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Town of Clark's Harbour :  Town Minutes - June, 2023

Below you will find this year's Town Minutes.  Please note that the most recent is at the top and the oldest one at the bottom.  Each set of minutes are separated by a horiztonal line.


Regular Session

Town Council

June 07, 2023

The Regular Session was called to order by Mayor Stoddard at 7pm with Councillors Trudy Quinlan and Louann Link present.

Regrets from Councillor Atkinson, absent due to vacation.

Councillor Baker was present via virtual conference.



It was moved by Councillor Link and seconded by Councillor Quinlan that the agenda be approved as circulated. Motion carried unanimously.


It was moved by Councillor Quinlan and seconded by Councillor Link that the minutes from the previous meeting be approved as circulated. Motion carried unanimously.



a) 5 Year Capital Investment Plan (final)

Councillor Quinlan motioned to accept the 5 Year Capital Investment Plan as presented with the changes of the estimated costs of projects, Councillor Link seconded the motion, motion carried.

b) 2023/2024 Capital Budget (final)

Councillor Link motioned to accept the 23/24 Capital Budget with the recommended removal of the paving projects for this fiscal year, Councillor Quinlan seconded the motion, motion carried.

c) Canada Summer Jobs

There were no applicants for the position of the Tourist Bureau operator, and one, that of Cole Stoddart, that qualifies for the Ground Maintenance Assistant.


d) Boardwalk

The existing boardwalk is scheduled to be replaced this year, the Mayor was approached by Eric Nickerson (Carla) to inquire if he might have sections of the boardwalk to use. With new rules and regulations regarding pressure treated lumber coming into affect in July of 2023 of going to a C&D landfill, it is suggested that any pressure treated lumber be recycled.

Councillor Quinlan motioned to allow Eric Nickerson take as many sections as possible to recycle, Councillor Baker seconded the motion, motion carried.

e) Seawall

There was one (1) quote received for the restoration of the existing seawall along the waterfront. The current work needed consists of replacing some of the smaller rocks that have been washed out over the years by the sea. The quote received is from MacKinnon’s Excavation in the amount of four thousand, one hundred eighty dollars ($4180). Councillor Baker motioned to accept the quote as presented, Councillor Link seconded the motion, motion carried.


Streets, Sewers and Unsightly Premises:

The Public Works Report was presented to Council and discussed. One thing of note is that the ballfield washrooms were recently vandalised.

Recreation: Canada Day activities were discussed.

Building Inspector Report:

There was two permits issued for the month of May with an approximate value of twenty three thousand dollars ($23,000).


Mayor and Councillors shared their activities and meetings attending since the last regular meeting of Council.



All relevant correspondence was shared with Council via email and only that that required action is listed below.

a) Seal Island Light

The Town has been asked for a letter of support from Sonia Symonds-Newell for the preservation of the Seal Island Light.

Councillor Quinlan motioned to write a letter on behalf of Mrs Newell, Councillor Baker seconded the motion, motion carried.

b) Ecology Action Centre

An email was received from the Ecology Action Centre asking if the Town would be interested in signing a statement regarding the NS Coastal Protection Act and the releasing of such to the public.

Councillor Quinlan motioned to sign the letter, Councillor Link seconded the motion, motion carried.


a) Deed Transfer Tax

The deed transfer tax for the month of May was in the amount of two thousand, five hundred and seventy dollars ($2570). One percent of property sales is allocated to the Town of Clark’s Harbour as per policy/by-law.

b) Legion Table/Chair Rental/Loan

The Town was approached by a citizen to ask if we would rent/loan tables and chairs from the legion for a outside event.

Councillor Baker motioned that a one-hundred-dollar ($100) deposit be paid and upon the return of the tables and/or chairs the deposit be refunded, Councillor Quinlan seconded the motion, motion carried.


As there was no further business to discuss, Councillor Quinlan motioned to adjourn the meeting, the time being 8pm.

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