than market value as well as offer tax concessions. . b) Shelburne County Tourism: Charlene Harris, president of the Shelburne County Tourism Association, has requested support from the Town in regards to tourism development and marketing material. After much discussion, it was decided that the Town not participate. Councillor Stoddard motioned, that due to monetary constraints, the Town not participate at this time, Councillor Atkinson seconded this motion, motion carried. c) Barrington Ground Search and Rescue: The 2018/2019 budget was presented to Council. Their ask of the Town is $894, which is the same as last year. Council agreed to contribute to this worthy organization. Councillor Atkinson motioned that the Town contribute the $894 that the BGSR are seeking, Councillor Stoddard seconded this motion, motion carried. . d) Thank You Card: Sherry Atkinson, whom was nominated by the Town to represent them as International Woman of the Year, sent a thank you card expressing her appreciation for the nomination. e) Darlene Smith: Ms Smith stated that she would be bringing her mobile food truck to the July 1st celebrations (which are being held on June 30th this year, due to July 1st being on a Sunday). Council was pleased with this. f) NS Fracking Resource and Action Coalition (NOFRAC): A letter from Barb Harris, for NOFRAC, was received indicating that in the near future the Town may receive correspondence asking that Council consider a motion calling for the province to remove the ban on hydraulic fracturing. The letter then goes on to explain the 2074 many disadvantages of hydraulic fracturing, and allowance of potential investors to explore a pilot project could prove disastrous. Council reiterated that when and if the time came, they would deal with it in a cordial manner. g) Municipality of Barrington: A letter was received from the Municipality of Barrington declining their Council’s support in the Town’s bid to have vacation beds at Bay Side Home. NEW BUSINESS a) Grants to Organizations: The 2018/2019 grants to organizations was discussed. Councillor Link motioned that the grants be approved as discussed, Councillor Stoddard seconded this motion, motion carried. b) Spring Clean Up: Spring cleanup will be held Monday April 16 2018. c) 2018 Capital Projects: The repaving of Courtney Street will be the only capital project that the Town will proceed with at this time. Councillor Quinlan motioned that the Town repave Courtney Street, Councillor Stoddard seconded this motion, motion carried. The Clerk was instructed to tender out the project. d) Property Tax and Sewer Rates: Following a lengthy discussion it was decided that the residential and resource property tax be raised by .03 cents from $1.65 per $100 of assessment to $1.68 per $100 of assessment. The commercial property tax and the sewer rate will remain the same, at $5.58 per $100 of assessment and $188 per sewer unit respectively. Councillor Quinlan motioned that the property taxes remain status quo and the sewer rate remain unchanged, Councillor Link seconded this motion, motion was defeated with two for and three against. Councillors Link and Quinlan were in favor; Councillors Stoddard, Atkinson and Mayor Stoddart were against. 2075 Councillor Stoddard motioned that the residential and resource property taxes be raised by .03cents from $1.65 to $1.68 per $100 of assessment and that the commercial property tax and sewer rate remain unchanged at $5.58 per $100 of assessment and $188 respectively, Councillor Atkinson seconded this motion, motion carried with three voting in favor and two against. Councillors Atkinson, Stoddard and Mayor Stoddart were in favor and Councillors Link and Quinlan were against. e) Tourist Bureau 2018: Council learned that the two ladies who were running the tourist bureau last year would not be returning. It was discovered that the traffic is just not there as most visitors use the internet and their GPS to find their desired destinations. f) Personnel Request: Council entered into an in camera session to discuss a request from a staff member. At 9:30pm Council exited the in camera session. Councillor Atkinson motioned to grant the staff member the request, Councillor Link seconded this motion, motion carried. ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA: a) Property at 2793 Main St: Councillor Quinlan stated that she had received several complaints about the condition of the dwelling at 2793 Main Street. She has been told that there is debris coming off the dwelling when there is significant wind and one piece actually hit the windshield of a passing vehicle, and also that this debris is littering the neighboring properties and damaging their parked vehicles. The Clerk was instructed to write a registered letter to the property owners to have this situation rectified. b) Region 6/Ban on Plastic Bags: It was asked of Council, via email, by Valda Walsh our Region 6 Coordinator, if Council would support the ban of plastic shopping bags if this were the route Region 6 and other waste regions throughout the province were to go. Councillor Atkinson motioned to support the ban of plastic shopping bags, Councillor Quinlan seconded this motion, motion carried. 2076 c) Region Library Adopt a Book Campaign: Councillor Link inquired if Council would be willing to support the Adopt a Book campaign which is a bi-yearly fundraiser for the Western Counties Regional Library. The Clerk informed Council that $100 had been set aside in April, 2017 during the annual request for grants consideration. At 9:50pm, and there being no other business to discuss, Councillor Quinlan motioned to adjourn. The next regular meeting of Council will be held May 2 2018 in Council Chambers of the Town Hall, commencing at 7pm. __________________________ ___________________________ Mayor Town Clerk |
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