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Town of Clark's Harbour :  Town Minutes - July, 2019

Below you will find this year's Town Minutes.  Please note that the most recent is at the top and the oldest one at the bottom.  Each set of minutes are separated by a horiztonal line.




Special Council

July 23, 2019


A Special Council meeting was called to order by Mayor Leigh Stoddart at 9am with Councillors Rex Stoddard, Cara Newell, Trudy Quinlan, Louann Link and Russell Atkinson present. Councillor Baker was unable to attend.



Additions to the Agenda:    None



Approval Of the Agenda:


                                    It was moved by Councillor Stoddard and Seconded by Councillor Quinlan that the agenda be approved as circulated. Motion carried.


New Business:

                        Mason Landry Dog Issue:

            A complaint was received from a resident suspecting that Mason Landry owned a dog that was a banned breed within the Clark’s Harbour Town Limits. A letter was delivered to Mason Landry explaining the Dog Ban and a Copy of the Town’s Dog By-Law. Mason was given one week to respond and communicate to the Town his intentions with the Dog. Mason responded to the Town of Clark’s Harbour with a letter stating that his dog may or may not be of the Banned breed because he purchased from the SPCA the specific breed is unknown for sure. Without DNA testing the breed is unknown it was stated by Mason that SPCA told him it could be a Pit Bull\Chocolate lab mix or Boxer\Chocolate Lab mix.

            It was moved by Councillor Stoddard and Seconded by Councillor Quinlan that a DNA test be conducted. It was determined that Mason Landry pay for the DNA test to be completed and if the test results determine that the dog is not the banned breed The Town of Clark’s Harbour will pay for the Test when provided with receipt of payment from Mason. If the Dog is  the Banned Breed then the dog be removed from town limits and no reimbursement be made from the Town to Mason Landry. Motion Carried.





                        Dog Waste Dispensers:


            It was requested that waste bags be put at the boardwalk for people to be able to dispose of dog waste.

            It was moved by Councillor Quinlan and seconded by Councillor Link that 2 dispensers be purchased for the Board walk. Motion carried


          As there was no further Business it was moved by Councillor Quinlan at 10:15 am the meeting be adjourned.

_____________________________    ________________________
Mayor                                                   Town Clerk




 Regular Session

Town Council

July 3, 2019



The Regular Session of Town Council was called to order by Mayor Leigh Stoddart at 7:01 pm with Councillor Stoddard Councillor Baker Councillor Link Councillor Atkinson, Councillor Newell and Councillor Quinlan in attendance. 





a)   Ball field  concerns

b)  Fence for Community Garden

c)   Gas Tax Allocation





            It was moved by Councillor Stoddard, seconded by Councillor Atkinson to approve the agenda as circulated.  Motion carried.





It was moved by Councillor Newell and seconded by Councillor Quinlan to approve the previous minutes. Motion Carried



APPOINTMENTS:  Public Works Employees Jason & Vince


            Council requested a meeting with Public Works Employees Jason and Vincent. Both were present at Council Meeting. Mayor Leigh Stoddart reviewed Personnel policies and general expectations of the job. After this review Jason and Vincent were given the opportunity to ask questions or voice any concerns they may have to council. Everything was understood and no further questions were put forward.









    a) Public Works Roles and Responsibilities –


            It was determined that with both public works employees still being in the probationary stages of their jobs that it was too early to set any defined roles of responsibility and it will be determined at a later date when they both become more familiar with their duties.


   b) Paving of Boundary Street


            Mayor Stoddart received a call from The Department of Transportation about the paving of Boundary Street, it is in need of repair and The Town of Clark’s Harbour owns half of the Street. It was agreed upon that the Town of Clark’s Harbour and The Province of N.S would cost share 50\50 the paving project. Mayor Stoddart is waiting for the contract to come through before any definite plans are made.






Streets, Sewers and Unsightly Premises:


Report was presented to Council and discussed. No major concern presented





Councillors met for a brief period before the Council meeting at the playground to decide on placement and purchasing of new Playground Equipment.



Building Inspectors Report:


There was 1 permit issued for the month of June approximate value of $85,000








            Councillors Quinlan, Councillor Baker and Councillor Link reported information on the most recent meetings they attended.

            The Clerk reported on the most recent meeting of Barrington area EMO meeting. Next meeting scheduled for September 26, @ 7pm.






a)     Anna Kenney Barrington NS Martahon:


            A letter was received from Barrington Recreation Dept. asking permission to use the Town Street for the Marathon, also for permission to spray paint two Kilometer marks on the street.

            It was moved by Councillor Baker and seconded by Councillor Newell that both parts of the request be granted, and also since this is an annual event they do not need to request permission for the future unless they are notified to do so. Motion carried


b)     Sou’West Nova Transit Association:


            A letter was received and presented to Councillors from Sou’West Transit Association thanking The Town of Clark’s Harbour for the operating Grant of $918 for this fiscal year.


c)     Bayside Home – Joel Goreham:


            Joel Goreham the EMO representative for Bayside Home asked if The Town of Clark’s Harbour’s comfort Center would be available to be used for Bayside residents in the case of an Emergency. The Lions Hall in Barrington Passage was the designated spot in the past but the ramp is unable to accommodate the beds to get them in the hall.

            It was moved by Councillor Baker and seconded by Councillor Quinlan that it be approved as an emergency center for Bayside Home Residents. Motion Carried.
















Additions to the Agenda



            a) Ball Field Concerns:


            Councillor Newell was asked when the lights will be fixed at the ballfield and if they could get some ground for the infield. Some outside organizations were willing to put in some money to help with the costs for the ground.

            It was moved by Councillor Newell and seconded by Councillor Atkinson that Mayor Stoddart makes the arrangements to have the lights installed as soon as he can get all the parties involved together. Also Mayor Stoddart is asking other Municipalities for directions to source the proper ground needed for the infield. Motion carried.



b) Fence for Community Garden:


            It was mentioned to Mayor Stoddart that a fence may be needed to keep the deer away from The Community Garden. Mayor Stoddart presented two options to councillors, he obtained a Quote for a 6ft steel fence from Eastern Fencing the cost was $8000 +HST, or we could source a local carpenter to build a wooden fence at a cheaper cost. After a brief discussion it was determined that a fence would need to be a lot bigger than 6 ft to keep out the deer and it would not be beneficial to put the steel one there. It was decided that a wooden fence would be built along the front and one side of the garden to protect from the wind.

            It was moved by Councillor Quinlan and seconded by Councillor Newell that Rex Stoddard is hired to put up the two sides of the fence and that Russel Atkinson would be hired also to assist with the fence.  Motion Carried.







c) Federal Gas Tax Allocation:


            A letter was received from The Department of Municipal Affairs and discussed with councillors of the amounts of the Federal Gas Tax Allocation for the Town of Clark’s Harbour for the Fiscal 19-20 year. The allocation will be released in two 50% instalments totalling $43,891. This fiscal there is a one time Top up fund for Gas Tax the Town of Clarks Harbour for $45,749 to be released mid-summer.









As there was no further business it was moved by Councillor Stoddard the meeting be adjourned at 9 pm. Motion carried.

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