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Town of Clark's Harbour : Town Minutes - March, 2020Below you will find this year's Town Minutes. Please note that the most recent is at the top and the oldest one at the bottom. Each set of minutes are separated by a horiztonal line. 2206 Special Council March 11, 2020 A Special Council meeting was called to order by Mayor Leigh Stoddart at 6:22 pm with Councillors Rex Stoddard, Trudy Quinlan, Irene Baker, Russell Atkinson and Louann Link present. Additions to the Agenda Café at Heritage Hall Approval Of the Agenda: It was moved by Councillor Quinlan and Seconded by Councillor Link that the agenda be approved as circulated. Motion carried unanimously. New Business: Interviews: There were two applicants selected for interviews for the Public Works job. Tyrell Goodwin 6:30pm and Grant Balsdon at 7pm . Interviews were conducted with each person. Following the interview process Councillors discussed 4 applicants for the Job. After holding a vote, Tyrell Goodwin was selected for the position as public works. Additions to the Agenda Café at Seaside Heritage Hall: The advertising for the opportunity to have a Café at the Seaside Hall was asked to a councillor for an end date. The advertising was put in the Lobster Bay Shopper for a four week period (2 issues).With instructions for interested Individual’s to call the Town Hall for more Information. To date 2 people showed interest. As there was no further Business it was moved by Councillor Stoddard at 7:38pm the meeting be adjourned. ___________________________ _____________________ Mayor Town Clerk 2205 Special Council March 09, 2020 A Special Council meeting was called to order by Mayor Leigh Stoddart at 6:30 pm with Councillors Rex Stoddard, Cara Newell, Trudy Quinlan, and, Louann Link present. Additions to the Agenda There were no additions to the agenda Approval Of the Agenda: It was moved by Councillor Quinlan and Seconded by Councillor Newell that the agenda be approved as circulated. Motion carried unanimously. New Business: Short Listing of Applications: There were 6 applications received for the Job posting in Public works. After some discussion it was decided to shortlist to four, with two applicants coming in for interviews. Councillors felt it was not necessary to interview the other two applicants because of previous experience. As there was no further Business it was moved by Councillor Quinlan at 7:38pm the meeting be adjourned. _____________________________ _______________________ Mayor Town Clerk 2200 Regular Session Town Council March 04, 2020 The Regular Session of Town Council was called to order by Mayor Stoddart at 4:40 pm with Councillor Stoddard, Councillor Link, Councillor Baker and Councillor Newell, Councillor Quinlan and Councillor Atkinson all in attendance. ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA: Letter of Support for MOB –Axe Throwing Competition. APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA: It was moved by Councillor Quinlan, seconded by Councillor Newell to approve the agenda as circulated. Motion carried unanimously. APPROVAL OF THE PREVIOUS MINUTES: It was moved by Councillor Stoddard and seconded by Councillor Quinlan to approve the previous minutes. Motion Carried unanimously. APPOINTMENTS: 7 pm – ISANS: Kathleen D‘Entremont- Mooney had a presentation to council explaining about Immigrant Services Association of Nova Scotia. She informed Council on the procedures involved and the types of jobs that immigrants could apply for to receive support from this association. MATTERS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES: From January Minutes- Roseway Hospital Charitable Foundation Funding Requesting $7000 for funding of a portable X-Ray machine. It was decided it was too early in the year to know if funding was available in the 2020-21 fiscal year budget. We will contact them when the Budget is closer to being finished to let them know if we are able to support this initiative. 2201 REPORTS Streets, Sewers and Unsightly Premises: Public Works Report was presented to Council and discussed. Recreation: Nothing to report Building Inspectors Report: January - 3 permits value $99,500 February- 1 permit value $1000 Mayor/Councillors: No Meetings to report. CORRESPONDENCE: Southwest Nova Biosphere Reserve Association A funding request was received from SWNBRA looking for a $500 donation to the association. It was moved by Councillor Baker and seconded by Councillor Newell that the donation be denied due to Budgetary restraints. Motion carried unanimously. NEW BUSINESS: Accessibility Committee: It is required that all Nova Scotia Municipalities be accessible by the year 2030, therefore each municipality is required to form an Accessibility Committee by April 1,2020 consisting of members of Council and Members from the Community with Disabilities or persons that work with Organizations for people with Disabilities. Clarks Harbour has formed a committee consisting of 4 members. Councillor