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Town of Clark's Harbour : Town Minutes - December, 2017Below you will find this year's Town Minutes. Please note that the most recent is at the top and the oldest one at the bottom. Each set of minutes are separated by a horiztonal line. 2057 Regular Session Town Council January 03, 2018 The Regular Session of Town Council was called to order by Mayor Leigh Stoddart at 7:00pm with Councillors Trudy Quinlan, Irene Baker, Louann Link, Cara Ross and Rex Stoddard present. Absent, Russell Atkinson due to work obligations. ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA: Donation 2018 Assessment Report (preliminary) 100th Anniversary Town of Clark’s Harbour 2019 APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA: It was moved by Councillor Baker and seconded by Councillor Quinlan to approve the agenda, as well as the additions, as circulated. Motion carried. APPROVAL OF THE PREVIOUS MINUTES: It was moved by Councillor Stoddard and seconded by Councillor Newell to approve the previous minutes. Motion carried. APPOINTMENTS: No Appointments MATTERS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES: a) 2018 Committee Appointments: Committee appointments and that of the deputy mayor were discussed. Council favoured remaining on the committees that they currently sit. Nominations were called for for that of Deputy Mayor, Councillor Stoddard nominated Councillor Quinlan for Deputy Mayor, seconded by Councillor Link, all were in favour, motion carried. 2058 Councillor Stoddard motioned that the committee appointments be approved as discussed, and that Councillor Quinlan be named Deputy Mayor, seconded by Councillor Newell. Motion carried. REPORTS Streets, Sewers and Unsightly Premises: The monthly reports of November and December were read and discussed. The propane heater in the salt shed needs replacing and it was suggested that a new one be priced before a decision is made. Recreation: No report available for this period. Building Inspectors Report: No report available for this period. Fire: No fire report available at this time. Police: No police report available at this time. Mayor/Councillors: Councillor Quinlan reported on a Kid’s Fair Play Fund meeting that she had attended. CORRESPONDENCE: a) Bernadette Jordan – Meeting with Council The Honorable Bernadette Jordan will be visiting the area in the weeks of January 8th to the 19th, and requests a meeting with the Mayor and Council to discuss the Town’s priorities on January 16th at 6pm. Council were in favor of this appointment. b) Roseway Hospital Charitable Foundation: Funding Request A request was received from the Roseway Hospital Charitable Foundation to provide financial assistance in order to provide lodging for locums to stay overnight prior to their shift at the Roseway Hospital emergency department. 2059 It was suggested that the Clerk contact the other municipal units in Shelburne County to determine their course of action regarding this request. NEW BUSINESS a) Volunteer of the Year Nominations: Nomination forms were given out to Councillors with a deadline of February 7th, to be returned for the selection of the volunteer to represent the Town of Clark’s Harbour in Halifax on April 9th, 2018. Provincial Volunteer Week will be observed from April 15th-22th, 2018. The local recognition dinner will be held on April 19th at the Legion in Clark’s Harbour. b) Region 6 Solid Waste Management 2018/2019 Budget: The Region 6 Solid Waste Management Budget for 2018/2019 was presented to Council for discussion and approval. Councillor Quinlan motioned that the budget be approved as presented. Councillor Link seconded this motion, motion carried. c) Workshop Series: The municipal recreation departments within Shelburne County plan on holding a series of workshops for community groups in the fall of 2018, and it was inquired if the Town of Clark’s Harbour would participate in these workshops. After some discussion, it was decided that we not participate. Councillor Stoddard motioned, seconded by Councillor Newell that the Town not participate in hosting one of the workshops. Motion carried. ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA: a) Donation: The Town was asked to donate an item for an upcoming fundraiser on January 11th for Murray Nickerson, who suffered a heart attack just before the opening of the lobster season. Council decided to purchase an item for donation of not more than $50. Councillor Quinlan motioned, seconded by Councillor Link, to purchase an item of not more than $50 for this fundraiser. Motion carried. 