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Town of Clark's Harbour : Town Minutes - October, 2018Below you will find this year's Town Minutes. Please note that the most recent is at the top and the oldest one at the bottom. Each set of minutes are separated by a horiztonal line. 2106 Regular Session Town Council October 03, 2018 The Regular Session of Town Council was called to order by Mayor Leigh Stoddart at 7pm with Councillors Louann Link, Rex Stoddard, Irene Barker, Russell Atkinson, Trudy Quinlan and Cara Newell present. ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA: a) Fisherman’s Memorial Monument b) Jennifer Jones and Curtis Smith/Retirement c) Vacations d) Salaries e) Halloween Parade APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA: It was moved by Councillor Newell, seconded by Councillor Baker to approve the agenda, as circulated. Motion carried. It was moved by Councillor Stoddard, seconded by Councillor Newell to approve the additions to the agenda. Motion carried. APPROVAL OF THE PREVIOUS MINUTES: It was moved by Councillor Baker, seconded by Councillor Quinlan to approve the previous minutes. Motion carried. APPOINTMENTS: No appointments MATTERS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES: Nothing to report. 2107 REPORTS Streets, Sewers and Unsightly Premises: Report was presented to Council and discussed. Recreation: Councillor Baker discussed with those present the update on the Pumpkin Weigh-off taking place October 7th behind Town Hall. Building Inspectors Report: The building inspector’s report for the months of August and September were available for discussion, they had a combined value of $270,000. Fire: No fire report available at this time. Police: No police report available at this time. Mayor/Councillors: Councillors Link, Quinlan and Newell spoke of their various activities since the last regular meeting of Council. CORRESPONDENCE: a) Centre for Local Prosperity: A strategy implementation planning session is scheduled to be held on Saturday, October 20th from 9am-3:30pm in Shelburne. Mayor Stoddart will attempt to attend this session. 2108 b) Sou’West 4H Club: A letter of gratitude was received from the Sou’West 4H Club expressing their appreciation in the aid that was received from the Town of Clark’s Harbour to enable them to travel to Manitoba on a Canada Club to Club exchange program. NEW BUSINESS ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA: a) Fisherman’s Memorial Monument: Council discussed an additional name being added to the Fisherman’s Memorial Monument. It was moved by Councilor Baker and seconded by Councilor Quinlan that Joel Hopkins name be added to the Memorial as he had lived in the Town. Motion carried. Jennifer Jones and Curtis Smith: Council discussed Jennifer Jones and Curtis Smith leaving the Town’s employ after some years of service. It was moved by Councilor Baker and seconded by Councilor Newell that the Town invite Jennifer Jones and Curtis Smith to a supper at the Lobster Shack on November 16th. Motion carried. It was further moved by Councilor Stoddard and seconded by Councilor Atkinson that the Town present each with a gift of $250.00 for their service to the Town. Motion carried. Vacations: Council discussed employee vacations. It was moved by Councilor Stoddard and seconded by Councilor Quinlan that, in the future, employees must provide in writing by the 15th of the month notification to the Town of requested vacation time for the following month and that no vacation be carried over to the following year. Motion carried. Salaries: Council discussed the salaries to be offered to the new Town Clerk and Public Works employee. It was moved by Councilor Stoddard and seconded by Councilor Link that the starting salary for the Town Clerk to be $43,000.00 and the starting salary for the Public Works employee to be $40,000.00 and that both salaries to be reviewed in six months. Motion carried. Halloween Parade: Council discussed the children’s Halloween parade. The parade will be held on October 29th and will go from the Royal Canadian Legion to the Ballfield via the boardwalk. It was moved by Councilor Baker and seconded by Councilor Atkinson that funds be made available for treats and prizes for the children. Motion carried. 2109 As it was 9:10pm and there was no further business, it was moved by Councilor Stoddard and seconded by Councilor Atkinson that the meeting be adjourned. Motion carried _________________________ ______________________ Mayor Town Clerk |