Rex Stoddard, Councillor Trudy Quinlan, Community Committee Member, Marlene Atkinson and Community Committee member, Meredith Ross. 2202 Wage Increases: Wages for 2020 -21 Fiscal year were discussed and it was moved by Councillor Stoddard and seconded by Councillor Atkinson that a 2% increase in both staff and Council Honorarium be instated, effective April 1st, 2020. Motion carried unanimously. Clerk Requesting Permission to Transfer Funds: Clerk asking permission to do 3 transfers of money. It was moved by Councillor Newell and Seconded by Councillor Quinlan the Clerk be approved to Transfer 22,272.52 from Gas Tax holding Account to operating account, transfer $54,000 from Operating reserve to operating account to cover housing cost, and permission to purchase a GIC with excess Gas Tax Funds approximately $65,000 in April. Motion carried unanimously. Region 6 proposed Budget: Region 6 Inter-Municipal Committee 2020-21 Budget was presented to council. It was moved by councillor Quinlan and seconded by Councillor Link the Region 6 2020-21 budget be approved. Motion carried unanimously. Island Barrington Passage Fire Department proposed Budget: The Propose 2020-21 IBFD operating budget was presented to Council . It was moved by Councillor Atkinson and seconded by Councillor Stoddard that the budget be approved. This year Clark’s Harbours share is $35,080 + $16,000 for a total of $51,080.00. Motion carried unanimously. Western County Regional Library 2020-21 Budget: The Western County Regional Library was presented to council. This year Towns contribution is $6300.00 up 19% over last year. Low Income Property Tax Exemption: On February 27th 2020 Councillor were provided with information on the Low Income Tax Exemption offered. This information was provided for Consideration to change the Base Income amount for applicants. Council revisited the Low Income Property Tax Exemption Policy. After some discussion it was moved by Councillor Newell and seconded by Councillor Quinlan that section 3 of the Town’s Low Income Property Tax Exemption be amended to read” the income of all People residing in the Household must be less than $22,000 for the previous Taxation Year”. Motion carried Unanimously. 2203 Town Sign at Causeway: Looking to replace the Clark’s Harbour Sign that was at the Causeway. Mayor Stoddart has asked Council to try and come up with a draft Design of their own for the new sign. It was asked to have the design ready at next council Meeting April 1st 2020 Banners: The banners that go up in town each spring showcasing the events and dates, are in need of replacing as they are battered and torn. Mayor Stoddart has come up with a different banner design the will be much more durable and cost effective. The cost is $435+tax for each new banner but will not need replacing each year or two as they do now. It was moved by Councillor Atkinson and seconded by Councillor Stoddard that the 6 banners be replaced with the new design. Motion carried unanimously. Additions To the Agenda: Letter of Support: A request was received CAO Chris Frotten stating that Barrington as going to bid on hosting the 2021 World Champion of Double Bitted Axe Throwing asking for a Letter of Support of the bid from the Town of Clark’s Harbour. It was moved by Councillor Baker and seconded by Councillor Newell that a letter supporting the bid be sent to the Municipality. Motion carried unanimously. Seaside Heritage Hall: Mayor Stoddard informed Councillors there was interest shown to put a Café at the Seaside heritage hall for the summer months. The interested party will go ahead and get direction from food inspector to see if this would be possible to do in the building as it is now. At that time Mayor Stoddart will bring to Council for approval. 2204 As there was no further business at 7:40 pm it was moved by Councillor Atkinson the meeting be adjourned. _____________________________ ______________________ Mayor Town Clerk 2199 Special Council March 04, 2020 A Special Council meeting was called to order by Mayor Leigh Stoddart at 3:56 pm with Councillors Rex Stoddard, Cara Newell, Trudy Quinlan, and Russell Atkinson, Irene Baker and Louann Link present. Additions to the Agenda There were no additions to the agenda Approval Of the Agenda: It was moved by Councillor Quinlan and Seconded by Councillor Stoddard that the agenda be approved as circulated. Motion carried unanimously. New Business: Alex Pink Town Solicitor: Dog by –law amendment A meeting was held with Alex Pink to discuss the recent Court hearing pertaining to the Town of Clark’s Harbour By-Law 17 – Dog Control. It was moved by Councillor Stoddard and seconded by Councillor Link that the towns Solicitor draft an amendment to the Dog By law and send to the town for a possible first reading on April 1st Council meeting. Motion carried unanimously. As there was no further Business it was moved by Councillor Stoddard at 4:35pm the meeting be adjourned. ______________________________ _____________________ Mayor Town Clerk |