2060 b) 2018 Assessment Roll Report: This report was presented to Council and discussed. There was an overall increase in property tax dollars of $21 000 from 2017, mainly because of new construction and renovations. c) Town of Clark’s Harbour 100th Anniversary: A meeting date of January 31st has been set to discuss planning of the 100th Anniversary of the Town of Clark’s Harbour in 2019. At 9:10pm, and there being no other business to discuss, Councillor Baker motioned to adjourn. _____________________ ___________________________ Mayor Town Clerk 2051 Regular Session Town Council December 06, 2017 The Regular Session of Town Council was called to order by Mayor Leigh Stoddart at 7pm with Councillors Irene Baker, Russell Atkinson, Cara Newell, Louann Link and Rex Stoddard present. Due to medical reasons, Deputy Mayor Trudy Quinlan was absent. ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA: a) Open House/MP Bernadette Jordan b) RCMP Costs/ Municipality of Barrington c) July 1st Activity Funding Application d) Seaside Heritage Building e) 2018 Committee Appointments f) Vacation Beds/Bayside Home g) Councillor Quinlan APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA: It was moved by Councillor Stoddard and seconded by Councillor Atkinson to approve the agenda as well as the additions as circulated. Motion carried. APPROVAL OF THE PREVIOUS MINUTES: It was moved by Councillor Stoddard and seconded by Councillor Newell to approve the previous minutes. Motion carried. APPOINTMENTS: a) Pink, Star, Barro – Alex Pink: At a regular meeting of Council on December 01 2015, a motion was carried by Council that we seek representation from Pink Star Barro as out Lawyer, Colin Fraser, from Nickerson Jacquard Fraser had entered into politics. Tonight, Alex Pink, of Pink Star Barro was present to introduce himself and to welcome the Town of Clark’s Harbour to their firm. A letter will be written to Nickerson Jacquard Fraser thanking them for their past service. 2052 MATTERS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES: a) Barrington Dialysis Group: At the last regular meeting of Council, the Town of Shelburne had asked for support for a dialysis unit to be located at the Roseway Hospital and it was discussed that if the Barrington Dialysis Group were still in effect, then it would be a conflict of interest to support both. Mayor Stoddart informed Council that the Barrington group were still active. REPORTS Streets, Sewers and Unsightly Premises: There was no report available at this time. Recreation: No report available for this period. Building Inspectors Report: There were 5 permits issued for the month of November, with an approximate value of $258 500. Fire: No report available for this period. Police: No police report available at this time. Mayor/Councillors: Councillor Link gave an update on her activities and meetings since the last regular meeting of Council. CORRESPONDENCE: a) Sean Duff/2018 Bicycle Race: Sean Duff, an organizer for Bicycle Nova Scotia, is looking to Clark’s Harbour and portions of the Municipality of Barrington to hold one of their bicycle races in 2018. July 29th being the tentative date, the Clerk was instructed to contact Mr Duff to see if it was desirable to move the race date up a bit to coincide with the Canada Day Activities. b) UNSM Board Report: Two UNSM board reports, one of November 7th and one of December 1st, was presented to Council for perusal and discussion. 2053 c) UNSM CAP Program Review: Council was presented with a copy of a letter from the Union of Nova Scotia Municipalities to ‘the editor of the Chronicle Herald’ in regards to CAP program which came into effect 2001 to prevent excessive rises in property assessments. This letter was in response to an article that appeared in the November 11th edition entitled “Stable Property Taxes: HRM Council get used to it”. UNSM explains that the current program is not fair to all property owners and that an assessment needs to be looked into. d) South Shore Lobster Crawl: South Shore Tourism has launched a series of events to entice tourism during the winter months, they kicked off with ‘Tis the SEA’Son Festival from November 17/17 to January 6/18 and ending with a south Shore Lobster Crawl, February 2 – 19 2018. They are seeking individuals/businesses to help carry out their program ideas or are willing to accept any idea that is related to the lobster industry. e) Western Regional Housing Authority: The Town was advised that the term of the Town’s representative, Marlene Smith, on the Board of the Western Regional Housing Authority has expired on November 20th and would like advisement as to a reappointment or replacement. Councillor Baker motioned that Marlene Smith be reappointed to the board, seconded by Councillor Newell. Motion carried. f) AMANS Bill 10: Bill 10 became law on October 26th 2017 and the changes that affect municipal units are as follows: • Every municipality is now required to adopt an expense policy and hospitality policy • Every municipality is now required to adopt a code of conduct • Municipal audit committees must now meet at least twice a year and must have at least one member who is not a municipal employee or member of council • Quarterly hospitality expense reports