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Town of Clark's Harbour : Town Minutes - September, 2015Below you will find this year's Town Minutes. Please note that the most recent is at the top and the oldest one at the bottom. Each set of minutes are separated by a horiztonal line.September 15, 2015 Special Council Meeting The meeting was called to order by Mayor Leigh B. Stoddart with all Councillors present. A discussion took place concerning Shelburne county Community & Business Excellence Awards - the following were suggested to be sent in: Exporter of the year....Sea Star Seafoods Ltd., Innovation in Business.....Island Traps Ltd., Excellence in Community Development.....C.S.I. New Horizons Group. Moved by Irene and seconded by Cecil that the above names be submitted for consideration - motion carried. A discussion took place concerning a winter recreation programme for hte Town. It was moved by Cecil and seconded by Russell that after the end of October there be no recreation program until the first of April. Motion carried. It was moved by Russel and seconded by Trudy that we pay $12.00 each Monday night for use of the gym at the Clark's Harbour School for Parnell to carry on her exercise program that she was holding at the Legion Hall. This will include 3 hours for Parnell to decide how she wishes to run the program. Motion carried. The Christmas party will be held on Saturday, December 5th at 6:30 at the Legion Hall. Council will meet to finalize plans in October. It was decided to have that meeting after the October 6th Council meeting. House decorating judging will take place in December. Moved by Cecil & seconded by Russell that the meeting adjourn. Motion carried. 1927 Regular Session Town Council September 01, 2015 The Regular Session of Town Council was called to order by Mayor Leigh Stoddart at 7:00pm with Councillors Rex Stoddard, Cecil Brannen, Russell Atkinson, Sherry Atkinson, Trudy Quinlan and Irene Baker present. Additions to the Agenda: (a) Paul Thomas – Fireworks Permit renewal (b) Dr Blair’s Office (c) Dog Complaint Approval of the Agenda: It was moved by Councillor Brannen and seconded by Councillor Stoddard that the Agenda as well as the additions be approved as circulated. Motion carried. Approval of Previous Minutes: It was moved by Councillor R Atkinson and seconded by Councillor S Atkinson that the Minutes from the previous meeting be approved as circulated. Motion carried. APPOINTMENTS: No Appointments MATTERS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES: At this time Councillor Stoddard declares a conflict of interest. a) Project Tenders – The Town only received one tender for its proposed projects from Rex Stoddard, in the amount of $25 100 plus HST. It was motioned by Councillor Quinlan and seconded by Councillor S. Atkinson that the Town accept this tender. Motion carried. Councillor Stoddard returns to the table. REPORTS Streets, Sewers and Unsightly Premises: The Public Works Report presented to Council was read and discussed. Recreation: No recreation report was presented. 1928 Building Inspectors Report: The Building Inspectors Report for July consisted of one building permit in the amount of $500. There was no Building Inspectors report available for August. Fire: The Fire report for July was presented and discussed. Police: There was no Police Report for May. Mayor/Councillors: Councillor Quinlan reported on a SASI meeting she attended. Councillor Baker reported on a Tourism meeting she attended. ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA Paul Thomas/Fireworks Permit Renewal – It was moved by Councillor Baker and seconded by Councillor Stoddard that Paul Thomas be reimbursed $100 for the renewal of his fireworks operators permit that he paid in June on its renewal date. Motion carried. Dr. Blair’s Office – Councillor Quinlan had received a complaint regarding a phone call that was made to Dr. Blair’s office and the caller was rudely cut short and was hanged up on. Mayor Stoddart will speak to Dr. Blair about this complaint. Dog Complaint – Councillor Quinlan also reported that she had received complaints about Michael and Julianne Link’s dogs. It was stated that the Town would take no action until the complainant came in and filed a formal complaint with the clerk. CORRESPONDENCE The Rosalin Nickerson Care Fund/Walk for a Cause – A request was received from the Rosalin Nickerson Care Fund for a donation of an auction item for the ‘Walk for a Cause’ fundraiser. It was motioned by Councillor Quinlan and seconded by Councillor Brannen that an enlarged photo of the Cape Light, taken by Chris Swim, is purchased for $20, framed and donated to the auction. Motion carried. UNSM Long Service Awards – Communication was received from the Union of Nova Scotia Municipalities regarding the Long Service Awards Program for Councillors, Mayors, and Wardens. There was no interest in this program at this time. 1929 UNSM “Drive to Action” Breakfast Panel – An invitation was received from the Union of Nova Scotia Municipalities to invite council and mayor to a “Drive to Action” breakfast in Falmouth, NS, on September 11, 2015. There was no one available on that date to attend. Municipality of Barrington/Indoor Swimming Pool – Correspondence was received from the Municipality of Barrington seeking the Towns input and financial assistance in regard to a feasibility study for an indoor swimming pool for Shelburne County, which was a request by a local resident of the Municipality of Barrington. In a motion made by Councillor Brannen and seconded by Councillor R. Atkinson, the financial assistance was denied. Motion carried. NEW BUSINESS Transport Canada/Stacey Pineau – The clerk received a phone call from Stacey Pineau of Transport Canada, wondering if Council would be interested in a visit from them to discuss with Council the increased tanker traffic that the proposed pipeline from Alberta to St John, NB would incur. It was motioned by Councillor S. Atkinson and seconded by Councillor Brannen to invite them to our next council meeting on October 6, 2015. Motion carried. At 8:35pm, Councillor Brannen motioned that the meeting be adjourned, seconded by Councillor R. Atkinson. Motion carried. ____________________________ ______________________________ Town Clerk Mayor |