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Town of Clark's Harbour :  Town Minutes - May, 2020

Below you will find this year's Town Minutes.  Please note that the most recent is at the top and the oldest one at the bottom.  Each set of minutes are separated by a horiztonal line.


 Regular Session

Town Council

May 27, 2020

The Regular Session of Town Council was called to order by Mayor Stoddart at 6:29 pm with Councillor Stoddard, Councillor Link, Councillor Baker and Councillor Newell, Councillor Quinlan in attendance. 









            It was moved by Councillor Stoddard, seconded by Councillor Quinlan to approve the agenda as circulated.  Motion carried unanimously. 





            It was moved by Councillor Newell and seconded by Councillor Link to approve the previous minutes. Motion Carried unanimously.













Streets, Sewers and Unsightly Premises:


             Public Works Report was presented to Council and discussed.




Recreation: Nothing to report



Building Inspectors Report: March- 1 permits , Demolition $0

                                                April - 4 permits value $110,000

                                                1 residence, 2 non- residential, 1 commercial.



            Mayor/Councillors:   Councillor Quinlan, Councillor Baker and Councillor Link                                                    reported on conference calls they had attended.






                        Letter from Shelburne Mayor Karen Mattatall

                                                Mayor Mattatall sent a letter to Clark’s harbour asking that The town support the Town of Shelburne for having the Shelburne Harbour from being removed as a designated port of entry for vessels arriving to Canada from overseas ports.

            It was moved by Councillor Baker and Seconded by Councillor Quinlan that the Town send letters to Minister Bernadette Jordan, Honourable Bill Blair, MP, Chris d’Entremont and MLA, Kim Masland, that Shelburne harbour not be closed. Motion carried unanimously.





                        Grants to Organizations:

The spreadsheet of yearly grants to organizations was given to Council for their consideration and approval.

It was moved by Councillor Baker and Seconded by Councillor Newell that the regular yearly requests be granted and anything new be brought before council for approval. Motion carried, unanimously.






                        Clerk Requesting Permission to Transfer Funds:

It was moved by Councillor Newell and Seconded by Councillor Stoddard the Clerk be approved to Transfer 21,945.00 to Gas Tax holding Account from operating account. Motion carried unanimously. 

                        Clerk Requesting Permission to Transfer Funds:

                                    Clerk requesting to purchase a GIC with unused 2019-20 gas tax funds.

It was moved by Councillor Newell and Seconded by Councillor Stoddard that it be approved the Clerk purchase a GIC in the amount of $37,000 for fuel Tax reserve

Motion carried unanimously.


                        Beautification & Streetscaping Grant:

                                                Mayor Stoddart informed Councillors of a grant that is available for Town Beautification and Streetscaping. Funds are available of up to 50% of Project with a $20,000 limit. It was asked of council if they wished to participate and if so to bring project ideas to next council meeting on June 3rd.



                        Applications for Summer Employment:

                                    Seven applications were received for the summer jobs. Shortlisting was done and 5 applicants were selected. Three were selected to come for an interview while the other two applicants were return employees from last year and an Interview was not necessary.

Interviews will take place on Wednesday June 3 at 6pm.


                        Royal Bank Closure:

                                    Mayor Stoddart has received numerous complaints and concerns from residents about the closure of the local Branch of the Royal Bank in Clark’s Harbour.

Mayor Stoddart reached out to the area manager and had a conversation voicing his and the residents’ concerns about when the bank may be reopened. It was told to Mayor Stoddart there is an assessment every 45 days as to how and where to re-open facilities. Mayor Stoddart will reach out to him in a month if nothing has changed from today.


                        Public Works 3\4 ton Truck:

                                    Mayor Stoddart sent out to the 3 local truck Dealer asking for tenders on a ¾ ton truck for public works. To date only 2 tenders were received one form Murray GM and one from Smith & Watt. A call was missed from Tusket Ford. Council decided to wait for the third tender to come in and will receive update from Mayor Stoddart by email at which time they can decide on which one they would like to purchase and report at next council Meeting June 3rd.










                        Tourist Bureau:

                                    It was discussed about opening the Tourist Bureau at the Heritage hall again this summer and it was decided by council to wait to see what restrictions may be lifted around Public health in the near future. 



                        Green Building:

                                    Mayor Stoddart has had some concerns brought to his attention about the conditions and safety of the green building on the corner of Kenney Street and Main Street.

It was asked that a letter be sent to the property owners ProNova Marine to address these concerns.




As there was no further business at 8:25 pm it was moved by Councillor Stoddard the meeting be adjourned.

____________________________________  _____________________________

Mayor                                                                Town Clerk

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