must be completed and posted online. • Quarterly expense reports for the mayor/warden, councillors and CAO must be completed and posted online. • An annual summary report must be filed with the Minister of Municipal Affairs by September 30th. g) Municipality of St. Mary’s: A copy of a letter to the president of the Union of Nova Scotia Municipalities was received from the Municipality of St. Mary’s expressing their concerns over the possible rebranding of the Union of Nova Scotia Municipalities to the Federation of Nova Scotia Municipalities. Their concern is that the new proposed name ‘Federation of Nova Scotia Municipalities’ has a national connotation and is similar to the ‘Federation of Canadian Municipalities’ name and also the acronym FNSM, “does not sound appropriate and lacks a tone of professionalism.” 2054 h) Purple Ribbon Campaign: The Transition House Association of Nova Scotia’s Purple Ribbon Campaign runs from November 25 to December 10 2017. This campaign commemorates the December 6th 1989 killing of 14 women in Montreal and it is to raise awareness about violence against women. i) Shelburne County Housing Coalition: The Shelburne County Housing Coalition provincial advocacy campaign is ready to proceed. Letters have been sent to the Minister for Community Services as well as other ministerial members provincially and federally. j) Shelburne and Area Chamber of Commerce: An invitation was received from The Shelburne and Area Chamber of Commerce who is holding the Christmas Social on Wednesday, December 13th at the Osprey Arts Centre Lobby from 7-9pm. NEW BUSINESS a) Staff Bonus: The annual staff bonus was discussed and in a motion made by Councillor Atkinson, seconded by Councillor Baker, that Town Clerk, Jennifer Jones; administrative assistant, Julianne Link; Public Works Supervisor, Bryant Newell; assistant Public Works Supervisor, Curtis Smith and Janitor, Charlene Nickerson each receive $500. Motion carried. ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA a) Open House/MP Bernadette Jordan: A Christmas Open House will be held at MP Bernadette Jordan’s constituency office on Wednesday, December 20th from 1-6pm. Mayor Stoddart made a note to attend. b) RCMP Costs/Municipality of Barrington: The Municipality of Barrington has written a letter to Minister Mark Furey, Department of Justice, concerning the amount of officers serving our two municipal units, Municipality of Barrington and the Town of Clark’s Harbour. These two units currently pay for seven (7) officers, but the actual number of officers at the Barrington District rarely reaches seven (7), but we are paying for them regardless. The Municipality of Barrington is asking the review take place to determine if the Barrington Detachment can operate with less than seven officers, and if so, then the annual compensation must also reflect this. 2055 c) July 1st Activity Application: The Clerk was informed, because the Town of Clark’s Harbour wants to hold their July 1st activities on June 30th in 2018, then they may not qualify for funding from the Department of Canadian Heritage. July 1st falls on a Sunday in 2018, and with the various church services being held on that day, it would be difficult for the Town to hold all their activities on that same day. NOTE: At the time of this writing, the Clerk was informed that because of special circumstances, the application would be deemed eligible for possible funding. d) Sea Side Heritage Building: The future use of the Seaside Heritage building was discussed in length Councillor Atkinson motioned, seconded by Councillor Stoddard, that an ad be put in the local paper, on our facebook page and on our website, that Council would look at proposals from the public regarding the future use of the Seaside Heritage building. Motion carried. e) 2018 Committee Appointments: New committee appointments and that of the deputy mayor would be decided upon at the next regular meeting of Council in January 2018. f) Vacation Beds – Bayside Home: The issue of a lack of vacation beds at the Bayside Home came up during the meeting. Councillor Atkinson motioned, seconded by Councillor Stoddard, that a letter be written to the Minister of Housing asking that they strongly consider at least two vacation beds at Bayside Home and a letter be written to the Municipality of Barrington asking for their support on this issue, both letters to be cc’d to Bayside Home. Motion carried. g) Councillor Quinlan: Councillor Atkinson motioned, seconded by Councillor Baker, that a card and $100 be given to Councillor Quinlan to assist with any extraordinary expenses that she may encounter while away for medical reasons. Motion carried. 2056 As there was no other business to discuss, at 9:00pm Councillor Baker motioned that the meeting be adjourned. Next regular meeting of Council will be Wednesday January 3rd, 2018. ________________________ _________________________ Mayor Town Clerk |